A New Year’s Eve terrorist attack in New Orleans kills ten and injures many more
It seems to be a copycat attack:
A driver rammed a pickup truck into a crowd of New Orleans revelers early on New Year’s Day, killing 10 people and injuring more than 30 in what the FBI is investigating as an act of terrorism.
The driver was killed in a firefight with police following the attack around 3:15 a.m. Wednesday along Bourbon Street in the city’s bustling French Quarter, the FBI said.
Even with barriers erected, it seems to be relatively easy to drive through them and do great damage.
No more information is available on the perpetrator at the moment, but I assume it will come out some time today.
RIP to the victims.
Have not seen info on driver yet. Must be some by now.
It’s New Orleans, you can’t stop people, they said it had Tx plates and crossed the border at Eagle Pass two days ago. Did it have the same plates then? I bet the vehicle is stolen.
they were replacing the bollards, they had put in after nice in 2017, but lets face it the mayor is a sad joke, well worse than that, castro fan girl,
The press is now stating that the truck went through Eagle Pass in late November and that the person who was driving the truck at that point in time is not the same as the terrorist. So the truck changed hands at some point in time.
In some pictures, the truck has significant front end damage. And there seems to be some type of lift truck. Was the lift there for the party for party and actually stopped the truck from going further?
The truck is apparently an EV so it is heavier than a normal truck as well as being quieter so harder for people to hear.
There is also a flag holder in the back of the truck – the flag is wrapped so unable to see what it shows. Have not seen anything which suggests if the flag was flying or wrapped up during the attack.
Lousy way to start the new year.
Saw a report that before the flagpole on the truck was wrapped in something gray, it had a black flag hanging. But these early reports are often wrong.
According to this, the attacker was Shamsud Din Jabbar, who is being investigated for ties to ISIS. This report repeats the identification of a jihadi flag on the back of the (rented) pickup truck.
Daily Mail reports the killer, Din Jabbar, was a US citizen born in Texas. He was flying an ISIS flag on the truck.
Daily Mail reports the killer, Din Jabbar, was a US citizen born in Texas. He was flying an ISIS flag on the truck.
One gets so tired of this.
I take back the stolen truck. The lisc. plates are key.
Just watch-
even though, [my words- his main focus was to kill/murder people with his truck aka an automobile], he later got out of his truck, + got into a gun battle with police.
Watch: the anti-gun-ownership people will now claim this was “a mass shooting attack, or a mass killing with guns.”
Recently, a man in China, unhappy with a court telling him to pay a divorce settlement, got unhappy with that court order, + then killed 35 people and [maybe injured 45], with his car.
A lack of guns or weapons did stop this man in China, from doing this attack.
Rather than blaming [guns + gun ownership in The US] for this New Orleans tragedy, I’d rather that, Government people, and other people, would study: 1] why criminals and terrorists, plotted and did these types of crimes, and 2] how to prevent these crimes from happening in the future.
Need to keep an eye on this one too…kinda weird
“Terrorism”, ye’ say?
“On The Way Out The Door, Biden Is Emptying The Coffers”—
Key sentence:
“…It’s almost like they are looting the Treasury before they leave town.…”
Gosh, where is the Wise Owlita when ye’ really need ‘er…?
Oh. Right…
“…Yellen warns incoming Trump team against interfering with bank supervision”—
act blue donor
gun dealer,
I wish someone would write a definitive account about what it is about the religion of Islam that lends itself to an inordinate number of violent acts as opposed to other religions, e.g. Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. I’ve seen “intellectuals” on tv try to make the case that the Christian religion is just as bad because a scant 500 years ago the Spanish Inquisition committed horrible acts in the name of Christ. I was less than impressed with that argument. Any theories? Anybody?
certain surah, in the koran proper or the hadiths, might have something to do with it,
I’m sure if he wore a red hat, they would have flagged him
Standard Terrorist Attack Plan. Not a copycat.
chazzand, read any book or article by Robert Spencer. He writes at PJMedia, FrontPage Magazine, and Jihad Watch. He reads the Qur’an and the other Muslim foundational documents in the original classical Arabic. The command to subjugate or kill non-Muslims is in these sources, repeatedly. The religion, unfortunately, encourages this kind of sociopathic behavior, although of course not all Muslims are mass murderers.
Daily Mail now says fifteen dead.
miguel @2:46 pm…
I guess that would make him a “lone wolf”…
It would also be helpful to stop referring to Islam as a religion and honestly call it a political conquest ideology that uses cultic-religious devotion to achieve its desired ends.
