Home » Open thread 3/4/2025


Open thread 3/4/2025 — 14 Comments

  1. + Bonus…(solely for your entertainment…)

    The Canadian pol that DJT refers to (and aptly shreds) in the link above…

    “Britain Can Nuke Trump To Protect Canada, Says Bonkers Chrystia Freeland”—

    (Indeed, this specimen believes she has an excellent chance of replacing Trudeau as Party Leader…yes…BUT before one starts rolling around the floor in unstoppable hysterical laughter, she just may have a point…seeing as she’s referring to the Labour Party of Canada…)

  2. Somehow I came across this today. Maybe from Sarah Hoyt’s site. Anyway, I thought it was interesting, but it all gets deeply philosophical.


    However, the guy who put this video together titles it, “Elite Professor Challenges Jordan Peterson on Stage & It Backfires Spectacularly”.

    Except it’s not Jordan Peterson, although the guy does cut away to him from time to time. The real story is, I think, more interesting. It is a debate, old fashioned style, with a winner and a loser declared by the audience, between a post modern philosopher, and Stephen Hicks, a professor of philosophy that this guy has evidently confused with Jordan Peterson. I think Stephen Hicks is about as sharp a guy arguing the case for freedom you’re going to find.

    Anyway, here is that full debate if anyone has the time. I think it’s absolutely fascinating, but it does get very deep into philosophical jargon, and it is nearly an hour and a half long. But I couldn’t tear myself away.


  3. Yes he was hilarious and unlike harvey korman probably didnt break character as often

    How did a financial times columnist with dodgy antecedents rise so far in canadian politics

  4. I’m doubtful a “deeply” modifier of “philosophical” is warranted Mike, if only because of my sense that a deep dialogue on philosophy would entail first many hours on end of earnest searching, and thus having prodded our interest, the consequence of a lifetime of pursuit of our object in an effort to get to the bottom of things.

    Like for instance merely beginning with the question “philosophy — is it something, or nothing? And if it is something, what then is it? Can we distinguish the philosopher from the sophist, say?”.

    And so on. Too, generally speaking, heaps of jargon tend to be a tipoff that we’re probably not remotely in the vicinity of our object.

    (I have to add that while your first link was accessible, your second was not, resulting only in a blank page.)

  5. The answer is simple we dont need postmodernism what purpose does it serve also alchemy divining and hisruptcy

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