Home » Whatever happened to that old-fashioned word, “defeat”?


Whatever happened to that old-fashioned word, “defeat”? — 35 Comments

  1. it was david plouffe ,who might have been working for hillary back in 2016, who said ‘we must not only defeat trump, but prevent another from rising’ so their concern for democracy is noted and promptly dispatched,

  2. Curious.

    Democrats expect Israel to live and let live with enemies sworn to destroy Israel and actively pursuing the goal.

    Meanwhile Democrats declare existential war against Republican Americans. No live and let live there.

    I must be missing something.

  3. LotusEaters notice something going on, “American politicians are scared” [should be “scarred”, not “scared”, based on the WaPo story cited, but still, not that far off]: https://youtu.be/NbzqxAb7cuo

    It’s about an amendment moving, ostensibly to speed Congresscritter replacement in the event of a mass casualty incident. The thing isn’t likely to go anywhere; it’s the motivations that are of particular interest.

  4. They do hate him and want him dead but they kind of felt the same about Bush and Teddy Kennedy even tried to get Andropov to help defeat Reagan.

  5. When they tell you they want you dead, you better believe them and act accordingly.

    This is that “existential threat” stuff again and I don’t believe it’s as simple as power per se or money/safe secure jobs in the new order or preventing prosecution for corruption…

    This is the base meaning of “existential.” This hate-Trump with murderous intensity is about those who possess a Hunger Games-style vision of the future. They envision a future only they can create that secures their ease and debauched lifestyles built over the corpses of the rest of us. He’s the living public antithesis of their vision.

    Yeah… it’s a spiritual battle.
    Unavoidably so.

  6. Republicans couldn’t come up with anyone but Trump to run against these two morons:

    Joe Biden Says He Delegated ‘Everything’ to Kamala Harris: ‘Foreign Policy to Domestic Policy’

    Republicans chose the most hated man in America!?!

    President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he delegated “everything” as commander-in-chief to Vice President Kamala Harris, including foreign policy and domestic policy.

    The acknowledgment is significant because it contradicts Harris’s talking points. Harris has tried multiple times to distance herself from the Biden-Harris record.

  7. huxley,

    You miss very little.They have principles in the same way as my elderly cat. They want what they want.

  8. “Republicans chose the most hated man in America!?!” Karmi

    Trump being the most hated man in America is a reflection of how lost to reason and decency is that part of America. People who support the murder of the most innocent. People who support the permanent physical mutilation of children.

    Conservative support for Trump can be illustrated by Lincoln’s expressed support for the hard drinking Grant. “I like this man. He fights!”

  9. Karmi:

    Bush and Reagan were also very hated, and DeSantis would have been greatly hated as well were he the nominee. The Democrats and the MSM are very good at that.

  10. When they say Trump is a threat to democracy, the reply should be, “Exactly how?” If they say insurrection, the reply would be 1. he asked for troops and Pelosi turned him down, he asked for peaceful demonstration.
    Then the next statement should be: isn’t government/private censorship a threat to democracy? Like the Biden-Harris admin did.
    Isn’t a two tiered justice system a threat to democracy, such as leniency for rioting, rooting and burning but severe for walking around the capitol?
    Isn’t subverting immigration laws for 40 years to install a new electorate a threat to democracy, like the left has done?

  11. Yes, Dems hate every Republican, but Trump is easier for potential voters to hate because of his failings. Be honest and admit it.

  12. jermeer:

    Why don’t you do some research on this blog and discover I’ve said that many many times? Trump is easier to demonize, but they can demonize – and will demonize – anyone. And his pluses in some parts of the country may make up for that extra ease of demonization. I’ve never decided if it balances out or not, but I’ve written on the subject many times. Here’s just one example of the many many posts and comments I’ve written about this.

    I take offense at your gratuitous “be honest” insult.

  13. ”I like this man. He fights!”

    No, he doesn’t. He tweets. There’s a difference. A big difference.

