Home » Caught that baton


Caught that baton — 10 Comments

  1. I can’t believe you got to the grey hair stage of life without ever wearing a t-shirt that said anything. Especially a former “progressive” like you.

  2. I must confess that once, and only once, in a moment of extreme weakness I painted one of my small toenails red.

    And I must also confess that yesterday I got my annual pedicure. I tell you it is the “World O’ Women” in those joints, but my toenails are no longer scaring me.

  3. In the interests of full disclosure–I suddenly realized that #6 is not true. It should be amended to read: I’ve never lied about my age to make myself seem younger.

    I certainly lied about my age to seem older (sigh). It was done so long ago that it totally slipped my mind (how depressing is that?), and it was all about fake IDs and drinking. I would imagine the statute of limitations has run out on that particular crime.

  4. Hmmm…not sure how I feel; done 1-3 (does laid off count as fired?) and 7-10.

    BTW, neo, thanks for helping me articulate my fairly new political stance. As others may know from my comments on Roger Simon’s site, I have become one of those rare beasts, a conservative, or at least conservative-leaning academic. Makes for some interesting conversations!

  5. Wasn’t Woody’s dad a piece of work as well?

    TWD, yup Woody Harleson’s dad Charles assasinated federal judge John Woods in San Antonio in 1979. The wholesome all American family.

  6. I’m crafty, in case you’d like to use another for number 8.

    You are the apple of my eye, so you know it would be a treat. 🙂

  7. *huffpuffhuffpuffhuffpuffSLAPgotit*

    It will be a few hours before I can respond; time sheet, downloads, and a trip to the grocery store interfere with the blogging thing…

    *huffpuffhuffpuffhuff… receding around the curve in the track with a big smile on my face…*

  8. Wasn’t Woody’s dad a piece of work as well?

    Good job on the list, Neo!

  9. TmjUtah

    Well done….another fine citizen, originally from Midland Texas. Many of us fine citizens are from Midland including Gen. Tommy Franks, Tommy Lee Jones and George and Laura Bush.

    A not so fine citizen from Midland is Woody Harleson.

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