Home » Here’s a thread for Trump’s talk this evening


Here’s a thread for Trump’s talk this evening — 42 Comments

  1. Anticipating.
    I hope for three things.
    1. He will explain clearly his tariff policy
    2. He will explain clearly the deal he offered Ukraine.
    3. He will not exaggerate so much that the Democrats and their media fact checkers will have a field day.
    Well, let’s call this
    3a. He will not hurt his shoulder patting himself on the back.
    Oh. Oh.
    3b. He will not call anyone names. even those who deserve to be called names.

    Obviously, while I love what Trump is trying to do; I hate his tendency to bombastic rhetoric. On the other hand, I have noticed that Trump47 has toned that down somewhat and I am cautiously hopeful
    The Democrats have already advertised their intention to make fools of themselves. Let them play that role.

  2. Will the Democrats all be wearing their brand-new “We stand with Ukraine” T-shirts?

  3. brand-new “We stand with Ukraine” T-shirts?

    That are already out of date with Zelenskyy taking the knee. Hard to keep up these days.

  4. Wow. Melania’s not doing her big brim Clint Eastwood thing tonight.


  5. Rep. Al Green D-TX was standing up, shouting and waving his cane, as Trump spoke.

    After three warnings he was ejected. Great.

  6. Al Green was quite low-class. I wonder if The Dem Party decides and selects some member to do these embarrassing things like Green’s display. Perhaps with a quid pro quo.

    They brought the girl volleyball player who was injured by a trans player. That’s impactful, I hope.

  7. I have to say Trump is ripping the Democrats a new one. And they look pathetic. He’s going on a bit long, but it’s quite entertaining.

  8. Oldflyer… you’re looking for clarity?
    Not tonight brother… this is optics and POTUS Trump is wiping the floor with the Ds. Not much substance but there’s bound to be some beer under all that foam. 😉

  9. 3b. He will not call anyone names. even those who deserve to be called names. — Oldflyer

    Oh, he called Sen. Warren Pocahontas! She smiled and clapped. I missed the exact context. The speech is much too long. I was planning on watching some post analysis talk, but my 70 year old attention span has been exceeded.

  10. Trump announced it. Looks like Zelenskyy has caved. Ukraine will be back to negotiate “under Trump’s strong leadership…. Ready to sign the minerals agreement at any time.”

    Well, they didn’t have a choice, really, but good.

  11. I heard it all except ~ 15 minutes in the middle. I think it was the best political speech I ever heard!

  12. One Democrat member, Al Green of Texas, was escorted out by the Sergeant at Arms, when he wouldn’t stop shaking his cane at and yelling at President Trump.

    Throughout the President’s speech, the rest of the Democrats sat in stony silence, some Democrats holding up little signs saying things like “Elon steals,” “False,” “Save Medicaid,” and “Protect Veterans,” it was pretty juvenile and actually pathetic, proving that the Democrats are lost, and really don’t have anything. I guess the reported protest featuring egg cartons just didn’t work out.

    It sorta looked like an auction, and they were bidding on a clue as to how to counter Trump.

    Meanwhile, during the course of his speech, Trump excoriated Biden, his administration, and several times pointed his finger directly at the Democrats in condemnation. He also pointed to and referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas”

    As Trump has sometimes promised,”too much winning.”

  13. Well, other than Al Green, Democrats made no attempts at disruption. They just “sat in stony silence” as Snow on Pine observed.

    Trump was strong, but not unhinged IMO. His digs at Democrats were quite deserved and hard to dispute. It’s difficult to see where Dems go from here.

    Apparently Greenland is still on the table!

  14. It was an overall good speech. As a friend of mine said, ” He is hitting his stride”. More Presidential that Trump 1.0

    That friend, like myself and many here, voted for Trump but are not under any illusion he is some kind of Messiah.
    That being said, one doesn’t have to be the Messiah to recognize that God spared him from that assassin. Trump acknowledged God’s providence. He spoke out clearly against the transgender madness for kids. Called it a “lie”.

  15. Various congressional testimonies yielded, under some duress, the fact that the Biden machine has mislaid 300k+ kids.. Best the various officials could come up with is that the sponsors aren’t answering the phone.

    This is so bad that mentioning it…..

    Glad Trump didn’t. Too much weight. But I hope somebody gets hold of it. Maybe DOGE can track this stuff down. Or find the kids.

