Home » Open thread 10/12/2024


Open thread 10/12/2024 — 8 Comments

  1. Not to count the chickens before they hatch, but there’s already rumblings of what’s next in the Democrat strategy if Trumps wins. Apart from the street level riots, it looks like the actual party politicians will try everything to thwart the election and inauguration. We’ve talked about that before, but the article below brought it to my thoughts again. It’s not going to be over the day after the election.

    Reminds me, in the history rhyming way, of the aftermath of Lincoln’s election. November, December, and January could be rough times.


  2. “our democracy” must never be relinquished. As the University of Kansas professor opined, take them to the wall.

  3. The best thing about science is that it’s so sciencey. This is evidently for real.

    “Hurricane Milton Might Have Been a Category 2 Storm Without Climate Change.”


    The analysis was produced so quickly — a day after landfall — that local weather datasets were not yet updated for the researchers to consult. The team relied instead on existing data histories to estimate how much more more likely, and more intense, rainfall volumes that have a 1% and 10% chance of happening in any given year.

    And these people demand to be taken seriously.

  4. Hurricane Milton & the “Puss caterpillars”

    Florida hit by tiny new threat: ‘Morphine didn’t even touch the pain’

    Floridian, Joel Mathis, found one of the creatures climbing up his white fence after Hurricane Milton wrecked havoc on the Southern State.

    ‘Be very careful picking up debris and/or hand tools that lay in the backyard,’ he wrote to Click Orlando.

    ‘It doesn’t look like much,’ he said. ‘Keep an eye out for these guys especially after the hurricane if you’re cleaning up things.’

  5. Picking up on comments from SHIREHOME in one of yesterday’s topics. Looks like the Dems are coordinating their scare tactics. Here in Conn-5 (Dem female incumbant), I saw a commercial this morning accusing her Rep opponent of exactly what SHIREHOME mentioned yesterday. Wanting to outlaw abortion and track pregnancies.

  6. Benny Goodman was one of my father’s favorites. That may have been the start of my love for music with great rhythms. It’s nothing terribly special, but the old biopic “The Benny Goodman Story” with Steve Allen is quite good.

  7. You need to listen to Sidney Bechet. I am sure Benny and others listened to him, and learned a thing or two.

  8. Mike Plaiss,

    Speaking of historical data sets: This article highlighted by WUWT states that due to systematic errors in ground based temperature observations, that the warming since 1880 has been over stated by about 40%. Not sure that their estimate of the overage is quite correct; I think it may be too high. But it does raise another issue with ground based observations.


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