Home » Hey, let’s get upset at the rich who don’t pay taxes


Hey, let’s get upset at the rich who don’t pay taxes — 7 Comments

  1. i am tired of hearing them called unintended consquecnes.. that’s not what they are most of the time…

    most of the time they are “ignored principals or operation and causation leading to a known end that is denied to get a double plus

    going in the bad outcome is denied to win over the less spectacular truth… (often its done to hide an ulterior motive that the bad outcome facilitates)

    coming out we then dont hold them to merit, as merit would weed out sycophants, incompetents, malcontents, traitors, and so on, and favor competency…

    so they then can collect by denying they took that action to get that bad end!

    ie. this is how abortion is eugenics.

    oh… we didnt know it would keep the black population stagnant… we didnt know it would result in below replacement births in whites and jewish families.. we didnt know it would cause a boom in minorities too stupid to vote freedom over slavery… etc.

    its the old old soviet game of selling some mass action that is not at all about what the target gtoal is. but the ulterior goal

    today, russia is so desperate to recover from the problems caused by the same things we adopted they are trying to pay women to have babies!!! (they exterminated themselves then delivered the same toxin to us, we did so too, and neither is looking like it will survive the extra 32 million chinese men due to THEIR policies designed to take advantage of these stupid policies)

    the saddest part is that if you heard or read the conversations behind this stuff, you would know that this bad outcome was the target thing to create.

    here, an example.

    women follow feminism, and now women are having horrid relationships, are barren, have majority sexually transmitted diseases, and now suffer heart disease and lung cancer, and alcoholism. but mostly in the target race, not the others left targeted demographically.

    unintended consequences?

    well, if you read the leaders missives over the past 150 years. they all say they want to end marriage. so it it a unintended consequence that their policies have led to EXACTLY that end?

    if women held them to merit, then they woudl never have been their masters… gathering up the benefit of others to themselves and hurting them for more benefit!

    how so? hey, what aobut smoking and drinking? prior to the feminist rags, women didnt smoke… in countries that didnt have those rags, women smoke and drink at much lower rates. in countries whith white women, they are now called laddettes and so forth. madonnas new hit song is GANG BANG…

    so the socialists got in bed with tobacco and alcohol as the more sensible women (not their daughters who were so much smarter thanks to school dumbing the women down and indoctrinating them and conditioning them – who taught little girls to holler at men who are nice to them?)

    so they sold their constutuency out… their mags were full of cigarette ads, and alcohol… and articles that fomented things like gang banks and sex sex sex..

    30 years later… we have the red dress program where the same people are collecting money and using it for their politics, under the auspices of curing women from the deseass they have now because they were told alcohol, cigarettes, and sex were liberating.

    if the women had any common sense that alone would be enough to destroy and remove them… (well, if a doctor injected you secretly with a disease so he can treat you for insurance money years later, you would forgive him and give him extra money and march for him, no?)

    if your SMART, and you can take the time to THINK, you might notice that each policy added and position taken is to choose the genocidal path (As defined by the man who invented the term!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    EVERY point…
    its like flipping a coin a dozen times and it coming up heads and unlike rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, you dont notice.

    they dont even notice when the census says 283 million cant have as many children as 83 poorer people.

    they dont notice when the STD rate is over 50% now… and the progressives are dumping lots of money to get medicine to fix the problem so they can continue to celebrate gang bang with maddona

    the birth rate is below replacement. been so for over a decade.. but thats not genocide.. right?

    so this is how bad it is…
    the victims and sufferers cant even conceptualize that the people they are begging for relieve are sadists loving their pain and increasing it for gain.

    i guess that is what it means to have your consciousness raised… you no longer see that the relief is the pain… you no longer can tell who is lying… you side against your own future and children… and more.

    from above it looks like a few homo sapiens sapiens figured that they could be king of the cromagnons if they could manage them against the other homo sapiens sapiens of which they are the bottom.

    better to be a king of thugs and idiots


    better to rule in a hell of your own making
    than to serve in a heaven of someone elses!!

  2. “better to rule in a hell of your own making
    than to serve in a heaven of someone elses!!”

    And a free lifetime supply of 32 oz. high fructose corn syrup sodas along with 2 lbs. of greasy french fries for the first 100,000,000,000 rulers of their own personal hell. (I favor freedom to be an idiot and suffer the consequences.)

  3. No regulation can prevent tax evasion or capital flight. Capital markets are much more flexible than any possible legislation. If you want money to be invested at home, the only way to ensure it is to create attractive investment climate.

  4. Sergey, absolutely correct. Now, if we could just convince the democrats and President Obama of that.

  5. Artfldgr would make a great politician. Ask him what time it is and he’ll tell you how to build the watch

  6. Someone suggested an exclusive low (i.e. 2-3% with a fixed minimum) gross wealth tax which would be applicable to everyone, from the wealthiest to the poorest. His analysis indicates this would result in an absolute tax less than the cumulative taxes we are currently subject to. That’s not the end of his proposal, but it does constitute the bulk of tax (or public income) reform.

    Everyone should have a vested interest to realize a positive outcome in their community, state, and nation. Everyone, with the rare exception, should be productive (but not necessarily equal) members of society. The goal should be to minimize incentives and increase risk to people who would choose to ignore their proper responsibility in a society. Involuntary exploitation to fund government operation and “promote the general Welfare” should neither be progressive nor selectively punitive.

  7. John Dough,

    but that is the sign of a good engineer, not a good politician… a good politician will keep the watch plans a secret, then make the watch makers make the watches run funny to expand work hours to increase tax revenue. if not that, then they would keep the informaiton secret, mete it out for a fee, and so every idiot must slave to the timekeepers.

    i share information and you spit on it cause its free? phie on you… go earn it in the ovens yourself…

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