Home » Does Hamas think this is a good look for them?


Does Hamas think this is a good look for them? — 10 Comments

  1. I’m pretty sure ham-ass doesn’t care, and doesn’t have the intelligence, to be concerned with optics.

  2. Praising With Faint Damns:

    I strongly disagree. In fact, they are hyper-concerned with optics. Just consider Pallywood. In this case, they are not trying to appeal to the West, however. But they often are.

  3. Yes, it is all about the audience. Hamas is no different than any other dictatorship. The prime directive is to stay in power. They cannot risk looking weak to the people they lord over.

  4. What Rufus said, in triplicate!

    I’d agree with the Boss here…I think these optics are for Palestinian consumption… especially the ratios of the trades… hostages/Palestinian releases.

    I also would think Israel can use these same optics to their advantage. There are no neutral innocents among the Palestinians. The videos are evidence of supportive mobs… women children one and all. Peace is a myth with them. Quarantine and overwatch is how it has to be.

  5. It would be a mistake to think that Islamic societies view things the same way as a modern emasculated, self flagellated, formerly western, now multiculturalist society views things.

    The Roman used to parade their prisoners in parades.

  6. Is the average Gazan fully behind Hamas, or is it a matter of not wanting to be the first to stop clapping after Comrade Stalin speaks? I expect it’s a mixture.

  7. Yasser Arafat provided the canonical example of saying one thing in Arabic to Arabs, then something entirely different in English to Westerners.

    Even the “LA Times” wrote an article titled:

    Listen to Arafat in Arabic, Not in English

    Opposition to the Oslo accords is not opposition to peace, but distrust of the man who has yet to reject a criminal agenda.

    –“Listen to Arafat in Arabic, Not in English” (1996)

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