Home » It’s hard to say goodbye to your MAGA friends but unfortunately they’re Nazis


It’s hard to say goodbye to your MAGA friends but unfortunately they’re Nazis — 32 Comments

  1. Probably this woman, and her commenters, have very little information about actual Nazis, what they believed and practiced, and whether there are any corollaries to Trump, Vance, or any other now-mainstream Republicans, or to conservatives in general. Rush Limbaugh called people like this “low-information voters.”

    Her loss is that she is removing people from her life for no good reason.

  2. Oh man. Could anyone possibly come up with a more obnoxious stereotype of the AWFL? The grating voice, the bossy tone, and at the end the self-satisfied smirk.

    A quick search shows she’s a former Republican operative, traumatized by Trump. Sad!

  3. Folks like the woman in the video have the worst combination of human traits imaginable; ignorance, intolerance, stupidity, arrogance and just plain hatred.
    She is the kind of individual that would have no compunction tossing into gas chambers anybody she considers an enemy of the state.

    The “friends” she has rejected are the ones that are now better off. They no longer have to deal with such a miserable life form.

  4. Dadgummit, ya made me look.

    Well then, she says “it’s hard” but it sure doesn’t appear hard at all: a bit of foam here, a dash of froth there and presto, Bob’s your uncle, pronuciamento forthcomes, vacuous as the day is long.

  5. The obsession the left (and disaffected Republicans like this woman) has with Mustache Man and the NSDAP party, regime and ideology — I refuse to use the common four-letter abbreviation which has become nothing more than a vile and overused slur — is bizarre. It was specific to one nation at one time long ago in a very different world context and it was completely defeated eighty years ago, leaving only scattered fringe adherents.

    There is tremendous irony in that the one political organization today that bears some resemblance happens to be in Ukraine, the country they proudly “stand with.”

    They also love to throw down the related F-bomb — not the one that refers to sex — without having a clue about its actual historic meaning and application.

    OTOH, Soviet Communism and Maoist Communism in China had much longer life spans and further reach and were far more damaging in the long run. They’ve only had a problem with Russia long after the demise of the Soviet empire.

  6. one political organization today that bears some resemblance happens to be in Ukraine, the country they proudly “stand with.”
    Actually, its only locus since 1945 has been the Near East, though features of it could be seen here and there in Latin America prior to 1990. None of the notable political parties in the Ukraine draw from that source.

  7. Interesting that she is a TDS Republican operative.

    Her characterization of MAGA people:

    “They have no problems coming in and disrupting everything in YOUR life to make their points. That is what a cult is.”

    I have no experience of discussing politics with TDS Republicans. My experience with political discussions with Democrats and Republicans is that those who are “coming in and disrupting everything in YOUR life to make their points” are much more likely to be Democrats than Republicans– let alone MAGA people. Which is why, in a conference call with siblings and cousins, we made “no politics” a prerequisite. Because the yellow-dog Democrat relatives were continually hijacking conversations to make their political points. To make it worse, they denied documented facts that didn’t fit the approved Democrat narrative de jour. Which is why “no politics” was the only way to go.

    For those TDS folk who delight in calling Trump supporters Nazis, my suggestion is that they read some Holocaust memoirs. Then ask yourself: “Is the way that Nazis treated Jews similar to the way that MAGA people treat their political opponents?” Only a complete idjit would reply, “Yes.”

    I would add that my Jewish friends who support Trump, and who have family living in Israel, do not appreciate being called Nazis.

  8. Ah cheri jacobus talk about an irrelevant figure in this world.

    Of course there are no real sources of complaint just feelings

  9. As I’ve documented, the friends I’ve lost cut me off not the other way around. They claim we are a cult, but looks like standard liberal projection. Also the smugness and “holier than thou” attitude from the woman in the video is so typical. Again, for me, it’s so sad to see this happening.

  10. Professional flacks can be low-information. Just look around the legacy media outlets.

  11. Art Deco:

    While our friends in the Near East — I don’t hear that term used very often — share the Jew hatred with the NSDAP, Islam is a different ideology altogether.

    So the Azov Battalion, contrary to what is often claimed, has nothing in common with the NSDAP?

    And Cheri baby, can you say “projection?” Sure you can.

  12. Marissa doesn’t acknowledge neo-Nazis (Wagner Group leader) were part and parcel of Putin’s military/criminal armed force structure. Because Marissa has some blind spots?

    Nope that couldn’t be.

    To shape a narrative you tools.

