Home » Open thread 10/5/2024


Open thread 10/5/2024 — 16 Comments

  1. It is widely stated, but false, that Constantine established Christianity as the state religion. He simply did not. That wasn’t done until Theodosius, at the end of the century (sort of). All Constantine did was declare toleration, and tried to get them to settle controversies.

    Of course, the real account of how cats joined themselves to man is here:


    As usual, the one who made this is lax with “Medieval”. Anyone who jumps from the fall of Rome to the 1480s in about a minute really shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    I do confess I’m with Shel Silverstein on this subject.

  2. We are approaching the one year anniversary of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

    Filmmaker Igal Hecht created the film “The Killing Roads” for you to see for free in its entirety.

    Watch it now. Viewer discretion advised.


    Movie at link, 1:54:48 — it’s a documentary by Igal Hecht built on contemporary “peacetime” footage of the roads with interviews of survivors and their stories intercut with Hamas fiends’ footage of their murder sprees. It’s hard to see, yet no less needful for that.

  3. Just another open-thread comment about the presidential election. It’s probably worth noting that I’m a natural pessimist. For example, I never thought that Trump had a chance against Hillary Clinton.

    Even though the election is a month away, mail-in voting has already started in many states. By the time November 5th rolls around, the election will be pretty much over. The Democrats will then only need to polish up close results with more illegal ballots. Okay, I exaggerate, but not by much.

    The Democrats’ latest gambit for election cheating is to import illegal aliens to swing states. You can bet every one of them will be given a mail-in ballot, along with their fake id’s. Below, I’ve listed the number of recent illegals imported to swing states, by Biden/Harris. The data was compiled by an organization called “Leading Report,” about which I know nothing. “Leading Report” claims to have obtained the data from court filings. They then published it at X (Twitter), as a percentage increase in illegals per state.

    link: https://x.com/LeadingReport/status/1842009048537063838

    Georgia – 401%
    North Carolina – 446%
    Pennsylvania – 241%
    Arizona – 734%
    Nevada – 562%
    Michigan – 775%
    Wisconsin – 467%

    The illegals ballots can be harvested as soon as mail-in voting is allowed. Below, I’ve compiled a list of those dates. The list is derived from a variety of sources, and was provided by Perplexity.ai, as an answer to a question posed by me.

    Georgia – October 15, 2024 (early voting begins)
    North Carolina – September 6, 2024 (for military voters)
    Pennsylvania – October 1, 2024 (ballots start being mailed)
    Arizona – October 12, 2024 (early voting begins)
    Nevada – October 1, 2024 (ballots start being mailed)
    Michigan – September 28, 2024 (ballots start being mailed)
    Wisconsin – September 23, 2024 (ballots start being mailed)

  4. For those who might be interested, Sabine has a fantastic new video up where she chastises the physics establishment. Very much needed. She specifically calls out Quantum gravity theorists for producing the same nonsense for decades. And she hits upon the real problem, yeah you guessed it: money. Like fusion research, QG keeps getting funded at higher levels with no return. Much like CERN wanting to build an even bigger collider and their request is tied into the theorists….a big circle of money chasing.

    For many, physics has become a “career” in a negative sense. That is, many pursue physics not so much for the science as for a “career” path: find a current “hot” field, get grants, write papers that contribute really nothing to the physics but stay relevant in the “field”, get more grants, rinse and repeat.

    She did her rant, I just did mine….sorry.


  5. @ Shirehome > “Not sure how many here have seen this video. Take a look. Rules is Rules, no matter what.”

    Thanks for the link. I was very impressed with the local news reporter. He asked good questions of the official spokesperson, but was not confrontational. She had the hard job of putting a good face on what everyone knew was an officious demonstration of “who owns the territory,” as the newsman implied.

    I know that coordination and control is important in rescue operations, because random actors can impede or at least not improve efficacy, but that is NOT what these officials were doing. If they had been actually in control and working to coordinate actions of public and private people and organizations, the pilot clearly was willing to work within their parameters, but they apparently were NOT doing anything of the kind.

    She said “he should have checked in with incident command” which is true, but whoever manned that post should have been vetting and then using the help offered, not blanket refusing it and threatening arrest. That was the real kicker, IMO. A polite “thanks but no thanks” was all that should have been said; better yet, a “thanks and please see these people to get integrated in the rescue ops” was the proper response.

    Bottom line: no matter who was “in charge” the pilots were bringing people back alive, and that should have been the ONLY consideration about whether they could help or not.

