Home » This journalist never met another one who supported Trump


This journalist never met another one who supported Trump — 7 Comments

  1. Want to be a “journalist?”

    Go to a college with a “journalism” school. There around 400 of them in the US.

    What is the percentage of Leftist Profs in Journalism schools?
    It’s 20 to 1 as of 2017:


    Now, imagine what and how journalism is taught in these ‘journalism” schools.

    and thus your answer.

    There are journalists:

    Tommy Robinson in the UK and tomorrow he may be imprisoned for life
    Tucker Carlson
    James O’ Keefe
    Greg Gutfeld
    and thousands of others who have blogs but they do not work in legacy media

  2. Pauline Kael, call your office . . .

    “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.”

    — — —

    (Do I sniff whiffs of
    “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support” . . . ?)

  3. Kang of The New Yorker

    “At prestige outlets—many of which do don the armor of impartiality—the imbalance skews a lot further to the left than what many outsiders might imagine.”


    Actually, no. We imagine it quite well, I can assure you.

    Yes, we imagine it quite well. And like Neo says, we are quite aware of how journalists who do not echo the lefty/progressive narrative de jour get treated.

    Coincidentally, I have been reading a New Yorker issue from the summer–free magazines @ the library. There are some interesting articles: on the Stasi, on a Detroit Pistons’ general manager, on a character who was able to squeeze $690 million from suckers in his Ponzi scheme. Then there is the troll at Trump rallies who admits that she felt bad at displaying a “Trump is a Nazi” sign w swastika at Trump rallies. She said that Jewish Trump supporters “told me that I didn’t know anything about the Nazis or the Holocaust.” Fancy that! 🙂

    She promises she will “tone it down.”
    Yeah, right.

    M J R, a lot of us have LONG memories.

  4. res ipsa loquitur

    Only the willfully blind can ‘honestly’ deny what has become inescapably obvious. A recent poll revealed that 12% of self-identified ‘republicans’ still trust the mass media’s ‘reportage’.

    The democrat party is effectively an ongoing criminal conspiracy. Those who vote for it make themselves complicit in that criminality.
    Complicit: adjective
    “involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.”

    To be meaningful and effective, consequence must be personal and, consequence and accountability are two sides of the same ‘coin’.

  5. One must also remember that the J Schools students tend to come from the bottom quintile of students intellectually.

    One must also remember that the J Schools students tend to come from the bottom quintile of students intellectually.

    There were four high school peers of mine or of my brother who pursued careers in journalism. I know that three of them were Merit Finalists, which is top 0.5 percentile. The fourth–don’t know his Merit status, but he graduated from Columbia and his brilliance–more focused on what he was interested in than on school work–was apparent at an early age. He and another high school peer won a Pulitzer Prize in journalism.

    Maybe today, journalism students are dummies. I don’t know. But those 4 from my high school who pursued journalism were brilliant– definitely brighter than I, and I am no dummy.

  7. Gringo:

    Maybe today, journalism students are dummies. I don’t know. But those 4 from my high school who pursued journalism were brilliant– definitely brighter than I, and I am no dummy.

    Yeah, I wonder if SCOTTtheBADGER is accidentally mixing in the statistics on education majors.

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