I want to offer an extra and very heartfelt thank-you to all of you readers who have continued to use my blog as their portal to buying stuff from Amazon. The orders keep dribbling in—at a slower pace than over the Christmas holidays, it’s true; but still, it adds up over time. So don’t think any item is too small to bother with. I know it’s hard to remember to do it, but I deeply appreciate every single effort.
I never know who you are, by the way, because only the items and the amounts come through, not names. But it’s wonderful to see.
Also, every now and then a Paypal donation comes in, even when I’m not having a campaign to pass the hat. That’s wonderful to see too!
Coincidentally, the last time you mentioned this topic I was in Chicago as I am this evening. Tomorrow my sweet daughter undergoes her final chemotherapy session (hurrah) and once again I will write that I will gladly send you more green backs via paypal when I return to Iowa.
Your blog is one of my favorite places on the weird world of the web. You have created an interesting and welcoming eco-techno niche. Thanks.
I have been using your link to Amazon when I am buying books for my Kindle (which I was given for Christmas last year). I like the idea that I am making some return (even if a small one) for all the pleasure I have had from reading your blog.