Home » Kamala Harris: not exactly honest


Kamala Harris: not exactly honest — 6 Comments

  1. Plagiarism is more common than I had thought, I discovered in 1995. There was a book on the battle of Jutland which flat out lifted sections from Arthur Marder’s very well known work. And I’ve never seen this mentioned anywhere. So I guess it’s really accepted unless someone has it in for the author.

  2. Eeyore:

    I’m curious: what is the book in question? I’ve read a lot about that fascinating battle, most recently the book by Jellico’s son (or is it his grandson?).

  3. I read a WaPo article about Kamala growing up in Westmount. They talked about the civil interest there and made it sound like she was dodging bombs. (The random bombing in Westmount took place on 1963. Though FLQ was doing crap into the late 1970s, and people were fleeing at that point.)

    Westmount is (and was) a VERY upscale area of Montreal. I used to know someone who probably went to school with her. Even after “integration” started happening in the schools (as described by WaPo), it was still a very nice place. It’s like complaining about going to school in Tiburon. In the seventies, as described by my friend, it was still an anglophone island of sanity in the midst of Quebec libre insanity.

  4. “.When these things occurred I doubt Harris expected this level of scrutiny years later……”

    Well, the mainstream media and the owners of the cloud will ignore and bury all of the Cackler’s misdeeds.
    This being the case, the level of scrutiny outside of objective news outlets or conservative outlets will be a big fat zero.
    True, Harris never expected zero scrutiny for this, esp. given she is a member of an anointed class – black and female.
    The only way to obtain a higher degree of anointment would be for her to proclaim she is a card carrying member of the LGBQT community.

    How she passed the bar exam still baffles me.

  5. “How she passed the bar exam still baffles me.”

    Hold on to your butts… we might soon discover she didn’t… or at least had some “help.”

  6. Harris’s dishonesty is not exactly surprising…though it may not be to everyone’s taste.

    If you aren’t terribly thrilled about it, rest easy…since none other than Tim Nutz has assured us that it’s quite alright to lie, particularly if the lie pertains to keeping Donald Trump out of the White House—apparently, lots of, um, things are allowed for this uber-ethical reason—so that should make anyone who feels a tad uneasy about Harris’s untruthfulness to breathe a whole lot better.

    On the bright side, one can applaud Nutz’s honest stance on this complex issue (and also be grateful that he, at least, did not invoke “context”…but then he’s not a university president, nor has he said that he ever was…at least not yet).

    In any event, think of the alternative: should any Democrat prove to be honest—about anything—the only possible result would likely be a pandemic of heart attacks, strokes, shock, utter moral confusion and other health issues both physical and mental.

    So maybe it’s better this way…

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