Home » Israel invites the people of Beirut to a treasure hunt


Israel invites the people of Beirut to a treasure hunt — 10 Comments

  1. too bad Carolyn doesn’t do the old latma comicroutines, or her newer work, because the humour is very pointed,

    of course everything has to held in a very seriously, even that adam sandler comedy would be sober’ don’t mess with the zohan’

    in one of Ted Bell’s earlier works Warlord, the terrorist leader of the Taliban, operated from a hospital under islamabad,

  2. To be sure, none of this is funny.
    None of this should have happened.
    Or should be happening….

    But they refuse to stop wanting to destroy the Zionist Entity. And they have been greatly encouraged by the global response to their plans—Israel’s fault, which, when one thinks of it, DOES make a kind of sense: if there were no Israel, it wouldn’t have to be destroyed.

  3. Barry:

    If there was no Israel for Hezbollah to attack, you can rest assured they would be attacking someone else. Sunni Muslims, probably, or maybe Europeans or Americans. But you can rest assured they would be at war with someone else. It is all they know. And Iran would likely be funding them.

  4. A-ha-hahahahahah:

    Following a request yesterday by the Director of the Al-Sahel General Hospital, who called on Reporters to come to the Hospital for a Tour to prove that a Hezbollah Bunker was not beneath the Hospital; a Large Group of Lebanese Reporters arrived at the Hospital this morning, but found that a Door which was referred to by the Arab Spokesman for the Israel Defense Force, as an Entrance to the Bunker, was Locked and being Guarded by several Armed Men. Several Reporters from LBCI sent a Message to Hezbollah’s Media Representative, requesting entry through the Door, but were Denied.


  5. well we have to mine a little bit of humour, out of if, the cold fact is that Hezbollah under first Fadlallah, and then Nasrallah and tralla lallah to be named later, has exploited and looted the Shiites first and everyone else next, it has spent the peoples treasure in an evilendeavour, more than a few, nearly all of the Western journalist have approved of it
    as they did of the oil for food program later on,, including the late Helen
    Thomas,to infer she was a journalist is probably a stretch

    On NCIS, they entertained a fiction which probably would not have happened under original show runner
    Don Bellisario, but with the moral equivalence sweepstakes, also when Mossad no longer was part of the story arc, the Venezuelans are in town in a press conference, the BND is somehow working with them, and they give up an American reporter working for Hezbollah, there is
    some mutterings about the 2002 coup, which was rather a keystone cops affair, instead of a serious enterprise, but that was the motive for one of the guest players,

    in truth, all of Hezbollah’s ruling counsels were thick as thieves with the
    Venezuelan junta, apparently you can only ladle even a little truth among the fictions in hollywood,

  6. Israel’s goal is to make anyone who wars against Israel regret the decision.
    Kind of the goal of anyone who resists and armed adversary. Israel’s problem is that their adversary has no head for cost-benefit analysis, so you have to be quite thorough.

  7. sdferr

    I wonder if the Door where reporters were denied entrance is the only exit and entrance to the Hezbollah money-bunker. If so, Hezbollah may be in the situation where they cannot take out the money to distribute. Though I doubt it. They have enough guns to take out the money.

  8. miguel cervantes, Hezbollah is embedded in Ciudad del Este (formerly Puerto Stroessner), in the Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil confluence near Iguazu Falls.

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