Home » Venezuela welcomes some new inmates: Trump and his court order “defiance”


Venezuela welcomes some new inmates: Trump and his court order “defiance” — 26 Comments

  1. RE: Congress’ power over judges and the courts

    Former Speaker Gingrich was on TV today, talking about how the Congress actually has an array of ways it can deal with rogue judges and courts.

    The first thing which comes to mind is, of course, “impeaching” a rogue judge.

    But there are also other actions which Congress can take to rein these people in.

    Congress has the power to “realign,”or to even abolish courts.

    Congress can also just abolish/zero out the funding for a particular court.

    Gingrich also recommended that Congress haul these Leftist judges in to explain the legal reasoning behind their rulings, and how their rulings square with the Constitution.

  2. However, on a related note…

    I saw a meme on “the Democrats’ Guide to ‘Is it Constitutional?'” with a flow chart:

    Is it Constitutional?
    -> Do you Like it? – > Yes -> It IS Constitutional!
    -> Do you Like it? – > No -> It is NOT Constitutional!

    Seems to about sum it up for them…

  3. A link to the Alien and Sedition Acts per the National Archives is here: https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/alien-and-sedition-acts

    Relevant clauses would include this from section 1: in essence, if the President deems an alien dangerous to peace and safety, he can order you to leave …

    “That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States at any time during the continuance of this act, to order all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, or shall have reasonable grounds to suspect are concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government thereof, to depart out of the territory of the United States, within such time as shall be expressed in such order, which order shall be served on such alien by delivering him a copy thereof, or leaving the same at his usual abode, and returned to the office of the Secretary of State, by the marshal or other person to whom the same shall be directed. And in case any alien, so ordered to depart, shall be found at large within the United States after the time limited in such order for his departure, and not having obtained a license from the President to reside therein, or having obtained such license shall not have conformed thereto, every such alien shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years, and shall never after be admitted to become a citizen of the United States…

    …but Section 4 suggests a court review:

    “That the circuit and district courts of the United States, shall respectively have cognizance of all crimes and offences against this act,” but not necessarily of the order to depart vs. being tried for refusing to comply with the order.

    Section 2 is more specific regarding those in prison:

    “That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, whenever he may deem it necessary (for the public safety, to order to be removed out of the territory thereof, any alien who mayor shall be in prison in pursuance of this act; and to cause to be arrested and sent out of the United States such of those aliens as shall have been ordered to depart therefrom and shall not have obtained a license as aforesaid, in all cases where, in the opinion of the President, the public safety requires a speedy removal.”

    I haven’t delved into the cases on this issue. A lot may turn on what does the nature of the “order” look like; did those who were deported know that they had a duty to comply or not? Curious whether some of Trump’s executive orders may have been sufficient to constitute the notice of the order from the President to justify deportation.

    But this is lawyerspeak. In the real world of not addicted to politics people who will decide the mid-terms swing, a judge saying you can’t deport the gang bangers will sound nuts.

    The DC Circuit issued an order for briefing I presume on the emergency motion to stay the order. You can find these “public interest” orders here without having to go through PACER: https://media.cadc.uscourts.gov/orders/bydate/thismonth

  4. Trump absolutely needs a formal hearing before SCOTUS on the preliminary injunctions – somethings that’s a slam-dunk and there are many – that will put an end to this leftist farce. These judges are usurping constitutional powers not reserved to the judiciary for matters of law that don’t even involve their jurisdictions.

    Either that or he should just ignore them. When asked he can say, “AOC said it was ok.”

  5. . . . challenging the removal of five Venezuelan men under the centuries-old law

    hmmm, and pish-tosh, why must we note this is a “centuries-old” law? Let’s see, what else is like that?

    Just the Constitution of the United States, right!?

  6. I saw a meme on “the Democrats’ Guide to ‘Is it Constitutional?’” with a flow chart:

    Is it Constitutional?
    -> Do you Like it? – > Yes -> It IS Constitutional!
    -> Do you Like it? – > No -> It is NOT Constitutional!

    I am reminded of a lefty narrative about Salvador Allende— that he had conducted his Presidency in a “constitutional” manner, in contrast to the constitution-destroying military, with their killings and decree laws.