And yes… Robert Spencer is well worth the effort.
Kate… the real head scratcher for me then…if “not all Muslims are mass murderers,” but deceiving non-Muslims is encouraged within Islam, how will you ever know… until perhaps it’s too late?
I was less than impressed with that argument. Any theories? Anybody?
The Muslim world has suffered a severe reversal of fortune since the late 17th century. Per Thos. Sowell, recrimination is the modal human reaction to humiliation, hence the Muslim world’s susceptibility to revanchist sentiment.
John Guilfoyle, my Muslim acquaintances in Cairo would carefully avoid people showing signs of what they called “fanaticism.” Here, I would say that wherever you see women with their faces covered you can be reasonably sure the men are possibly dangerous fanatics.
I also think there should be a lot more publicity about radical mosques. We have people who speak and read Arabic. These institutions have videos and printed materials available. A relentless campaign of “outing” radicals would help; but many people are afraid of being called “Islamophobic.”
well there’s a billion moslem, lets say 1% are militant, that’s 10 million people, that ncludes the ones that enable these sort of events, in the UK alone there’s about 30,000 active Moslem militants,
ntw we just the oldest detainee to Tunisia
It’s now being reported that the FBI is looking for four or five other accomplices, and they have footage of men and a woman planting pipe bombs (some were also found in the terrorist’s truck) in the area.
@chazzand:I wish someone would write a definitive account about what it is about the religion of Islam that lends itself to an inordinate number of violent acts as opposed to other religions, e.g. Buddhism, Shintoism
Selective citation. Buddhist and Shinto terrorism rarely make news in the US.
As for Shinto terrorism, Aum Shinrikyo, which carried out sarin attacks in 1995, is still being rounded up in Japan, Russia, and Montenegro and one of their followers did a car attack like this one in New Orleans back in 2019.
As for Buddhist terrorism it’s been busy in Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand.
As for “inordinate numbers” of Muslim terrorists, that too quickly devolves into “no true Scotsman” territory where people selectively rule out some terrorists as not “really” being religious, or rule some in because of their ethnic background regardless of what faith they may profess.
But the line between good and evil runs through every human heart and if a religion is of any size at all you are going to find non-trivial numbers of them have at some time been willing to use violence to serve that religion in some way.
Grok 2: “religions murderous history”
ChatGPT added:
Under ChatGPT’s Modern Examples Islam ruled.
Abrahamic Religions common ancestor was Abraham – who nearly sacrificed his son Isaac.
Am making no excuse for Islam, but it’s not just religions, e.g., List of school shootings in the United States by death toll…
Look at Syria right now…Geez!?! Look at the different groups of Muslims…look at the countries vying for a piece of Syria.
Don’t look at what is going on in the present and since 2001(?), nope, great minds make “but, buts” for Islam and cite violence in Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
Forests and trees.
If there is anyone who has come up with a definition for religiously motivated terrorism, and rigidly and fairly applied it to all violence committed by all people of all faiths, and then calculated the number of terrorist acts per thousand per religion per year and compared them, I have simply never heard of it. I am sure it differs by faith, but I have no idea what the relative differences would be.
None of us here are too young to remember the Troubles in Ireland. I’ve seen lots of people deny that any of it was religiously-motivated terrorism. In fairness there was a lot going on: legal discrimination and oppression, lack of national self-determination, a long history of mutual reprisals, simple gangsterism, in addition to the religious motivation.
And in most parts of the world today where terrorism is common more than one of these motives is operating. You don’t have to think very hard about which ones they are.
When Bosnia and Serbia went to war in the 1990s, it was a war of mostly-Christians and mostly-Muslims. Was it religiously motivated? Religion was one element among many. We could blame it on Islam, and I’m sure some do, but the war crimes were overwhelmingly committed by the mostly-Christian side.
As for what motivated Shinto terrorism in 2019, supposedly it was for the execution of the Aum Shinrikyo members implicated in the 1995 sarin attack. Is this religious motivation, or simple revenge?
Sudden Onset Jihad Syndrome in the US is usually nothing but religiously-motivated; terrorism is still thankfully rare in the US, but we have a skewed picture because of the kind of terrorism we have most experience with recently. Worldwide, terrorism doesn’t look like the perception our legacy media allows to filter through.
Oh, The Troubles.
But, but, but.
