Home » Open thread 10/3/2024


Open thread 10/3/2024 — 19 Comments

  1. Durn, that video was too short! 🙁

    Abortion is a major issue—and both sides have their fanatics. I recently stated My view on September 28, 2024 at 10:11 pm in the OT 9/28. Decade or two ago, I used to think the man should also have a say, but at some point within the past decade I felt the fetus is a growing/developing human—the 3rd being involved and should also have a ‘Say’.

    Melania Trump passionately defends abortion rights in upcoming memoir

    Does anyone here know if a fetus can be safely removed and kept alive some other way?

    Adopt a fetus…so to speak.

  2. Good thing Putin hasn’t sent these dancers to the front.

    But they probably live in fear of that; all because of Biden’s weakness.

    You can’t hate Biden enough for the damage he has done to the world.

  3. Suchomimus, “Israel missile strike on Russian airbase in Syria! Hmeimim airbase targeted.”, (4:01): https://youtu.be/lIcQTG_Xjuw

    Iranian transport plane (and cargo presumably) were the point of attention. Still, I believe this is a first, and a slightly risky first at that. Only slightly, because Russian overreach in Syria (to say nothing of Ukraine) has left them with distinct vulnerabilities there, vulnerabilities which Israel has tolerated heretofore but apparently can no longer. Bashar Assad should start looking for an escape country, and quickly. His time is growing short.

  4. If only women older than, say, 30 years of age voted on what should be the abortion laws, how would they vote??
    Abortion up to the time of birth?
    Only allowed the first 1? 2? 3? ……9th? month?
    Only allowed in situations involving rape or affecting the life of the mother?
    Only allowed if the fetus will be born with severe disabilities ?
    etc., etc.

    I chose a minimum voting age of 30 because by this time those women who have had abortions will be able to reflect upon their experiences and also by 30, the vast majority of people are no longer thinking / acting like adolescents.

  5. @ Shirehome – We never expected to actually receive any SocSec funds in our lifetime; I always just counted my taxes as being third-hand contributions to my grandparents and parents. Signing up and getting the first deposits a few years ago was a pleasant surprise.
    It’s still a Ponzi scheme.

  6. I wonder why Slavic peoples seem to be better dancers. I understand why Southern boys are generally better golfers and Black guys play basketball, but dancing has never been adequately explained.

  7. @Sennacherib:I wonder why Slavic peoples seem to be better dancers.

    I’d guess it’s what’s prestigious in their culture; if they liked golf or basketball as well as Americans, or flower arranging as well as Japanese, I’m sure we’d see more Slavs doing those things. And if Americans took a bigger interest in dancing and flower arranging they wouldn’t be so dominated by Slavs and Japanese respectively.

    If I worked hard all my life to achieve a Japanese-level mastery of flower arranging or calligraphy, I might get famous in Japan but no one here would take much note; they might think it was an interesting quirk of my character at best. American kids wouldn’t grow up wanting to emulate me and they wouldn’t stand in line for my autograph.

  8. JJ,

    The problem with the climate change priests is that they ignore their own models and their consequences. The basic climate models based on CO2 causing water vapor feedback for warming is that, yes the oceans, not just the tropics get warmer. Further, the models say the warming will occur even more in the upper troposhere.

    Now, as I keep doing, bring in the 2nd Law of Thermo: hurricanes are heat engines, so take energy from a “hot” source, the ocean, and exhaust energy to the “cold” reservoir, the upper atmosphere locally. Now, remember the models say the upper atmosphere will warm. The efficiency of any heat engine is determined by the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs; greater the difference the more efficient. Less delta T between surface and upper atmosphere, less efficiency. However, as the storms move north, they also transport energy from the tropical regions to the more temperate regions. They act as a thermostat. If the oceans (and land) more north warm, then the delta T will be less, and the storms will also not be so severe, ie less efficient.

    In the article JJ links, shows Ryan Maue’s hurricane energy graph which shows no increase.