    Note the newsman’s remarks on the city turning around the next day and inviting all those “unqualified” people to come back again and resume their “dangerous” flights!

    PS The city spokesperson kept harping on how dangerous this work was for the “untrained” helpers, and the city was concerned for their safety yada yada yada; after reading a lot of news reports, it looks like many of them were better trained than the officials. Plus, I still remember the past stories of “trained officials” standing around on a beach and watching people DROWN because it wasn’t safe to go rescue them, while private swimmers did exactly that.

    /rant off

  6. But does quantum gravity even exist

    Shouldnt there be some basis for a hypothesis

  7. From Hoyt’s blog yesterday.
    If an agency can’t get its act together after 20 years and perform its legislated duties effectively, it needs to be disbanded.

    Elaine Krewer says:October 4, 2024 at 6:59 pm
    We had flooding in our basement the other day, but not from the hurricane – it was from a new washing machine that the appliance service guy didn’t install properly ? Anyway, I was sorting through a box of newspaper clippings that had gotten only slightly wet, and found a story from 2006 about a tornado that hit my hometown in 2004…. and the story was all about how disappointed the residents were with FEMA! One of my parents neighbors was quoted as saying “If you see FEMA, run!” She added that while watching TV coverage of Katrina in 2005, she yelled at the TV “Tell them (FEMA) to go home!” The more things change…

  8. More cross-over comments from Sarah’s blog.
    Read this one for a view of the locals vs officials.

    “The people here are, with the exception of the People’s Republic of Asheville, about evenly divided between Trump supporters and those who believe Trump coddled the Commies too much, so efforts to ensure they get to cast ballots this year may be a trifle lax, although I would not be surprised if many ballots in their names are not received, especially if postmarks are not carefully examined.”

    Axelrod said as much yesterday.

    A filk song from Leslie Fish is on point here: The Day It Fell Apart

  9. Best wishes to Florida. You’re going to need them. For those not close enough to Appalachia to send or deliver supplies by road, I suggest donations to Samaritan’s Purse. Centered in Boone, NC, headed by the Rev. Franklin Graham, they are on the ground and are asking for volunteers to distribute aid, which they are already doing. This is an overtly Christian group, which may give some people pause; however, they are delivering aid right now.

  10. mkent, from the Helene thread of a couple of days ago:

    “First Hawaii now North Carolina. I think we have to come to grips with the fact that we are living under an occupation government, like France under the Nazis or Greece under the Ottoman Turks. We are not their constituents. Their loyalties lie elsewhere.”


    On a lighter note, it seems that Kamala Harris had a teleprompter malfunction in Michigan. That inspired Ed Driscoll at Instapundit to retrieve this oldie-but-goodie by Iowahawk (the creator of “T. Coddington Van Vorhees VII” of “The National Topsider”) from 2008:


    Obama’s teleprompter has some demands.

  11. P.S. A Web search on “national topsider” produced the following massive AI fail. Apologies for the length, but this needs to be savored in its entirety, complete with the helpful “Note” and questions-for-further-discussion at the end.

    “National topsider

    The National Topsider is an iconoclastic conservative journal founded in 1948 by T. Coddington Van Voorhees VI. It is known for its blunt and irreverent style, making it useful to both critics and supporters of conservatism. The journal has a reputation for being unafraid to challenge conventional wisdom and has been a platform for conservative intellectuals.

    Membership and Events

    The National Topsider has a membership program, with Chairman T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII overseeing its activities. The journal hosts exclusive events, such as a top-level strategy conference in Nassau, featuring prominent conservative thinkers from various publications.

    Conservative Identity

    The National Topsider’s conservative identity is reflected in its endorsement of candidates and its coverage of political issues. While some may view its endorsement process as unconventional, it has raised eyebrows among certain conservative circles, particularly among alumni of elite colleges like Michigan or Dartmouth.

    Influence and Legacy

    The National Topsider has had a lasting impact on conservative thought and has been a significant voice in the conservative movement. Its influence can be seen in its ability to shape the conversation and provide a platform for conservative intellectuals.

    Note: The term “Topsider” is also used to describe a type of boat shoe, specifically Sperry Top-Sider, which is a brand known for its high-quality leather products. However, in this context, the focus is on the National Topsider journal and its conservative ideology.

    Follow up

    What are some notable controversies or criticisms surrounding the National Topsider’s editorial stance or endorsement practices?

    Can you provide examples of influential articles or writers associated with the National Topsider, and how have their perspectives evolved over time?

    What role has the National Topsider played in shaping conservative thought and policy on specific issues, such as foreign policy or economic regulation?”

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