  16. Mike Johnson’s really impressed me this time round. First time I’ve ever seen a speaker direct the Sergeant at Arm’s to remove anybody. He’s showing some backbone.

  17. Breitbart reports on a meaningful reaction poll among speech viewers. Here’s the one lead paragraph takeaway:

    “CBS News/YouGov survey interviewed a nationally representative sample of speech watchers immediately following Trump’s joint address to Congress, and the numbers will please the poll-mindful president. The poll shows an astounding 76 percent of Americans viewing the speech approved of Trump’s remarks, with only 23 percent — less than a quarter — disapproving.”

    MAGA winning! Anyone tired yet?

  18. “It sorta looked like an auction, and they were bidding on a clue as to how to counter Trump.” Snow on Pine wins the internet this evening.

  19. Another deftly-played hand…

    “Antifa protesters planned to block President Trump’s motorcade on the way to the Capitol, but the Secret Service outmaneuvered them by deploying a full decoy motorcade.”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog

    + Bonus:
    “Trump’s Mexican Border Crackdown Is Working”—

    One MORE success for the Democrats to rue…

    Keep ‘em comin’!!!

    BUT they win this one!!


  20. Oh, he called Sen. Warren Pocahontas!
    The appropriate epithet is “Princess Spreading Bull”.

  21. Rep. Al Green D-TX was standing up, shouting and waving his cane
    The man is 77 years old and has been in Congress since 2005. The only passable reason to stay in Congress is that 20 years on the federal payroll is a milestone of note in calculating your pension (though you are vested after 10 years). Per Ballotpedia, he finished his schooling in 1974 and has been on public payrolls since 1977.

  22. That’s impactful
    People who use ugly biz-speak neologisms should receive three thwalks on the head with a sharp object.

  23. Unchecked comment heard early this morning on CNBC:
    At 100 minutes, last night’s speech before Congress was the longest ever by a President!

  24. Reading various descriptions of the event, I missed some other forms of protest by the Dems.

    As Trump was walking in he passed by expressionless Melanie Stansbury, Democrat of New Mexico, who held up a little, hand lettered sign, which said “This is not normal.”

    A Republican on the other side of the isle saw it, he ripped it out of her hands, and sent it flying.

    Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib held a hand lettered sign which read,”No King!.”

    Some other Democrats apparently wore black t-shirts with the word RESIST in white capitol letters on the back.

    And, finally, the camera caught a female Democrat wearing a rumpled pink jacket which, in addition to the usual couple of obligatory pro-LGBTQ+ pins, had all sorts of anti-Trump stuff written all over it in what looked like black marker.

    As I said above, all-in-all, pretty juvenile and pathetic.

  25. It’s one thing if the dems actually believe what they imply by their actions. That would be interesting.

    It would be another if they didn’t believe…but thought they had to pretend. Where did that come from and where would it be going?

  26. Oh, they believe it, alright.

    (Probably one of the few things the actually DO believe in. After all, they’ve spent so much time, money and energy in demonizing Trump that they likely feel they HAVE TO believe it…)

    The faithless Faithful…

  27. Art Deco: Unless the formula has changed, Green is eligible for a full pension after age 62 with 5 years government service. He would need 30 years GS and age 55 for a full pension, and 20 years GS and age 60 for pension. So, Green certainly doesn’t need to wait till he has 20 years in for that pension.

  28. I’ve now had 12 hours for the speech to marinate in my mind.

    It was probably the best POTUS speech I’ve heard in a long time. It was long, but the usual applause interruptions lengthen it. However, I was never bored.

    The tone was upbeat and very positive. Trump will never be a great orator, but his love of country carried the emotion that was on full display, and the audience picked right up on that. He went through the list of everything from the border, economy, etc.

    The Democrats: what a sad, pathetic group of people. From Al Green shaking his cane, and then to the obvious shock of the Ds, Johnson giving 3 warnings, then booting him out. I really think they didn’t expect the “balls” to be there. Their ridiculous matching outfits and absurd little round signs with typical sayings. It was wonderful to see Trump call them out directly. However, what was most devastating was his use of humor and one liners to go after them. My wife, who is very MotR surprisingly watched portions, and when she actually laughed at Trump’s takedowns, I knew those Ds also knew that across the nation people are laughing at them. JD Vance was the real tell. He kept looking over at the Ds and slightly shaking his head and laughing at them.