    The climate nuts fail to align their models and storm predictions with the 2nd Law, so they get it all wrong.

  9. Jack’s back’ and many right-wing sites seem to be avoiding it. Daily Mail has it – Five bombshell claims in Jack Smith’s new filing against Donald Trump in 2020 election fraud case

    • Trump planned to stay in power no matter what
    • Trump showed no concern for VP Mike Pence’s safety
    • Former President was alone with his phone in the White House dining room while Capitol was breached
    • Trump campaign employee said ‘make them riot’
    • Trump willingly ‘spread lies of election fraud’

    “Pence’s safety”?! People close to Trump started falling at the beginning, and are probably still falling – I don’t recall Trump ever seeming concerned about them either. How is not showing concern a crime? Driving past the accident that just happened in front of you? Maybe that’s a crime…in a country that spitting on a sidewalk or walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk is a crime.

  10. @physicsguy:The climate nuts fail to align their models and storm predictions with the 2nd Law, so they get it all wrong.

    While I certainly don’t think the modelers have everything right, I think it’s too strong a statement that climate models are breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics; we’d being seeing a lot of articles to that effect in the physics journals.

    There’s many different heat transfer mechanisms between ocean and different parts of the atmosphere taking place at once, which is why they build complex models in the first place, and I’m not sure you can argue that a hurricane is just a heat engine operating between two reservoirs; I’m pretty sure that’s an oversimplification. (Imagine a heat engine, that is used to pump large amounts of water from the cold reservoir to the hot and vice versa, at different times, at different rates, with both reservoirs receiving energy inputs from outside the system: it would be quite complex to model what the system was doing at any given time, and saying it was a heat engine and pointing to the Carnot formula wouldn’t tell anyone very much.)

    A very small snippet from a long exposition from American Institute of Physics:

    Climate is governed by the general circulation of the atmosphere — the global pattern of air movements, with its semi-tropical trade winds, its air masses rising in the tropics to descend farther north, its cyclonic storms that carry energy and moisture through middle latitudes, and so forth. It is a vast thermodynamic engine operating to transfer heat energy from the tropics toward the poles. Many meteorologists suspected that shifts in this pattern were a main cause of climate change. They could only guess about such shifts, for the general circulation was poorly mapped before the 1940s (even the jet streams remained to be discovered). The Second World War and its aftermath brought a phenomenal increase in observations from ground level up to the stratosphere, which finally revealed all the main features. Yet up to the 1960s, the general circulation was still only crudely known, and this knowledge was strictly observational.

    From the 19th century forward, many scientists had attempted to explain the general pattern by applying the laws of the physics of gases to a heated, rotating planet. All their ingenious efforts failed to derive a realistic mathematical solution. The best mathematical physicists could only offer simple arguments for the character of the circulation, arguments which might seem plausible but in fact were mere hand-waving. And with the general global circulation not explained, attempts to explain climate change in terms of shifts of the pattern were less science than story-telling.

    The solution would come by taking the problem from the other end. Instead of starting with grand equations for the planet as a whole, one might seek to find how the circulation pattern was built up from the local weather at thousands of points.

  11. Jack smith like michael mann has committed multiple omissions lies et al of the historical record just recently in the documents case so pull my other finger

    I told you chapter and verse about judge chutkins record so anything that comes from her court is tainted

    Smith has lost three times at the supreme court he should have disbarred long ago but the dc bar is corrupt he nearly caused a civil war in kosovo with his bogus indictment
    No chain of custody on ballots no voter id you have an illigitimate election like ukraine in 2005

  12. So the end result of this steal was the ukraine invasion the al hijra the kabul capitulations including the abbey gate massacre october 7th need i go on

    Those who were derelict were complicit in these events by omission if not commission

  13. Karmi:

    Gee, corrupt and biased prosecutor Jack Smith says it! Therefore it must be true!

    That stuff isn’t supposed to be released for a reason.

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