  13. Islam is a different ideology altogether.
    Stanley Payne objected to characterizations of the Nasser regime as ‘fascist’. I did not find the distinction he drew persuasive. The Ba’ath Party strikes me as having all of the hallmarks of a fascist outfit, which the Franco regime and the Pinochet regime did not.

  14. A worthwhile post at X, hopefully spawning a good discussion thread, which begins:

    “I used to think that the greatest threat to national security was specific ideologies, like Islamist or neo-Nazi or far-left belief systems. And to some degree they are.

    But that’s only half of the threat. The ideologies would be inert without the activating power of the hate and rage that are brewing in so many people.

    The ideology, with its roster of acceptable enemies, provides an outlet to legitimize hate and rage, to make verbal and physical violence socially acceptable.

    It’s hate laundering.

    Hate is the engine; the ideology is the vehicle.”


  15. They are a relatively small faction in the big scheme of things so is the swoboda party which had ministers in the first post maidan govt

    Of course ‘fascist’ is that word as orwell put it, when you disagree with something and you dont have an argument

    So if you are for the Western traditions you will be dubbed fascists,

    Nasserism is what quite to fascism in many respects the free officers group having collaborated with the germans during the war and affinities afterward in the 50s similarly with the NFl in Algeria in that same era

    An insight that bouallem sansal seem to have gleened

    Probably why hes in prison now

    The brotherhood seemed to have similar sympathies as well

  16. Gotta wonder just what exactly Destutt de Tracy had in mind when he brought that poor defenseless and now bedraggled little neologism into the world, huh? What a wild winding biography his once shiny new word has accumulated in the intervening couple hundred plus years, trashed beyond all recognition. Tom Jefferson wouldha never guessed.

  17. I’m reminded of your post about ghosting friends over strong political differences. I confess doing it twice. Once with someone who was one of my best friends when we lived in the UK. After Biden won the election he posted about how awful and evil Trump and his supporters are and – for me this was the tipping point – they need to “pay a social price”.

    I thought “you want the *losers* to pay a price? okay then” and gave him his wish. I ghosted him.

    What I find fascinating and troubling is how much these “MAGA are Nazis we need to (insert a verb) them” people base so much on a crucial assumption.

    Which is Trump = MAGA = Nazi. They proceed to build everything that follows on that assumption. Which they never question. They never seem to pause and ask “is he? are they really? could they be intelligent people of good will with whom I happen to disagree very strongly?”

    One of the most important books I’ve read as an adult is Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue by Paul Woodruff. It applies here. We can show reverence (a kind of respect) even to our worst enemies. We can let Antigone give Polynices a proper burial. What we have here is a failure to practice reverence.

  18. Her loss is that she is removing people from her life for no good reason.


    Nicely, sanely put.

  19. Here’s a fun idea. Let’s play, “Guess how many cats she owns.” I’ll start with three. How about you?

  20. I stopped talking to the woke kaffeeklatsch at my café after being dragged into political discussions I made clear I did not want to have and finally one of the guys stood over me and started screaming at me about Trump.

    I don’t idly sever relationships. I prefer to preserve connections. But the prog policy of “hold still, while we beat you up” doesn’t sit well with me either.

  21. If we weren’t related,I’m sure my sister wouldn’t speak to me.

    We quite consciously keep anything close to politics out of our conversations.

    For fun, I used to play the Male Chauvinist Pig to get a rise out of her Feminist (with a capital “F “) sensitivities, but she has completely barking mad TDS.

  22. What is friendship, anyway? What does it mean, this word “friend”? Certain Classical Greek intellectuals discussed the subject at considerable length. The fact that they did so, that they wanted to discuss it, is an indicator of its unresolvable complexity. Times change, people change, people grow apart. I’ve ghosted a fair number of what might be called friends. Or not. I don’t feel bad about it.

  23. People who mostly agree with me have no desire to “disrupt” the lives of anyone who think Biden did a great job, etc etc. We regard them as an unstable bunch who have no logical points to make and we shy away. All they do is hurl names and I don’t think they know what those names really mean in a historical context. We just wait and hope they recover some day. That said, if that woman were to start in on me, I would extend an olive branch and suggest we change the subject. If that fails then she’d get a taste of her own medicine. Bigly. I’m only backing down a little bit then game on and the sky’s the limit. I’ve run out of metaphors. By.

  24. “Bye Felicia.”

    Or as we used to say where I grew up, “Don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.”

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