    Three weeks before the 1973 coup, Chile’s Chamber of Deputies passed by an 81-47 vote (63%) a resolution that is often titled Declaration of the Breakdown of Chile’s Democracy (1973). It accused Allende of systematic violations of the Constitution. Summary:

    “This is the complete text of the resolution that Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approved by 81 votes against 47, on August 22 1973. The resolution includes a list of the legal and constitutional violations committed by the government of President Salvador Allende. In the absence of a viable impeachment procedure, it “represents” the military ministers in the cabinet of president Allende, among other authorities, with this “grave breakdown of the Republic’s constitutional and legal order.” Likewise, it reminds them “that, by virtue of their responsibilities, their pledge of allegiance to the Constitution, and to the laws of the land . . . it is their duty to put an immediate end to all situations herein referred to that breach the Constitution and the laws of the land.”

    The Wiki article also has a link to José Piñera’s informative discussion (translated by José Piñera) of the resolution.

    Constitution, schmantztitution.

  7. The same people clutching their pearls over Trump defiance of a court order (the horror!) were strangely silent (I could be wrong, but don’t think so) when Biden openly defied the highest court in the country when it ruled his student loan forgiveness was unconstitutional.

    It’s Only Bad When Trump Does It (TM) writ large.

  8. Our “freedom of the press”, an offensively seditious force, must be restricted. It has become an arm of the anti-American propaganda machine that intends the progressive failure into a Marxist-Leninist authoritarian state. Our press has become an authority unto itself.

  9. Cicero has apparently never heard

    Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


    Who will watch the watchers?

  10. Maybe more of these gang members will self deport. They can see Trump means business, as does their home country

  11. sdferr: I’ll see your “couple of centuries” and raise you a millennium or three: “Thou shalt not steal”; Thou shalt not kill”.

    Lab Rat: Might those be the same people who not long ago wanted to remove the filibuster from the Senate protocol only to wail and rend garments when they were denied the use of it this past Friday?

    I wish they sold programs so that we could keep track of the players…

  12. One question that I have is who owns the planes that were used for the flight. One plane was clearly marked as Colombian and the other two may have been chartered by another foreign party. So, perhaps the US government did not have the ability to command the planes to return.

    The illegals have a choice now – stay and risk being sent to that prison where people do not leave, self deport and face whatever punishment the cartel may order, or try to disappear into the interior of the US or elsewhere in the world.

    A back alley tat removal shop may be getting some good business.

  13. With regards to holes and shovels, Trump keeps handing the dems the keys to the excavator.
    Thanks to commenters for the legal research. Be handy in various discussions I foresee.

  14. Lab Rat, I have seen analysis that concludes Bribem CLAIMED to ignore scotus but forgave loans in an area in which he had actual authority to not where scotus said no.

  15. Didn’t Joe Biden effectively tell the Supreme Court to bugger off when they ruled his college loan waiver to be unconstitutional? Hell, even Nancy Pelosi said he didn’t have the authority.

  16. Two things come to mind:

    1) Article 2 of the Constitution grants the President total authority over the Executive Branch … effective the “owner”. “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” … for good or bad.

    2) District judges are just that, judges of a district with no national authority. All these mid-management judges going pish-tosh to the President are like company foremen telling the boss what he can and can not do.

    Only the Supreme Court has the authority to offset actions of the Executive Branch and only within the limits of what the Constitution dictates.

  17. Regardless of how the legal showdown turns out, I’m guessing that in the meantime we’ll be seeing a lot of Tren de Aragua members choose to self deport now rather than risk what awaits them in El Salvador.

  18. Axios typo? Alien Enemies Act of 1789. vs. 1798??

    Geoffrey Britain on March 17, 2025 at 6:13 pm said:
    “Perjury laws should apply to the media.”
    I would be much more likely to subscribe to a news media outlet that had that obligation over them. But is it perjury if you truly believe something that just happens to be false?

    @ Chris B: “… choose to self deport now rather than risk what awaits them in El Salvador.”
    But I believe it was NBC News this evening that pointed out El Salvador was being paid $6M to “house” those 246 (?) folks for one year. Not sure what happens if/when those payments stop??
    And Darn! Perhaps I should reconsider the source.

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