Home » Who leaked Israel’s plans for attacking Iran?


Who leaked Israel’s plans for attacking Iran? — 7 Comments

  1. I think your note might well be right — they never actually intended to attack Iran, which would be an incredibly risky move for many reasons (without necessarily benefiting their self-defense, since Iran is a huge, rich country that can rebuild any military infrastructure). But it is to their benefit to have Iran BELIEVE they’re willing to attack at any time, if given enough provocation. So they allowed the US access to their “plans,” knowing full well they’d be leaked immediately.

  2. Who is pro-Iran??? Seemingly quite a number of government officials. My question for them is, why????

    Since 1979, Iran has promised to wipe out the Little and Great Satans. Apparently, these Iran backers think it’s all a kind of misunderstanding. They must think, “Surely they don’t mean it.” Or maybe they think it’s all an act.
    They don’t seem to understand how many Americans have been maimed and killed in Iraq, and elsewhere in the ME, by the Iranians. And the billions spent by Iran in efforts to destroy Israel.

    Who are these people? My sense is that no one who is a committed Obama acolyte can be trusted vis a vis Israel and Iran. Barack hates Israel. And that’s just that much more reason why we need to win this election and clean house.

  3. In the discussion on whether these were actual plans, as the snippet shown in the post @ Grim’s Hall below notes, part of the information leaked was American surveillance of Israeli military exercises likely to be rehearsals of a strike.

    While it’s certainly possible that the Israeli’s could have decided to conduct decoy rehearsals that does seem to be a bit extravagant considering their situation.

  4. It would seem that Trump made a wise choice when he decided to defer receiving daily intelligence briefings from his group of Washington DCs ‘Best Friends’.

  5. Who leaked? State is riddled with Iran supporters, thanks to Obama’s closest advisor, one Valerie Jarrett, born in Shiraz, Iran, and who speaks Persian.
    Obama may have left the White House, but he also left appointees behind, leftist termites in every nook and cranny, especially in the DOJ.
    If Trump can beat the margin of fraud, he has a real Aegean Stable to clean.

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