Home » And Harrison Ford’s…


And Harrison Ford’s… — 18 Comments

  1. It’s a little known fact that Will Rogers had a very strong life long interest in the sciences, particularly in genetics and invitreo fertilization techniques. He was also, in his later years, a chronic onanist. Fortuneately these two life-long interests came together in his declining years and he left a number of sperm samples behind in freezers across the country during his last tour in 1935. Ford’s mother, one Dora Nidelman, happened to be working in Chicago, Illinois’ Swedish Covenant Hospital where Rogers had left a deposit some six years previously when, having married one Christopher Ford, discovered that while he husband was infertile, the Roger’s sperm was still viable. Over the course of many nights during here shift Dora succeeded in impregnating herself. The rest as they say is history even if it is history that is not widely known because of the stigma attached to self-impregnation by donated sperm in the dark ages of 1942.

  2. OK, Neo. Inquiring minds want to know:

    Are you and vanderleun trying to out-Latka Andy Kaufman? Setting up an Elizabeth Warren spoof? Something to do with Kal-El?

  3. lets spend time and find out what color his underwear is… or perhaps if he likes jello..

    its not like you or i are important enough that strangers waste time thinking about for no reason while ignoring other things that would matter more in the long run.. eh

    i guess your just fawning over the Justin beiber of the elderly set… its the important things in life like that which liberation is all about… eh?

  4. some aging actor is more important than this:

    Massachusetts’ Legislature Favors Popular Vote over Electoral College: Will Your Vote Get Neutralized?

    Washington Legislature Looks to Neutralize Electoral College

    and lots more…

    there is absolutely no way to stop Shoa II until after its too late to stop it.

    “Shut up, you moron, or I’ll tear you to pieces! You should have hanged yourselves rather than come here. Didn’t you know what was in store for you here in Auschwitz?
    You didn’t know? In 1944?”
    True. We didn’t know. Nobody had told us. He couldn’t believe his ears.

    would they have listened if someone did?

    we have the “advantage” of knowing it is possibel, weisel didnt… so we have not the excuse that “nobody told us”…

    but thats what your waiting for..
    someone you believe to tell you
    otherwise, as with the prior history, ignore it
    find diversions in nothings

    Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of independence 17 lost their fortunes, 12 had their homes destroyed, 5 became prisoners of war, 1 had two sons imprisoned on the British starving ship Jersey, 1 had a son killed in battle, 1 had his wife die from harsh prison treatment and 9 signers died during the War.

    “We must hang together or most assuredly we hang separately.” Benjamin Franklin

    First the Volk came for the oppressors
    but i didnt stop them, for i thought i was not an oppressor\
    then they came for the jews, but i didnt stop them, i was secular
    then they came for the capitalists, but i didnt stop them, i had no job
    then they came for me, and no one stopped them, for there was nobody left to

    The moral battles being fought show that those that act at all are leading a defensive campaign and the majority does not fight.

    There is no unity of purpose and action.
    The reason for that is small thinking and moral compromises.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Claus von Stauffenberg

    were betrayed by their own people who took up diversions, avoided the whole thing, and gave evil a free hand while they wasted their mental energies pretending thing are ok, by NOT paying attention and go through the motions of some kind of normal entertaining discourses with others.

    The battle is for power, and morality is the battle ground.

    that which is ordering loose morals, favoring disease, lack of fecundity, misery, death, and so on..

    ARE NOT DOING WOMEN OR MEN A SOCIAL GOODNESS – regardless of what they say and how good it sounds!

    a person “who has meditated on the Passion of Christ but has not meditated on the extermination camps of Dachau and Auschwitz has not yet fully entered into the experience of Christianity in our time.”
    Thomas Merton

  5. Art –

    I’ve read the above paragraph concerning the signers of the Declaration of Independence in several circulating emails. I’ve checked on it and found it misleading at best. The most concise study of it can be found at Snopes.com where some of the erroneous and misleading statements are mentioned and clarified. But on the whole, war is hell and there are often unwarranted casualties and retribution on all sides. I have no doubt that if the war had been fought in England, the American rebels would have committed similar acts.

