Home » Honoring George Soros and Hillary Clinton


Honoring George Soros and Hillary Clinton — 42 Comments

  1. Make no mistake, Soros is who the Dems are. There are no centrist/moderate Dems, only those with varying ability to con the public.

  2. “ And still another feature is outraging the right.”

    I imagine that the above is part of the point.

    I’m somewhat surprised the PA shooter didn’t get a posthumous award.

  3. Could Trump deport Soros back to Hungry for his acts against the public safety? They’d love to have him and put him in solitary for the remainder of his life.

  4. That Medal f Freedom ceremony made me want to take a shower after. A Banana Republic scene at its worst. Biden and his handlers are quite open about their animus toward the country – especially towards the deplorables. This is just one more outrageous act in which they are saying “See, we can do this appalling act, and what’re you going to do about it?”

    Well, elections have consequences, and Trump will be going full speed ahead to reverse as much of the damage as possible. As Trump says, the best revenge will be to turn this country around and make it great again. It can’t happen soon enough.

  5. Grunt’s comment about being surprised the PA shooter was not given an award is right on. Biden really wants to give a huge FU to conservatives. He’s doing a pretty good job of it.

  6. @Richard F:
    America’s enemies know that our Democratic Party, especially its leaders, are unserious, demented, corrupt Stalinist fools.
    The American people in their majority are not.See their votes for Trump!

    Soros hangs out in Switzerland. His son, the heir to his billions, does his bidding, like a good little boy should. Cannot help being saddled with his Papa’s character with its DNA-linked features. Soros Jr. will not reverse his Papa’s disgusting stances.

  7. Is there enough room in Cuba or Iran for Brandon’s handlers?

    … them and the horse the rode in on.

  8. Cicero

    Our enemies will recognize the we are without courage. We go a long with DEI until…. We go a long with the LGBT agenda until……. We do not pay attention to the world around us until…. We allow our armed forces to become laboratories of social engineering instead of looking out for the security of the country. We know the border is wide open and do nothing until……. We willingly elect a criminal/money launderer/ possible paedophile into the highest office in the land. We allow the Presidential family to install a criminal organization in the White House.

    This country is based on having an informed virtuous and religious citizenry. It seems we do not have that. Maybe it’s time for another form of government.

  9. Richard F:
    Our country, founded on the necessary one-mule, small, self-sufficient farmer with a wife raising the children, has been replaced by rampant secular materialism. And the rampant murder of unborn infants as a “Woman’s right to choose” plus bizarre sexual conduct in all its Godless LBGTQ+ forms. Look at national Sunday church attendance: paltry.
    The nuclear family? Who needs that, ask Democrats. And socialists, communists, Marxists before them. The State will now be the best and only “male” parent. As our national birth rate plummets, we are said to need millions of illegal migrants as offsets.

  10. I’m not outraged. In their hearts, the political recipients know this is all theater, nothing but kabuki.

    After years of destroying every institution that stood in their way, they now receive a medal from an institution totally debased after 4 years of “Joe Biden” as President. And us citizens are supposed to clap and smile at their “contributions.”

    It doesn’t work that way. The only thing this does it make me see how worthless the medal is, if it is given to people like them.

  11. As long as Democrats don’t manage to start WW 3 on their way out, I’m counting myself lucky.

  12. The value of the Pulitzer and the Nobel Peace prizes have already fallen under this misguided ideology.
    When we see recent grads of some major Ivy schools, or at least certain departments therein, being fired/ RIF’d, we will know a similar decline in value is recognized by the market.

  13. Barry, that daily mail article is incredibly depressing, though I should not be surprised.
    I wonder if there’s any reason to hope that native UK’ers can fight back, eventually.

  14. The “Medal of Freedom” is now merely another participation trophy.

  15. This “my word as a Biden” Administration has set new records for self-dealing, incompetence, criminality, and sleeze.

    Lets’ hope that their record is never eclipsed by that of some future Administration.

  16. And they gave anothet award to bill nye for pushing skydragon propaganda to yoots

  17. Right.
    It sounds like Biden is giving out awards, as a casual thing, to try to boost his image.

    Right, right.

    …And dangerous, drug gangs in Mexico, [give out free food, and free gifts, at Christmas time, and/or The Holidays], to improve THEIR images:

    A news headline: “Mexico to investigate a town that thanked a drug lord for holiday season gifts for children”.

    Here’s a link to that story:


  18. It is inescapably clear that we need to follow Thos. Jefferson and water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots.
    MAGA !

  19. Democrats have tarnished everything of value since Bill Clinton was getting a BJ in the Oval Office. This Freedom medal farce is the out-the-door FY to America. The final humiliation to all that is good and decent.

  20. A childish middle finger to the electorate in general and conservatives/maga/nationalists in specific. It doesn’t actually mean much, but it’s a way for the people pulling Biden’s strings to express their contempt.

  21. Meh.

    Democrats said all the same things y’all are saying when Trump gave the medals to Rush Limbaugh, Marian Adelson, Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan. And Democrats will say all those things when Trump gives medals to Elon Musk, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc.

    It’s a way to reward supporters and/or troll the opposition.

  22. If these recipients had ambition for higher office or job forget it this is the kiss of death!

  23. @BJ,
    Of course.
    I don’t like it being done by either party, + I wish they would not.

  24. @TR,

    Too true. But what can we do?

    (Please imagine a whimsical shrugging emoji here, since I’m too tired to type one out.)

    Cheers in return.

  25. I know people roll eyes, sneer, & laugh when some protest it is NOT the same, what the Dems do vs Republicans do wrt honors & rewards.
    But truly, IMO, it is not hard to make that case.
    Eg: Awarding Rush Limbaugh a medal vs awarding George Soros the same???
    And we’ve seen many other blatantly laughable, cryable, embarrassingly mistaken awards from Dems just this month, from narcissist Biden.
    For his LEGACY, don’t you know?!!!

  26. Mexican cartels, like Hamas, like American Democrats & even the mofia … give aid of all kinds to their peasants.
    Bribery works, especially for the desperate, or the misinformed or the indoctrinated.

  27. Yeah, but also put Biden and Obama on the podium.
    All three of ‘em can share it. With pride! Serving America!!…

    (Actually, I’d put the whole freakin’ administration on the podium…but, to paraphrase, “You’d need a bigger podium”…)

  28. Writing above, Marlene invokes Biden’s legacy. I am of the opinion that his legacy tanked when he had to be yanked out of the race for re-election. I heard Senator Schumer list on TV today all the things that made Biden’s legacy so great (Schumer said he stepped aside because it was best for his party), and I had to laugh — Schumer was one of those who stabbed Biden after the debate. It’s all theater, and pretty unconvincing theater at that. You even have to wonder if the Democrat Party elders let Biden go ahead with the July debate knowing he’d tank his candidacy.

    There are rumors floating in D.C. now that Biden will give two more public speeches before the 20th: one to talk about his legacy and one to talk about his 50+ years in D.C. Those should do the trick! I’m sure voters will be glued to their TV!

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