Home » Ah, but polygamous Mormon ancestors…


Ah, but polygamous Mormon ancestors… — 7 Comments

  1. Interesting dilema for the democrats: to continue to explore family (and dog) issues or not. I think the cover of the media will encourage them to keep trying, although the results will be lame even if they hit on something.

  2. Obama’s ancestors, much like Obama, are resistant to all manner of criticism, protected by one, a combination, or all qualifying inoculums: race, minority status, diverse background, third-world exoticism, historical grievance, current resentment, or as exemplars of the post-white future perfect. All this would be funny if it weren’t pandemic.

  3. There are and have been prominent Democrats of the Mormon faith. Harry Reid, the majority leader in the Senate, is Mormon.

    The Udall family boasts a multigenerational political pedigree that can compare to the Tafts, Stevensons, Kennedys, and Bushes. The Udall family, with a few current exceptions, is Mormon. It is similarly, with few exceptions, of the Democratic Party.

    Stewart Udall served in the US House of Representatives [D-AZ] from 1955-1961, and was Secretary of the Interior from 1961-69. His brother Morris Udall [D-AZ] was in the House of Representatives from 1961-1991, and ran for President in 1976.

    Stewart Udall and Morris Udall were grandchildren of David King Udall, who is considered the family patriarch.

    Three great grandchildren of David King Udall either are in the US Senate or have been in the US Senate this century. Gordon Smith, the grandson of Jesse Udall, and great-grandson of David King Udall, was a US Senator from Oregon from 1997-2009. [R-OR]. Senator Mark Udall [D-CO] , the son of Morris, has been in the Senate since 2009. Senator Tom Udall [D-NM], the son of Stewart, has also been in the Senate since 2009. Mark Udall is the only Udall family politician who is not a Mormon.

  4. Obama and his surrogates better wake up soon and realize the risk they run by attacking Romney–on any grounds, especially familial.

    Obama’s roots are so exotic that he is just too vulnerable to be raising such issues.

    I have to assume that the Governor of Montana, and whoever started doggie-gate, were simply too ignorant to anticipate the cans of worms they were opening. Or maybe we should assume that they are just stupid, since there is a cure for ignorance after all. We will have the answer to that if they begin to raise the issue of grades and collegiate accomplishments. Well, they might say, “Obama was the President of the Law Review”, whether he earned the honor or not. Wouldn’t it be fun to hear some people involved in that selection speak out?

  5. Oh, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

    The MSM is going to pull out all the stops to get this guy reelected — like nothing we have EVER seen.

    It will be multi-pronged, and attacks on Romney (and the politics of personal destruction leveled at whoever his running mate ends up being too, let’s not forget — he or she WILL become an intentional distraction from the issues) are only a part of the plan.

    I see a second major strategy to be as follows:

    Every slight uptick in the economy –even faux upticks, of which there will be numerous (such as doctored up unemployement numbers), any slight reduction in gas prices, etc. — will be spun as evidence that, “under Obama,” the “economy he inherited” is “finally beginning to turn around,” and even though “some say” that his presidency has been ineffective, “the facts” are that “we will never know” how effective the “successful start” of his policies and leadership willl have been, without him “being able to complete the job.”

    These are not editorials I am talking about. These will be in “news” articles and “lead off reports” on t.v…….CONSTANTLY.

    Negative stories like Fast and Furious, or Michelle’s upcoming 3 week September vactation to yet another elite resort, etc., etc., will never see the light of day.

    Watch out for what is NOT reported and not only what IS reported.

    The MSM knows full well that this is a Waterloo Moment for the left wing. Obama needs another four years in order to install a left wing majority onto the SC and Federal district and appellate courts. We are in for the biggest propaganda onslaught we have seen in any of our lives.

  6. A single standard for all people? Surely you jest. That would be the beginning of the slippery slope ending in such crazy ideas as “the content of their character.” I shudder to think of it.

    /sarc (should be obvious, but then I remembered the Leftists)

  7. While polygamy is not popular (in the States), in the traditions of our nation’s origins, I actually have no issue with it. It is written of in the Jewish, Christian, and other faiths and traditions. My problem is with casting stones in glass houses, especially when someone still misses the mark. My problem with Mitt, dealing with him being LDS and from what I understand about that, isn’t the fact it is the possibility that he is weak in his faith. As for O? I don’t think he has a faith, unless you could consider socialism a faith.

    No, I am not advocating polygamy or any of the other multiple spouse ideas. Just that several generations ago, for anyone… and? My great-greats were slave owners. And I think it went further than that. It is in there blood now, not the way one might initially think. I’m not going to take any guff for any of it.

    Odd, I am sure, to some. But that is my take.

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