Home » Open thread 10/16/2024


Open thread 10/16/2024 — 21 Comments

  1. Our cats don’t bother about the dog unless there’s a tiff over a food allotment. They’ll curl up with each other now and again, but mostly prefer us.

  2. A new poll reveals that nearly a two-thirds majority of American Jews agree that former President Donald Trump is on Israel’s side — and yet 62% of American Jews still intend to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, regardless. The poll, conducted as part of a larger survey of American adults over roughly six weeks, is a sign of American Jews’ loyalty to the Democratic Party, which appears unshaken even by issues of specific concern to the Jewish community.


    Sympathy will be lacking in the future…

    When will jews, start singing with the democrats from the river to the sea?

    I hear that in Germany they had a great orchestra that played things like forwards (voorworts)!!

    Ya can’t bitch about what you vote for openly!
    and they can’t claim ignorance either.

    as a group they learned nothing from their own past…

    Hey! hows that relationship with Nero coming along?
    The Great Jewish Revolt (66–73 CE), and the culmination of
    the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, a pivotal event
    in Jewish history.

    The Roman Allies during the Great Jewish Revolt: Initially, some local groups, including certain factions of the Jewish population, allied with the Romans against others. However, as the revolt escalated, these alliances often turned sour, and some former allies sided with the Romans against the Jewish rebels.

    oh… so they sided with them until suddenly, they were enemies.
    not the first time, eh?

    except unlike last time, there is no place left on the planet to flee to
    even our own diamond districts remnants are gone
    and lack of births, will do what it always done

    unless you think the people who brought back the california condor can capture jews and save the endangered species from their own idiocy.

  3. @ArtflDgr: I don’t think it should surprise anyone that there are many American Jews who don’t put the concerns of Israel at the top of their political priorities.

    There’s also lots of American Italians who go through their day never wondering how the Presidential election will affect Italy.

  4. If you try to put yourself in the position of a lifelong Democrat who is also Jewish, I think it’s easy to see why Israel and the antisemitism on campuses wouldn’t affect how they vote.

    Such a person is probably older, probably getting most of their information from the media that’s already in the tank for the Democrats, and that media softpedals the antisemitic violence of Hamas and its supporters in America. They represent Israel as being heavy-handed and callous in fighting Hamas and Hezbollah, with Biden and Harris making common-sense calls for reasonable restraint.

    So why would such a person change their vote? If Israel is a high priority for them, they may not be making the connection that anything Dems do threatens Israel at all, and if Israel is not a high priority they may not realize that the campus rioters target Jews in America for violence (as opposed to peacefully protesting settlements or whatever).

  5. How Can We Reduce Crime? – Round up all MAGA Republicans plus Trump ‘n toss them in Prisons? 🙂 Cut the amount of Laws in Half?

    In just the five years between 2018 and 2023, the proportion of the public that said that crime rates were a serious problem for the country jumped from 48 percent to 63 percent…

    Are Statistics accurate?

    …our most reliable statistics on crime come from the FBI’s compilation of local police data from around the country — and in 2022, only 44 percent of the country’s police agencies actually submitted their full data for the year. Nearly 1/3 of them — including New York City and Los Angeles — didn’t submit any data at all.
    …it’s estimated that between 2-5 percent of criminals — not 2-5 percent of the entire population, just of the lawbreakers — are responsible for at least 50 percent of crimes. As one scholar notes, that means that a hypothetical city with 100,000 criminals could cut its crime rate in half just by locking up the 5,000 worst offenders.
    And here’s the thing about these repeat offenders: It probably wouldn’t be that hard to find them — because crime is also extremely concentrated by location.

    One analysis of New York City found that about five percent of the city’s streets were responsible for about 50 percent of its crime.

    Perhaps we should make streets illegal?

    So … a relatively small number of people in a relatively small number of places and — get this — in a relatively small number of circumstances. Because researchers have also found that violent crime in these places is much more likely to happen at night. And on the weekends. And during the summer.

    More on it at Kite & Key…

  6. Many (including me) have said this election is Trump’s to lose. How’s he doing?

    Trump sparks outrage from conservatives and liberals as he gives himself new nickname

    ‘We really are the party for IVF,’ Trump told Fox News host Harris Faulkner in front of an all-female audience Tuesday.

    He then declared about himself: ‘I’m the father of IVF.

    UPDATE: make this a Twofer:

    ‘Evil’ super gang seizes four apartment complexes in major Texas city in new terrifying show of strength

    A dangerous Venezuelan gang has taken over at least four apartment complexes in San Antonio, Texas, as it expands its reach in yet another America city, DailyMail.com can reveal.

    In Texas!?!

  7. I knew dogs named Kelvin, Rayleigh, Boltzman, plus one named Gauss. Our shepherd was Max or Maxwell (not very creative), but it was short for James Clerk Maxwell. I used to laugh that when strangers learned of the name Maxwell, the most common association was to “Maxwell’s silver hammer.”

  8. Karmi, I really don’t understand your attraction to MSM propaganda and eagerness to share it here.

    Reporters have a speed dial full of people ready to criticize Trump or any other Republican on the record for anything he says or does, and headline writers freely inflate those 4 or 5 people into “conservatives” or “liberals” in general. Articles like the one you shared about Trump and IVF are pre-written narratives with events and quotes shoved in like Mad Libs.

    Daily Mail does not have a different business model from the US media, even if they have different biases. We’re all old enough to have spotted the pattern by now.

  9. Niketas Choniates

    Karmi, I really don’t understand…

    Clearly, you don’t, and I don’t care – since that is your problem ‘n not mine.

    This is an Open Thread. People post all kinds of MSM & RWM news.

    Skip mine since they leave you so confused…

  10. Nebraska Top Court: Felons Can Now Vote

    The order by Republican Secretary of State Bob Evnen could have kept 7,000 or more Nebraskans from voting in the upcoming election, the American Civil Liberties Union has said. Many of them reside in Nebraska’s Omaha-centered 2nd Congressional District, where both the race for president and the makeup of Congress could be in play.

    Nebraska overall is heavily Republican but is one of only two states — the other is Maine — that apportions its Electoral College votes by congressional district.

    My voting right were automatically (??) restored about 14-15 years after I got out of prison. Gave copy of my certificate to local Election Office so as to avoid being arrested for voting…

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