Home » Some thoughts on the recent turns that the war in the Middle East has taken


Some thoughts on the recent turns that the war in the Middle East has taken — 7 Comments

  1. I’m glad the grim beepers were the opening round in a massive attack and very successful destruction of Hezbola and not a one-off

    Touring around YouTube there seems to-be a great deal of happiness in the Christian community. Meanwhile the MSM in its scummy way seems to be sad that the mass murderer and his gang have beeb eliminated. They don’t come out and say it but their demeanor gives it away.

    I wonder if the Christians will try to reclaim Lebanon? Or if they even have the capability?

  2. “Iranian embassy in Beirut warns attack on Hezbollah HQ ‘changes rules of the game’”

    It does but not in the way that the Iranian leadership thinks. The ‘change’ is on the Israeli side. Netanyahu has finally decided that Israel will no longer pull its punches. Israel is bringing the war to the jihadist leadership. The Oct 7th atrocity gave Netanyahu the moral support to do so. Hate always plants the seeds of its own destruction.

  3. Yes the media are decidedly on the oher side

    Yes they bombed the israeliembassy in buenos aires 30 years ago checks notes

  4. For me, I wish I had invested in baklava futures in Syria and Lebanon — it seems there, they are passing out sweets to celebrate. Hezballah in those countries was like Oct. 7 but lasting years. Now, let’s get Sinwar and find the Hamas held hostages or their remains.

  5. Yes, diplomacy has provided nothing more than respites for the Muslim Brotherhood’s various jihadi groups.

    How do you conduct diplomacy with a bunch of religious fanatics? Until the fundamentalist Muslims give up their intolerance of infidels, they will keep on murdering people in the name of their religion. When are the leaders in the West going to accept that? This isn’t a tiff between two ethnic groups vying fora piece of land. It’s a jihad that has been going on, off and on, since the days of Mohammed.

    When will the West understand that when the Iranians shout, “Death to America, death to Israel,” they mean it.

    Obviously, Obama is blind to this and has convinced his acolytes in our government that a grand deal can be made. Why he believes this is unclear. It seems to me that his policy could be that of an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood trying to destroy us from within. A terrible conclusion, but there it is.

  6. Paul In Boston

    I wonder if the Christians will try to reclaim Lebanon? Or if they even have the capability?

    They no longer have the capability. They have been less than 50% of Lebanon’s population for years, due to differing fertility rates and emigration.


    Yes, diplomacy has provided nothing more than respites for the Muslim Brotherhood’s various jihadi groups.

    The US is trying with “diplomacy” to enforce UN Resolution 1701, which keeps Hezbollah north of the Litani River. UN Resolution 1701 dates from 2006. The US is trying with “diplomacy” to enforce a diplomatic agreement that Hezbollah has never followed. Is that stupid or what?

    For the last 18 years, it is painfully obvious that Resolution 1701 has been honored more in the breach than in the observance. If Hezbollah is unwilling to stop firing rockets at Israel, it is obvious that it has no intention of withdrawing to north of the Litani River.

    If the US/UN/France object to Israel’s destroying Hezbollah armaments south of the Litani, and driving Hebollah’s army north of the Litani, Israel should reply that it is merely trying to enforce UN Resolution 1701. 🙂

    For those who object to Israel’s “escalation,” the reply is that Hezbollah “escalated” in 2023 with the rocket attacks.

    Diplomacy? In a pig’s eye.

  7. Ayatollah Khamenei has a life expectancy of about 5.5 years. He’d undertaken to place Ebrahim Raisi in the president’s chair. The man had some claim to being a cleric and thus perhaps a candidate for Khamenei’s current post. Then a helicopter crash intervened. The current president is a retired surgeon.

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