Home » Kamala Harris and Barack Obama: the parallels and the differences


Kamala Harris and Barack Obama: the parallels and the differences — 30 Comments

  1. “,,,she ended up winning the 3-way election.”

    Betcha that’s not the only 3-way she’s been involved in.

  2. I like the “similarities” list. Very thorough!

    Overall, it’s a fascinating post. When one steps back and thinks about scope and ramifications of this, it’s really quite astonishing and my thought is, “How the hell did we get here?”

    Kamala thinks she is a good BS’er and isn’t. (repeating myself) But Obama IS a very good BS’er. His most amazing quality to my eye, is that “cool.” How on earth can a person be on the nation stage in front of millions and be that casual, cool, and cocky? It used to think he was on drugs, maybe mild ones. (I recently had surgery and discovered Valium in the hospital. Is that great stuff or what?!!) But I now suspect that it is his true nature.

    With Obama, after having watched several hundred of his appearances, I noticed that his extemporaneous speeches can be subdivided into two categories.

    One type is the very good “word salad.” He’s not really saying anything, but it sounds exactly like a real discussion or thought process. Politically, those are best because few people really believe the socialist bullshit that is his true thoughts on these matters.

    The second type is generally longer in word count, and I suspect addresses a topic he feels more passionate about. He actually reveals some of his true thoughts, which is politically a mistake for him.

    The well known example of that would be (April 2008):
    And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

  3. I think other similarities and the core of their success was the lack of political baggage. Neither had long political careers where they solidified their positions by votes in the legislature.
    Both fit the Hollywood mold– young, charismatic, able to speak well (aside from Kamala’s laugh, which can be passed off as a charming affectation).
    Both are committed leftists– committed to the total transformation of the country to some progressive ideal.
    Both rose quickly to national prominence after somewhat short legislative careers.
    In other words, both are the ideal Manchurian candidates to represent the Democrat machine.

  4. As much as I dislike Obama I’ll admit he’s quite competent, politically savy, and (for the most part) able respond to questions in a coherent way. He has charm and cunning. He maintains a cool demeanor of confidence and intelligence. He is always trained and prepared for any public speaking he does. In short he’s a very high level, practiced politician.

    And those are things I certainly can’t say of Harris. She has none of those qualites. It’s clear to me that she is a person who has been elevated far beyond her abilities purely because she checked certain boxes and had a measure of good fortune. And she may well lose this election for the Democrats because of her lacking these qualities. Perhaps the very ideas that the Left has championed, the concept of elevating a person not due to their merrits, but because they happed to be a certain skin color or gender, may be the thing that undoes them.

  5. Broken families, “Daddy” issues, youths spend marinating in Marxist ideology. What could possibly go wrong??

  6. @neo:No, he and Obama were not romantically involved,

    Lol, I wonder how you’d know that. I can see there not being publicly available evidence of their romantic involvement, though.

    But who knows, perhaps in your long and eventful life you were always present whenever those two met and can say of your own knowledge that they were not romantically involved, and so you can make this categorical statement of something not having happened. 🙂

  7. ok after 16 years I don’t think he was all that, yes they share a heart that blood cold, a calculated indifference, combined with an artificially induced outrage ‘if trayvon were my boy’ one might say they genuinely attempted to run a candidate in so far, that the mug on the other side, had decided to throw the match, Romney pretended a little more, but we have seen how high dudgeon, he can get when he pretends, at Trump, perhaps in order to satisfy the likes of cofer black, the grey eminence of the black ops boys

    McCain has become like jacob marley to wax dickensian, the ghost that wouldn’t leave, who enabled obamas ‘dark designs’ even after he had returned to
    martha’s vineyard,

    did anyone really run the country under obama, there were persons who had their marching orders like holder some others like hillary pursued parallel agendas but their result was terrible to the body politic

  8. TommyJay,

    Obama is glib and “cool,” as you write, but there are plenty as talented as he. He also gets a pass due to his skin tone. He himself has written about learning that many whites would go easier on him, have lower expectations; due to their personal issues with race. And he learned to use that to his advantage. If George W. Bush said the exact words Obama says the press would excoriate him for being vacuous because much of what Obama says is vacuous.