Hysteria about the Spanish Inquisition is flat-ass the wrong response. Do your homework!
The Inquisitors led to the death sentence for ONLY a few hundred, not thousands or “many thousands”. American New Englanders, Protestants all, drowned their “witches”, several hundred in number, under an absurd logic about witchcraft.
The Inquisitors then stood down.
Exagerrating the Inquisition is an anti- Catholic Church manuever.
Not to blame the victims, and it was New Years Eve-New Years Day in NOLA, but “nothing good happens after 2 am. ”
Daily Mail headlines “Chilling new theory on how New Orleans terrorist was able to murder…” i.e. perp took advantage of temporary barriers. Not so chilling, compared to a mass murder.
Also story references “SUV,” but it was a pickup truck. Daily Mail does a lot of clickbait and sloppy reporting.
@Cicero:American New Englanders, Protestants all, drowned their “witches”, several hundred in number, under an absurd logic about witchcraft.
I can’t find sources for even one hundred in British North America. 19 “witches” were hanged in Salem, and one other pressed to death who wouldn’t plead, I know of none drowned.
If that sounds like splitting hairs, well, it’s no more so than “The Inquisitors led to the death sentence for ONLY a few hundred, not thousands or ‘many thousands'”. But there was violence perpetrated by Catholics against non-Catholics by other means than the Inquisition, of course, and by Protestants against non-Protestants as well.
My own faith sometimes spread by the sword, and it was rolled back by the sword sometimes too: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, we’re all fallen creatures. Protestant and Catholic terrorism are currently in abeyance for the last few decades but unfortunately the same cannot be said for Orthodox Christianity–there is terrorism being committed today in Ukraine against non-Orthodox Christians as well as Greek and Ukrainian Orthodox.
Exaggerating the Inquisition is an anti- Catholic Church manuever.
Usually, it is, I agree.
Yes those terrorists in Ukraine, not as if there is an actual war in process and the Russian Orthodox Church not exactly a neutral party.
But, but, but.
It is sadly true that ethnic and religious violence has affected just about every group over the course of known history. Hindu mobs attack both Christians and Muslims in India. Buddhists have been brutal to Muslims in Thailand. Muslims have been brutal to minorities in every majority-Muslim country. What’s different about Islamist violence is that it is transported from its native environments to any place Muslims go to live in any numbers.
If you are not Hindu, do you worry about Hindu violence aimed at you here in the US? Do we worry about Buddhist or Shinto violence here? I think we don’t. But we DO worry about Islamist violence here.
@Kate:What’s different about Islamist violence is that it is transported from its native environments to any place Muslims go to live in any numbers.
If you are not Hindu, do you worry about Hindu violence aimed at you here in the US? Do we worry about Buddhist or Shinto violence here? I think we don’t. But we DO worry about Islamist violence here.
It’s true that Muslim terrorism has internationalized in a way not seen since Communist terrorism, not surprising given the Cold War history. I only mentioned Buddhist and Shinto violence because I was responding to a comment that specifically asked about them, and while no one has actually bothered to evenhandedly measure the rates of terrorism by religion I’d not be surprised if Islam was the current leader, just as I’d not be surprised if Quaker, Mennonite, and Jain terrorism rates are zero. I just have no idea if Islam leads by twice as much, ten times as much, whatever, and neither does anyone else as far as I know, since no one has done the work.
However, the more ethnic and religious groups we indiscriminately import, the more likely it is that their ethnic and religious violence will be imported with them. America does not have magic dirt that turns people into Americans when they set foot on it.
At the moment, I not being Hindu and living in the US never have to worry about dying in a Hindu terrorist attack targeting Muslims, but if we don’t think hard about immigration, both legal and not, my grandchildren may need to worry about it. It may come rather sooner for Canada and the United Kingdom.
Musloids must be expelled from every western country.
I recall a world map showing Islamic violence. Muslims are truly fighting everyone, including themselves:
Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.
–Samuel P. Huntington, “The Clash of Civilizations”
Niketas at 2:34 “… while no one has actually bothered to evenhandedly measure the rates of terrorism by religion…”
Not exactly a real survey, focused only on Islam, and you may be aware of it already, but I find Bill Warner to be a good source for the warfare history of Islam:
And the obvious rejoinder to those who point their fingers at ‘religion’ as the cause of terror and murder is to place in front of them the over 100 million humans killed by adherents of atheism such as Mao and Stalin.