Home » RIP Ethel Kennedy


RIP Ethel Kennedy — 8 Comments

  1. I also had forgotten she was still alive until a few weeks ago when I was reading something about RFK, Jr. which mentioned her in the present tense.

    You’re certainly correct about her belonging to a past era; very distant and almost unrecognizable from our own. Also, it just *seems* like she should have been older (and likely long deceased) because she was so young during Camelot. She was 32 when JFK was elected and just 40 when her husband ran for President and was killed.

    Again, an almost unrecognizable era from today. But honestly, the 1980s, 90s and even the early 2000s are pretty unrecognizable as well. We were still a nation then, albeit one with fractures growing deeper. Obama certainly succeeded in his promise to ‘fundamentally transform’. By the time he left office, America as a coherent nation was pretty much gone. I think it’s entirely gone now. And I have serious doubts it can ever be restored, even if Trump wins (which he likely will) and even if he is able to slightly succeed at draining the swamp.

    Anyway, long digression.

  2. A family friend cooked for the Kennedys in Hyannisport one summer. (They recruited him; he did not seek out the job.) At one of our annual Christmas Eve dinners, he gave us the lowdown. The Kennedy stories were perhaps influenced by his choice of desserts for that dinner: liqueurs.

    There was one Ethel story that remained with me, decades after the telling. As the cook, he also shopped for the food. One day, Ethel came storming into the kitchen.

    “This lettuce you buy is #%#@#$!”

    “I bought Romaine lettuce because it is Union-picked lettuce. You cannot purchase Iceberg lettuce that is Union-picked.”

    “WELL!” And Ethel stormed off.

    After that he purchased iceberg lettuce, and heard not a further peep from Ethel.

    He thought well of Jackie, because of her concern for her children.

    His final words: “The Kennedys present themselves as rich people with consciences. They are merely rich people.”

    Not everyone in New England loved the Kennedys.

  3. His final words: “The Kennedys present themselves as rich people with consciences. They are merely rich people.”
    Knew my share of Rustbelt patricians during my upbringing. The vintage would be the same as that of Ethel Skakel, b. 1929 + / – 6 years. I never knew one who used foul language except in stag settings, much less in speaking to a household employee. Perhaps that tendency only kicks in if you have Kennedy sums of money…

  4. Art Deco:

    Or perhaps the story was embellished by the teller. Not Gringo; I mean the original teller.

  5. RFK, Jr. is a truly remarkable man,as this obit he wrote shows, despite his various leftist tilts.
    As a litigator, he demanded proof that vaccine preservatives were 100% safe, which I think is fine, for a litigator.
    But nothing is 100% safe, and to flat be anti-vaccination is a failure of reason and knowledge of facts.
    He is an attorney, not an immunologist.
    But he has endorsed Trump!

  6. There is nothing really contradictory about “reverence for the Catholic Church and irreverence toward its clerics.” The clerics are human beings, not angels! Rest in peace, Mrs. Kennedy.

  7. Gringo quoting a story he heard about Ethel:

    “This lettuce you buy is #%#@#$!”

    Art Deco:

    I never knew one who used foul language except in stag settings, much less in speaking to a household employee.


    Or perhaps the story was embellished by the teller. Not Gringo; I mean the original teller.

    I happened five decades ago. I doubt the teller embellished what he heard from Ethel. It is more a case of memory. My memory, while pretty good (relatives always ask me for confirmation on dates, etc.), isn’t perfect. I don’t recall Ethel’s precise wording. IIRC, her wording was more idiomatic than formal English. It could have been “This lettuce tastes like crap.” It wasn’t “This lettuce is tasteless.” I intended “#%#@#$” to convey a negative, idiomatic expression, not necessarily swearing, but possibly swearing.

    The teller has written books, journal articles, and managed a website. To the best of my knowledge he has never published anything about his time in Hyannisport. The reach of the Kennedys is long.

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