First world problems
There’s been so much big news every day since Trump’s inauguration that it’s hard to keep up. Today, though, I was further hampered by a new computer problem – this time a bum modem. I’ll skip the details, but let’s just say I’m too tired from struggling with that (and fixing it, I think) to write some of the larger posts I had planned for today, although I hope to get around to them tomorrow or the next day.
Meanwhile, I went out for a walk while it was still light out. I can’t wait till the clocks spring forward in just a couple of weeks!
Speaking of which, I saw this the other day:
Speaking for myself, I don’t need a clock change to make me feel good about the lengthening of daylight hours. It sure feels good to have the sun up well before 7am and still up after 5pm.
I can wait for the time change. I think it’s absurd. My whole life dealing with this human folly. Sorry about your tech issues. Bummer.
Robins. Do they disappear from your area in the winter?
Turdus Migratorious. Not quite news of crocus shoots but close enough an indication.
Jon baker:
You see much fewer, especially in a snowy year. This year has been snowy.
See this.
I have to ask: what benefit do you get from the clock change?
Here in CO we are having what are called Chinook Winds. High, warm winds. Was 62 today, going to be in the 60’s all week. Doesn’t mean we can’t get snow and some cold, but not too cold.
steve walsh:
When you set the clocks forward one hour, it stays light later. I love that.
There seems to have been a dearth of birds where I am in the Midwest, but I’ve seen robins and cardinals the last couple days!
I support eliminating Daylight Saving Time, which I think is a rather “conservative” stance. President Trump agrees.
Seeing your photo and drawing a blank on recalling the name “robins”, I did a quick search for “orange breasted birds” to obtain a list. Turns out I had listings providing 7, 13, 15, 21, 25, and 27 candidates.
I had enough of waking up at O Dark Thirty while in the Army and while working. Now retired, I like being able to wake up or get up with the sun de-eclipsing in the morning. If you remember the adage “Spring forward; Fall back” for clock settings, there should be little confusion. Plus, with an Internet of Things in your house, the internet and computers [will] do a lot of that change over for you.
Then again, FL doesn’t have the swings from 8 vs 16 hours of light that Seattle, Chicago, et al. do.