Home » About that FEMA money that isn’t available because it was given to illegals


About that FEMA money that isn’t available because it was given to illegals — 11 Comments

  1. What is this administration thinking? Who in the White House is thinking it’s a good idea to use emergency funds to settle immigrants? Maybe it’s someone who is hoping those immigrants will be Democrat voters in four more years, but even so, this is a transparent abuse of our system wherein the House of Representatives decides how to spend money. What we have now is the White House and executive agencies ignoring what the Congress intended with money they appropriated, and doing what they think will gain them votes. Despicable.

  2. It might help a tad if Hezbullah wasn’t embedding itself—and its huge supplies of ammo—within the civilian population. But who really cares about that? (Who even mentions the word “Hezbullah”? Oh I forgot! Hezbullah are civilians, too….)

    By the way, are the Lebanese dropping like flies from Israel-caused starvation yet?
    No matter. BUILD THAT PIER!!

  3. One might think the Democrats are sick and tired of lying.

    One would be very, very wrong:
    “NY ballot measure aimed at protecting abortion could allow illegal migrants to vote, critics”—
    Opening graf:

    The radical politicians who thought this up are the same who gave us radical, failed policies such as No-Cash-Bail, Clean Slate, Raise the Age, and Congestion Pricing. They are selling Prop One as an “Equal Rights Amendment” that will protect abortion in New York, though none of those words actually appear on the ballot. Nonetheless, when you read it, it sounds “fair” – I mean who doesn’t want equal treatment for all? But in reality, if it passes, it will not give anyone any new “equal rights” since all the categories in there are already protected under our NYS laws. However, what it will do is weaken your rights, and further empower the radical politicians who run our government. Here’s how…. [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    No, they’re not tired at all.
    They revel in this crap…
    They luxuriate in it.
    And they won’t be satisfied until the country is entirely unrecognizable.
    Totally ruined.

  4. Democrats are not just liars. They are stupid, ignorant, lazy, or evil, often in combination.
    They make up the vast majority of the federal work force.
    I think America is slowly dying, being strangled by its own government. Reminds me of czarist Russia before Lenin.

  5. Yer right, Cicero.
    If only they were ONLY psychopathic liars…
    Me bad.
    (On the other hand, I’m fairly certain Nicholas II loved his country…which is a lot more than one could say about Obama II…or Obama I for that matter…. Let us hope that Obama III doesn’t get the opportunity to totally kill it…)

  6. @ the excerpt: “EFSP had the goal of providing aid to homeless Americans, most notably the elderly, handicapped, families with kids, Native Americans, and (especially) veterans.”

    Proving once again how everything done with good intentions (which the road to hell is paved with) gets warped if they don’t have adequate guard rails built in.
    And you don’t even want to consider the things that are done with bad intentions.

    Trump asked for ESFP to be ended in his FY 2020 and FY 2021 budget requests as duplicative of other federal activities, but as Reagan himself explained, “a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth”.

    Which is why we should never let them get started.

    When you add Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy to Robert Conquest’s Laws you describe every government ever, once past the initial founding.

    My only caveat is with Robert’s third law, considering the events that have unfolded over the last few decades (or longer), and is really only for clarification of the phrase “its enemies.”
    I think it should read “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies, who are dedicated to thwarting its initial mission.”

    Pursuant to Pournelle’s Iron Law, the organization eventually becomes filled with people dedicated only to their own power and wealth, and interested only in furthering their own policies and ideologies, thus they become enemies to the good intentions of the original bureaucracy, especially if achieving those objectives could interfere with their own goals. They have no interest in fulfilling its initial mission, and hence the behavior of the now-dominant bureaucrats becomes perfectly understandable.


    Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people:

    First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.

    Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.

    The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.

    And the second group will soon control admittance to the organization once it controls hiring, as we have seen with academia and the administrative state (hmm, sounds like the title of a blockbuster documentary).


    Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics:

    1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
    2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
    3. The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

  7. It really amuses me when people are outraged by this. This government has been doing such since their beginning. The outrage train rolls on…….

  8. Here’s a good companion post to the one Neo linked.
    Slightly edited; it’s not long.

    by Mark Krikorian, in February 2024

    People often ask how illegal aliens can afford to pay for their journeys. Much of the funding comes from predictable sources: Relatives in the United States may send the money, the migrant may borrow it or even indenture himself to smuggling gangs and work off the debt once here.

    But a lot of the money comes from the American taxpayer.

    At every stage of a migrant’s journey, U.S. tax money smooths the way for people planning to enter and live in the United States illegally.

    Start with the United Nations.

    Once the illegal aliens cross the border, they turn themselves in to the Border Patrol, which is obviously totally funded by our taxes. … — it’s been turned into a vast, green-uniformed Welcome Wagon. .
    For one group of immigrants, all the transportation costs are borne by the taxpayer. Unaccompanied minors (who frequently are neither minors nor really unaccompanied) …
    This is so egregious that one federal judge has angrily noted that the Department of Homeland Security was “successfully completing the mission of the criminal (smuggling) conspiracy.” On your dime.

    But you help pay for adult undocumented aliens to get to their destinations, too. The Federal Emergency Management Agency oversees Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which was started 40 years ago to give money to non-profit groups to help homeless veterans and others. The original purpose of this program has been swallowed up by a new mission — assisting undocumented border-crossers with transportation and basic needs. In 2023, $425 million in your money was budgeted for that task.

    And then, when the aliens reach their destinations, you’re still paying.

    If you don’t live in one of those places [sanctuary cities], you’re still not off the hook. The border bill being negotiated in the Senate, whatever its other strengths and weaknesses, includes a federal bailout for New York and other sanctuary cities struggling with the costs of our border policies.

    Whether the money comes directly from the federal treasury or is directed through the United Nations or various non-profit groups, your tax money is helping underwrite the border crisis. There’s a long list of things that need to be done to regain control after three years of chaos, but high up on that list is to stop paying to make it worse.

    That’s the border bill that Democrats keep accusing Trump (who is not a senator) of killing.
    This post explains what that bill actually encompassed — and it isn’t border security.


  9. The FBI just arrested an Afghan for planning a terrorist attack on election day. He went so far to sell his house, arrange for the family to go back east, buy some guns, and so on.. This is the complaint and the Justice news release.

    The scary thing – they got the guy in OKC. It will be interesting to see how he got here.



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