    While I have zero sympathy for the Democrats; they deserve everything the got coming to them. I also am sad that their party has been reduced to such. The US always needs an opposition party to the one in power. However, that opposition party must also be patriotic. They can have differing opinions, but the good of the country and its citizens should also be a priority. The Ds total moral bankruptcy was on display when they refused to celebrate a kid who has survived brain cancer and was granted his wish of becoming an honorary federal officer. Or, when they also refused to acknowledge a mother who lost her 6 year old girl to an illegal alien and now Trump has renamed a large national wildlife refuge near her home in Houston for the little girl. The Ds sat in stony silence. Their hatred and vileness will be their total undoing.

  29. physicsguy @ 9:17. I concur with all that you wrote.

    I join Neo in avoiding these speeches. I’ve probably only watched 10 in my adult lifetime though I’ve voted in every election since age 18. My husband LOVES watching every political speech–I’m almost always in the next room. I watched this one with him. Trump by way of what happened to him, both out the gate in 2016 and then in the 4 years of the Biden coup that sought to destroy him, is in his rights to boldly, courageously and most importantly, truthfully say what he wants to say. In addition to disliking political speeches, I despise meetings that basically go over everything you can read and understand, but somehow needs to be addressed in person in a group–a waste of my time. The President is the voice of leadership in the nation beyond the nuts and bolts of business at hand. President Trump, in presenting what he wants to say, in a fashion that is out-of-step with every previous address in the last many years, is a breath of fresh air, making it worth my while to hear him. Granted if I was in “the opposition”, I wouldn’t give it the time of day. But that is me, not the people who make politics their life and politicize everything to the detriment of civil discourse. As of Trump’s 1st speech and the way he has moved like light-speed, his adversaries have lost the microphone–something we have been subjected to for years. What a turnaround. I can only hope that real change results down the road. Speaking as a citizen of California, believe me, it’s essential.

  30. I’m not one for speeches, especially long speeches. But I sat through the entirety of Trump’s address, enjoyed it and even had a tear in my eye a time or two.

    Trump had the right touch throughout, sounding gentle even when he was scolding the Democrats. Great move to predict their sour, stone faces at the beginning.

    The speech provided an excellent Before and After comparison of Biden and Trump. The Democratics’ time in the wilderness will be long.

  31. Art Deco: Unless the formula has changed, Green is eligible for a full pension after age 62 with 5 years government service. He would need 30 years GS and age 55 for a full pension, and 20 years GS and age 60 for pension. So, Green certainly doesn’t need to wait till he has 20 years in for that pension.
    Another scandal. The only people who should be earning early retirement credits are construction workers and uniformed police, military, and firefighters. Even for these, credits earned should be a function of years of service (as in you earn 0.38 months for every month you are on the job, pro-rating for p/t employees).

  32. To the best of my recollection, I have never observed a Presidential address for more than a minute or so. Last night I looked at some short videos of Trump’s speech. I intend to watch it in full.

    The Demos apparently believed that their incessant attacking of Trump would have no effect on Republican voters. Demos assumed Republican voters would merely write off attacks on Trump as just more partisan jujitsu. I can’t speak for all Republican voters, but the incessant attacks on Trump have substantially increased my dislike for the Democrat brand.

    Along that line, Trump’s humorous jabs at Democrats and their attacks helped calm things down. If Trump can laugh it off, maybe I should.

    Another scandal. The only people who should be retiring at 55 are construction workers and uniformed protective services personnel.

    The teacher I had for 10th and 12th grade Math was an exceptionally good teacher, maybe the best I teacher I ever had. She also drove a Corvette and advised the Ski Club. 🙂

    She retired at age 52, after 32 years of teaching, and lived 34 more years. (Graduated from college at age 20.) (I believe she timed her retirement with that of her police chief husband, who retired at age 60.) Better to have had 32 years of her exceptional teaching than 40 years of mediocre teaching.

  33. Trump VOLUNTEERED for service in 2016. He was a billionaire, gave his POTUS salary to charity, and surely did not need, nor deserve, the vicious hostility of Democrats.
    The Democrats have become Stalinists. Like Stalin and the Leninists, they seek the destruction of the nuclear family, which is the backbone of America.

  34. “If Trump can laugh it off, maybe I should.”

    One thing I learned from the speech last night is that laughing at the Ds is much more effective than taking them seriously anymore. And it’s much more a mentally healthy attitude for us on the other side.

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