  6. Wow. My first reaction is – it’s sad to see him pimping for AARP, the traitors. liars and con-men. Yeah, I know it’s just an interview…

    My second is, I love that song, and the pic of her Dad caught me unexpectedly at the end. Choked up. With a flash of anger at Obama, who has divided us as if we were back in the Civil War. Can’t even think about politics around my parents, who inexplicably weren’t immune to the kool-aid. He rips down everything they ever stood for – and that’s what I see in that cover – the hero cheapened… makes me sad. My parents trust AARP, and they’ve been sold down the river.

  7. That picture of Will Rogers looks a little too Hitler-like for my taste. I guess that was a common hairstyle back then. And that little (mustache-like) divot on his upper lip doesn’t help.

  8. You know, my wife tells me I look like Ford. And I was born in Will’s Oklahoma. And, Indigo Red, I’m a little bit Cherokee.

    I have no idea what any of that means.

  9. Artfldgr: you know, a goodly number of my posts are purposely rather frivolous and/or trivial, meant to entertain, amuse, or just shed light on some aspect of life that has little or nothing to do with politics.

    I make no apologies for it, am in fact happy to do it, and will continue to do it.

    And there are plenty of more serious topics and probably more important topics that I don’t cover. I’m not an encyclopedia of news, or a comprehensive wire service. I write about what happens to interest me to write about, and about which I think I might have something distinctive to say.

  10. One more thing—why does Ford look so much like Will Rogers in that AARP photo?

    A: Because you are old enough
    to remember who Will Rogers is…




    Boy, did you walk into THAT one. 😉

  11. N-Neo…Had to smile when I saw the rugged, handsome ‘coot, Harrison, smiling from your post. Late last night after our Rays lost to Atlanta in a cross league game, I channel surfed on to,”American Graffiti”(1973) about half-hour into the pic. Probably been 30-years since I last saw it…Gawd, what Fun! Anyway, young George Lucas cast young Harrison in a small but very noticeable part as a tough, funny hot-rod street racer with a smart-talkin’ girlfriend riding shotgun…It was head-turning enough for Lucas to cast him in his ‘break out part’ in his second feature,”Star Wars”. And, OFF he went..!

  12. I watched “American Graffiti” last night with a VERY young Harrison Ford, Ron Howard, Richard Dryfuss and others. Wow! Where did time go? Still love that movie! (And personally I like the occasional “frivolous” posts to lighten the mood.

  13. Yep, the “American Graffiti”–Lordy–poster promo line was,”Where were you in ’62..?” Which really made it my generation. 1962 Glendale High(So.Calif)grad. I was a 29-year old at Universal at the time and saw the movie at a pre-release studio screening in Century City, across the plaza from the Playboy Club. Whew…! Lucas and some friends, colleagues were in the back row and knew he had a winner from the reaction. Universal–DUMMIES–turned down his pitch for his next project,”Star Wars”, and Fox bought it…He made a killer merchandise deal as an ‘unimportant’ part of the contract…Can you imagine..? They’re still marketing that stuff and George still gets his healthy cut.
    Seeing Suzanne Somers in the white ’57 T-Bird non-speaking role…Today, May 19th, is my 68th birthday…What a journey,’Yo!

  14. I write about what happens to interest me to write about, and about which I think I might have something distinctive to say.

    You’d think this was YOUR blog or something, NeoCon, and not created to pander to whatever interests US.

    Now I’m going to go have a moment of silence over the fact that Harrison Ford’s image easily suits the cover of AARP, and that he is no longer the Han Solo (or even the Indiana Jones) of my all-too-long-ago youth.

  15. >>> They’re still marketing that stuff and George still gets his healthy cut.

    Yep… and that would be why he’s a billionaire.

    He, Spielberg, and Cameron are pretty much the Triumvirate that rule Hollywood from the front (others of equal power do so behind the scenes, of course)

  16. P.S., that decision by Universal is about the same level of brain damage as CBS’s “No, we aren’t interested in your ‘Star Trek’. We already have a sci-fi program.” (that would be “Lost In Space”).

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