    None of this is an indictment. A skilled politician will use what is at his or her disposal and Barack Obama is a skilled politician.

  9. – Each had two – count em, two – parents with PhDs.

    No. Barack Sr. had only a Master’s degree. Wiki_Barack Obama, Sr.

    Obama was forced to leave his PhD program at Harvard University in May 1964 because of administrators’ concerns over his finances and personal life, including uncertainty over the number of wives he had, but he received an M.A. in economics from Harvard in 1965.

    Was Barack Sr. capable of getting a Ph.D.? No doubt. He published some papers while working as an economist in Kenya. Those might be counted as Ph.D. equivalents, as the doctorate is or was supposed to the the student’s first professional research.

    Barack Sr. was Ph.D. capable or equivalent, but he never got that piece of paper.

    As a politician Kamala is a laugh, or better said, a cackle. 🙂 She is not comfortable doing the politician gig. Say what you will about President Obama’s politics or his teleprompter, he is a very astute politician. In fact, you might say that was his calling from an early age. From Dreams from My Father, about Obama’s Occidental College days:

    To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.

    The young Obama was very concerned about how he was perceived, and modified his speech and actions to fit how he wanted to be perceived. You might call him a phony. You might also call him a natural-born politician. A politician has to be concerned about how he presents himself, to appeal to the highest number of people. Like young Obama.

  10. I previously wrote that Kamala is not comfortable doing the politician gig. I am reminded of another politician who was not comfortable doing the politician gig: Richard Nixon. Nixon was an introvert, which is not a good fit for what a politician does. His discomfort came through time and again. I am reminded of Mad Magazine’s take on Nixon: “In my sincerest insincerity.” 🙂

    But in Kamala’s case, I don’t think she is an introvert. As I believe Neo once wrote, it is more a discomfort at the hoops that a politician has to jump through.

  11. Income-wise an American child of American professors today would generally be middle-class. Socially they might not be, I suppose it depends on where they are and what they are doing. Nationally, tenured and tenure-track professors’ median salaries are comparable to that of plumbers with 4 – 7 years in.

  12. Niketas:

    Yes, it’s also a class thing. But in addition, Kamala’s father was a professor of economics at Stanford, which I’m pretty sure pays way above average for a professor. Her mother wasn’t a professor but was a medical researcher with a PhD in pretty high-up research positions.

  13. IrishOtter:

    Why depressing? I find Obama’s administration and its lingering aftermath depressing, and I find Harris’ candidacy depressing. But I don’t find their similarities and differences depressing. I’m curious why you do.

  14. Her beauty lies
    Between her thighs,
    Willie Brown avers.
    Her other places
    Have no graces,
    The former mayor swears.

  15. Parallels:

    Neither Obama nor Harris grew up American black. They were biracial children of privileged births, not from American black parents, and not from a black neighborhood experience.

    They were above middle-class. And they sure didn’t work low-class jobs like McDonald’s even as teenagers.

  16. One very important difference: Kamala is obviously lacking in self-confidence; enough so that Ace’s theory, that she gets tight before appearing in public, is at least public. Barack is the opposite; he is obscenely overconfident. I believe he is about as close to being a true solipsist as it is possible to be.

    Neither could construct a plausible case for a position they oppose, not if their lives depended on it. They cannot rise above straw men.

    Both TommyJay and Rufus are correct in seeing that Obama is just as addicted to vacuous word salad as Harris is. He’s just better at doing it in a way that fools many people. They hear the voice, and look at the poise, and don’t bother with the meanings of the words. Or, really, lack of meaning.

  17. neo on October 22, 2024 at 3:18 pm said:

    Why depressing? I find Obama’s administration and its lingering aftermath depressing, and I find Harris’ candidacy depressing. But I don’t find their similarities and differences depressing. I’m curious why you do.
    Surely the fact that they’ve taken in so many is depressing.

