Home » Stop the presses! Geriatric Claudia Schiffer still looks pretty darn good


Stop the presses! Geriatric Claudia Schiffer still looks pretty darn good — 18 Comments

  1. Hate to tell everyone, but my Child Bride is 65, and is still a beautiful, beautiful, shapely, sexy woman! Age is not necessarily a barrier to timeless beauty!!

  2. A 41 year old is a BABY! 🙂

    BTW, Neo, I know you like YouTube so thought I’d pass along some info on a new way to watch YouTube (for me anyway). I have a Roku for playing Internet movies, music, etc. on my HD TV/sound system. They have just announced a new app for it called “Plex”. With it you can watch YouTube videos on your big ole TV. The data flows off the Internet through your router, into your TV/sound system. Works great. It’s great for playing music, videos, etc. off your computer too.

    You can get a Roku for less than $50.

  3. I have to say that a beautiful woman from the time she is full grown until she dies can easily be seen as still beautiful. Yeah, it changes. And a beautiful 18 year old isn’t the same as a beautiful 60 year old. Just the other day I did see a beautiful older woman. And you could just tell. I think, though, too… with women… the realization that a woman is no longer fertile has a large (untold? unnoticed? unconscious?) impact on her ratings as to beauty.

    By the way, do those stars who have gone under the scalpel one too many times scare anyone else? I’m talking day of the living dead scary. Natural aging is far kinder than some of the stars I have seen. I’d be nervous about approaching someone like that. I couldn’t hide my… horror.

  4. You write: “it didn’t take that much work either: no substance abuse, a bit of exercise and fresh air, and not gaining an inordinate amount of weight.”

    Wait just one darned second! no substance abuse [hard to live without that in the 40s!], a bit of exercise [even a bit can be very exhausting. ]and fresh air [sheer poison!], and not gaining an inordinate amount of weight [It is a huge amount of work to NOT eat the pies, steaks, cakes, and small green salads].

  5. I’m a pretty social 49 year old blessed with a pretty large social circle and the female half is filled with absolutely stunning women in the range of 35-45 or so. What I most appreciate is their confidence. I’ve known many of them since high school (or longer) and most are far less insecure today than in their early 20’s (when they could absolutely stop a clock). Con’t know if this is a rule or an exception but it’s nice.

  6. I must say 41 year old women look vastly better to this 59 year old than they did when I was 19.

  7. My wife, who just celebrated her 65th birthday, is still gorgeous. She works at it, but genetics is a big plus. For one who has enjoyed beauty in all of its forms, when I first saw Claudia Schiffer in those Guess ads, I was blown away!

  8. It’s a huge amount of work to do anything.

    What does David Copperfield and google have in common?

    Brad (Brad!) do have yourself another drink.

  9. I’ve thought for many years that women are at their very most attractive between roughly 30 and 50. They may not be at the peak of physical perfection anymore but something else has been added, some intangible rich feminine thing. It’s like *real* womanhood doesn’t begin till then, and that’s what’s so attractive.

  10. There was a post floating around the ‘net a few weeks ago about Christy Brinkley, who is 58 and looks gorgeous. So Claudia has a ways to go! And no, Brinkley did not “look” done in the frozen face way of done that surgery imparts.

  11. I agree with those you say the brain is the sexiest part of the body. Clearly a 40+ woman is going to have it over a 20 year old.

    BTW at the other end of the spectrum: run some pictures of the young versus the present Bridgette Bardot. That’s what happens to those who get involved in extremist politics.

  12. Boots: I have seen photos of Brinkley, and although she does look fabulous (or, as Mitt Romney and Billy Crystal might say, “marvelous”) for her age, she almost undoubtedly has had work done. Her doctor is very good, though. She probably hasn’t had surgery (at least, technically speaking), but what’s called “procedures,” especially on forehead and cheeks. See this.

  13. They made a big deal about Sela Ward still being hot and in her forties a decade ago. Every once in a while they notice that there are a percentage of older women who manage to maintain a high percentage of their looks, without massive plastic surgery, into their forties (and, granted, some even improve with maturity). This, via highlighting by American Pie, got the term “MILF” and the associated meme, previously limited to circles on the intenet, added to the general vernacular.

    Clearly, Rachel Hunter was another recent example of such a woman about the same time as Sela Ward.

    As Neo notes “not gaining an inordinate amount of weight” is significant, and not particularly easy for a woman — I’d suggest this, along with not smoking in most cases (tends to ruin the skin’s elasticity) is the key thing… along with not over-bleaching the hair to make it blonde when the woman is a brunette (or trying to go platinum when a dirty blonde) — never seen any woman whose hair this didn’t eventually fry and make it look like crap.

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