Home » At hearing, Kash Patel vows to stop political prosecutions/persecutions if he become FBI head


At hearing, Kash Patel vows to stop political prosecutions/persecutions if he become FBI head — 9 Comments

  1. Lawfare & “government overreach” are integral parts of the Rule of Law, and no one is ever going to be able to stop it from happening…stop it permanently anyway.

    He is probably talking about the Federal levels of lawfare & “government overreach” – but that is just the tip of the iceberg…

  2. Trump, the despiser of DIVERSITY(TM)!

    Democrats, the lovers of DIVERSITY(TM)…when it suits ‘em…

  3. I know charges of hypocrisy don’t stick to Democrats, but during Trump’s impeachment over the Ukrainian phone call the Democrats claimed that even *investigating* the front runner of the opposition party — even if the charges were true — was unconstitutional election interference for which Trump should be removed from office. And Biden hadn’t even been formally nominated at the time the phone call occurred — he was just the front runner.

    As much as I don’t want to get into escalating tit-for-tat investigations, something has to be done to dissuade the Democrats of this form of persecution. We can’t go on with the double standards as lopsided as they are and still have a republic. How to square that circle I don’t know, but something must be done.

  4. I think a portion of the residue of swing voters were disgusted by the lawfare and it was a motivator for the Republican electorate. Democratic voters are perfectly comfortable with that. It’s a perfectly sociopathic political tendency. The minority who were not have left the Democratic Party.

  5. “. . . I happen to think that prosecuting political opponents is a minefield, . . . [Neo]

    I agree, and yet if there are no repurcussions for such behavior there is no disincentive to stop it. I do not think it unreasonable to hold primary players responsible. It seems that Milley might prove to be such an example.

  6. I do not think it unreasonable to hold primary players responsible. It seems that Milley might prove to be such an example.


    Quite so.

    Examples must be made, but not the pedal-to-the-metal efforts Dems made to personally humiliate, ruin and imprison the objects of their ire.

    If Trump had had all his wealth stripped away and been frogmarched into prison for life, that would have been just fine for Democrats.

    It’s a testament to the American system and the American people that that didn’t happen.

  7. “It’s a testament to the American system and the American people that that didn’t happen.” [huxley @7:45]

    And also a testament to the power of information sharing. Greg Lukianoff briefly discusses the importance of the rise of universally available knowledge and its political implications in the following essay (H/T Instapundit):

    . . . all the printing press really did was bring more people into the global conversation — not hundreds of millions, mind you, just millions — and dramatically increased the velocity of that conversation.


    And once millions of extra eyes and minds started scrutinizing the authorities of the day, they realized a lot of what people thought was true didn’t hold up to that scrutiny. Its leaders suddenly didn’t look so great anymore . . .

    The velocity of the conversation — now exponentially increased from the printing press to internet. And as always such sunlight is the best disinfectant.

    Link: https://eternallyradicalidea.com/p/institutional-decay-henry-viiis-big

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