  18. I know IrishOtter wasn’t trying to be funny, but I had to laugh. And neo’s response is very rational, but … what?

    I think neo does an excellent job here of helping us see the forest and not just some trees. If one takes politics seriously, and one should, this topic is depressing. However, (this is more of a confession and not a boast) I find it all too ridiculous and mostly choose to turn away and occupy myself otherwise. Or maybe it is my self-preservation impulse. I’m big on that these days.

    OK, my slow brain can now hang a word on the aforementioned “forest.” This political disfunction is “systemic.” It took the US almost 250 years for the Machiavellians to figure out how to thoroughly hack our system, and here we are.

  19. neo:

    That there should be such people as Obama and Harris and that they should become so consequential in the life of our republic — I find that depressing. Obama’s rise to power and the means and people who facilitated his ascent: also depressing. I am, or was, a Chicago-lander, born and raised, bread and buttered. I used to love the city. Loved it passionately. But Obama and the Democrat machine that propelled his rise to power killed it. I saw Obama’s rise from the beginning and I have to say that I had him pegged from the get-go as a fraud and a bullshitter and a fundamentally awful person. Watching his rise to the pinnacle of political success and not being able to stop him, and watching as the people with the wherewithal to stop him support him instead: that’s depressing.

    This post reminded me of all that. Made me feel it in my gut. Made me depressed.

    I think of the climactic episode in “The Quiet Man,” the long awaited fight between Will Danaher and Sean Thronton. Taking a break from the fisticuffs, they have a pint together in the nearby pub. They fall to reminiscing about the past. Danaher gloomily observes, “The old days are gone forever.” And sniffs back a tear.

    It’s a very funny moment, they was John Ford constructed it. But the sentiment is not funny to me now. The old Chicago is gone forever, and it’s never coming back. Because of people like Obama.


  20. Neither Obama nor Harris grew up American black. They were biracial children of privileged births, not from American black parents, and not from a black neighborhood experience.
    Obama was not someone of privileged birth. The complex of forces in our political system have elected to allow people to claim American citizenship who should not be permitted that, and that is the closest thing to a privilege the young Harris received. Her parents were here on student visas.
    were above middle-class.
    Harris parents were college teachers. Obama’s stepfather was a cartographer for Indonesia’s state oil company. His mother worked for the non-profit blob. His grandfather sold furniture and insurance. His grandmother was the manager of escrow accounts for the Bank of Hawaii. Neither Harris nor Obama were ‘above middle class’.
    And they sure didn’t work low-class jobs like McDonald’s even as teenagers.
    In the world I grew up in, probably not Mickey D’s. Grocery store employee and restaurant employee (busboy, waitress, cashier), yes.

  21. IrishOtter:

    Thanks for the explanation.

    I guess I factored in all that stuff a long time ago, so this post at least didn’t add to it for me.

  22. Obama has been EXTREMELY ruthless from the start of his political career. He stabbed Alice Palmer in the back. (And she had been trying to mentor him.) He somehow managed to get sealed divorce records leaked to push Jack Ryan out of the race. He cheated from the begining of his political career.

  23. neo:

    It comes back at me in waves. Not often, but when it does. . . .

    Today it was a very big wave.

  24. Someone+Else:

    The skids were greased for him from the very start. Even before the start. At the Harvard Law Review he was a do-nothing figurehead. His whole life has been a skate.

  25. It is rather distressing that he climbed up the greasy pole with too much ease it served the interests of many to poison the well of american good will like schwab and soros and jorg gyss and prince talal to cite a few examples on the international front his partnership with malaki lead to the rise of islamic state which he ignored because he was too busy with the victory dance over romney and the tea party at least one skirmish with hamas or hezbollah happened on his watch thanks to al quds brennan

    even after he left office he pours copious salt in the wound in the spring of 2020 he fanned the flames when some cities might have been spared

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