Home » Stand by your man?—Ségolé¨ne Royal, Hillary, and political wives


Stand by your man?—Ségolé¨ne Royal, Hillary, and political wives — 11 Comments

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  2. Lady Bird strikes me as a super-classic enabler to LBJ’s powerfully alcoholic personality, and there’s nothing praiseworthy about that. Hillary and Bill had, and have, an entirely different arrangement, about which nothing good can be said either, though ‘sociopathic’ comes to mind.

  3. As opposed to the Raise the Red State Lantern harems of the Republican presidential candidates, Tom?

    I love how the Left thinks the best defense is a good offense; when they simultaneously lambast Bush’s pre-emption stuff.

  4. I’m not sure it’s an attack, Ymar.

    I’ll prolly vote for Rudy over Hillary, though she’ll get my vote over any of the other Republican munchkins.

    It just seems to me that ol’ Bill should have to answer for his behavior, not Hillary. She’s a politicain now, not a politician’s wife.

  5. Allegedly, Royal warned Hollande, “Cheri, if we don’t separate, France will erupt in flames!”

    And so Hollande, ever the patriot,….

  6. Thanks for linking the Lady Bird biography chapter. It is outstanding.

    Lady Bird’s choice – to stay with LBJ – was made with open eyes. Lady Bird had private wealth, and was personable and charming. She could’ve divorced and remarried. She undoubtably felt she was contributing to LBJ’s greatness – as she obviously was. Her choice to stay was a choice to contribute to something big and important and exciting, and to stay with the man she loved.

    Lady Bird never asked victimhood status for herself. She knew she was no victim, and she was too classy to hypocritically play that card. This is why she is so admired, even now. She was tough, smart, classy, and she loved her husband.

    I admire Hillary for contributing to Bill’s greatness. The sum of Hillary and Bill is greater than the parts. I believe Hillary and Bill’s marriage has been a business arrangement for about 25 years. I have no problem with that. Every situation is unique. Their marriage/business arrangement has served them well.

    I do not admire that Hillary has hypocritically played the victim card. What a joke that is. Hillary and Bill consistently demonstrate an astounding lack of class – right down to attempting to steal the White House furniture away to Chappaqua. And to shamelessly REGISTERING – in order to blackmail their rich friends into purchasing furniture and flatware and china for their Chappaqua home.

    Did the Clinton’s rich friends purchase these gifts out of the goodness of their hearts? NO. These gifts were purchased as payback for favors the Clintons had done them, and as downpayments for future favors. The Clintons did do and will do all these favors WHILE SERVING AS PUBLIC SERVANTS. The Clintons did do and will do all these favors using your and my tax money. The Clintons are crooks. REGISTERING for gifts, upon their move to Chappaqua, is just one piece of evidence.

  7. Pure politics. It’s a dirty game, played best by dirty people…exemplified in extremis by the Clintons.

    I find quite apt the definition of politics wherein “poli” stands for many, whereas “tics” are blood-sucking creatures…

  8. I wish I understood why Democrats love the idea of politicians that have affairs and sneer at marriage without them. Think of all the Republican presidents that have apparently been faithfully married. Dems just seem to like guys that publicly humiliate their wives.

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