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Does the allegation that Nancy Pelosi… — 13 Comments

  1. Doesn’t surprise me in the least. In fact I think she is more inclined to tell a whopper than Mr. Obama or Sheriff Joe.

  2. I’m with “John”.

    I’m more surprised when such as Pelosi ^don’t^ lie.

    Whatever it takes to further the agenda.

  3. Recall that the liberal CNN’s Liberal Jack Cafferty called Nancy a horrible woman.

    That and the probability that in the race for the ‘pound for pound stupidest Congressperson’ it’s a dead heat between Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, is all anyone needs to know about Nancy.

  4. I am SHOCKED, ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED to find out that Nancy Pelosi lied. Next we will find out that the sun rises in the East, or that there are copious amounts of water found in the oceans of the earth.

  5. Poor Nancy, she just can’t help herself. She thought water boarding was a recreational activity kinda like surf boarding. Even if she did understand that they were doing stressful things to the unlawful combatants, she prolly thought it couldn’t be much worse than the botox or other aesthetic procedures which she has endured. Besides that poor KSM came out 50 pounds lighter – saved from diabetes and/or coronary problems. Where’s the harm?

  6. Nancy Pelosi? How do you do her justice?

    Well, do you remember that time back in 94 (I hate to do this to you, but we’re describing Nancy Pig-on-the-loose, here, so prepare yourself.) You got that call from the nephew who was adopted by your sister, she’s a dear, but needing to feel good about herself and fighting that biological clock (stamp, stamp, Marisa Tomie) which turned out to be psychosomatic since she had three kids after marrying Phil, well, you remember the damn youngster who was a drunk at seventeen and your family took turns drying and loving the punk back out on the streets?

    Not a good memory? Well, it get’s worse. You’re in the bus station waiting for precious and thinking “My God, who are these people?” There’s an old black man mopping the men’s bathroom entrance. The lockers are scarred and bare the marks of lost keys, lost dreams, lost powers. And the whole place is loud and too blaringly and powerfully bright. Damn. What is this? Worship Pol Pot day?

    And you have to wait because the bus is late. Of course it’s late. It’s carrying your duty to your sister’s preternatural fear of non-existence which became obsolescent as soon as a natural popped out. It’s not the kid’s fault you tell yourself. Be helpful, loving, kind, Christian. What would Jesus do? (Get the hell out, quick. And you make a protective cowl out of your shoulders and laugh lest anyone suspect your just commited sin. Yeah, you’re a nice guy, less power to you from the Obama crowd.)

    And then, just then, sitting on the most uncomfortable plastic chair ever designed, that is ripped nearly in half, and located next to the cigarette trash can, a bum, a real life honest to goodness bum, snarks up a living alien hocking good spittle example of living tissue and spits three inches away from your nose, eyes, ears and quivering limbs. There, that refuse, that spittle, containing blood, mucous, bowel, unconsciousness and hate, that, THAT is Nancy Pelosi. And we have all been privy to that experience of unutterable stupidity and cupidity.

  7. I’d like to point out in my obtrusive vignette, the old black man mopping is the hero, the only worker described, who year after year mopped up and cleaned up and did the best he could and even though he didn’t end up on the Supreme Court like Clarence Thomas, holds him in high regard and thinks Obama is nothing more than a charlatan given the ease and is a sell out. His pride is that he goes home to a middle class house and has three children who are all graduated from college and despite their pleas cannot convince him to stop working.

  8. Simply ask each Democratic congressman if he/she believes the preponderance of evidence that she lied or not. Then ask them who they will vote for for speaker. Make them pay for supporting her.

  9. I often think of a statement by a former Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn, “Son, always tell the truth. Then you’ll never have to remember what you said the last time.”

  10. She lied about her prior knowledge of waterboarding.

    There is substantial evidence that she engaged in insider trading while speaker of the house.

    Her family business and constituents have been granted numerous obamacare waivers.

    She used and abused the use of government jets for personal travel — it was wildly excessive, as was were her lavish t&e accounts.

    Really, there is more than enough evidence to put her away. “Where’s the outrage?”, as Bob Dole used to say.

    The non-scandal of open secrets never fails to amaze me.

  11. For the Left(Hello Comrade Pelosi..!)nothing outweighs the agenda of the Left. Thus Lies are easily told, religious beliefs(Catholic in Comrade Pelosi’s case..) easily forgotten, moral principles dishonored ALL for the Program..The Dialectic.

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