  14. “Trump is easier for potential voters to hate because of his failings.” – jvermeer

    What are those failings that make it easier for voters to hate him?

  15. @Karmi:Republicans chose the most hated man in America!?!

    Emmanuel Goldstein must have been an awful person if everyone in Oceania periodically gets together and screams at him for two minutes at time. What were the Oldthinkers thinking to put the most hated man in Oceania at their head of their movement? Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Ingsoc, that’s for sure.

  16. No, he doesn’t. He tweets. There’s a difference. A big difference.


    What in the world?

    Didn’t you notice Trump jumping to his feet and raising a fist after having his head nearly shot off? Staying in the open for another assassin to take a shot at him? Now, god knows how many more hitter teams on the prowl for him?

    Haven’t you noticed him getting knocked down again and again by lawfare, getting up and fighting them off, then running for President again?

    How about being declared an existential threat to American democracy and under constant attack as an American Hitler and staying in the game?

    Man’s a fighter.

    There’s no president comparable in living memory. No one can take that away from him.

  17. Ah yes, well WHO exactly are engaged in the non-stop campaign to portray Dreyfus Jew Trump as the new Hitler?
    (Have THEY been so utterly truthful about other things?)

    And just WHO have been calling him a non-stop pathological liar?
    (Have THEY been demonstrating to us plebes that they themselves are the cutting edge of honesty?)

    And just WHO have been labelling him a degenerate criminal?
    (Ah yes, those grand exemplars of rectitude, probity and moral values…right!)

    And who exactly have been telling us incessantly—ad nauseum—that he presents a clear and present DANGER to “OUR DEMOCRACY“?
    (Might it be, by any chance, the moral and ethical perverts who champion the glorious transformation of society? Of the individual? Of the family? Of children? Of education? Of the military? Of the economy? Of language? Of the university? Of our cities?
    …Of the country?)

    And what does it take to comprehend what’s going on?
    To open one’s eyes?
    To actually SEE that shoddy curtain and the sordid people operating behind it…?
    To realize the “Grand Illusion” of the Looking-Glass through which our “betters” have been doing their best to cram us…to distort reality and mislead?

    Who, indeed, are THEY!?

  18. Trump is a terrible leader, but a great “fighter,” so let’s make him our candidate—AGAIN—even tho he is probably more hated than Reagan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, GW Bush, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama (Bbbuuuuurrrrrr!), Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris ever were or is.

    Like I said, ‘Republicans chose the most hated man in America’, and it is not just the left that hates him. Many Republicans & Independents hate him.

    Republicans chose the most hated man in America over a strong class of young candidates—some with great Leadership ability and experience. Sure, many DEMs & their MSM puppets would’ve hated anyone of them, but some DEMs, some REPS, and many Independents would’ve liked the eventual winner. ‘Any one but Trump’ – as some say.

    Tonight Trump came outta the closet: Trump accuses Zelensky of refusing to strike a deal on war

    Trump already had a grudge against Zelensky & Ukraine. Many people recognize that Trump is a serious grudge holder, since it has been that obvious. Don’t ask me what the grudge against Zelensky was, but this is what brought it outta the closet:

    But the meeting is expected to be scrapped, according to US media, which reported Trump did not appreciate the interview Zelensky gave to The New Yorker magazine, in which the Ukrainian president said he believed the 78-year-old Republican “doesn’t really know how to stop the war.”

    Like a spoiled child, Trump exploded and is apparently refusing to meet with Zelensky now. Trump has claimed that he could stop the Russia/Ukraine war in ‘24-hours’ – and anyone with a lick of sense would know that wasn’t going to happen. Anyone with a lick of sense would also realize that Trump was either lying or he didn’t have a clue how to stop that war…well, other than letting Russia come out the winner—both now and in the future.

    Am going to sleep on this before—before thinking some more about what Trump did today…

  19. The humble Kermit lets his hatred of The Great Orange Whale roil the waters, lots of froth to no end. The Great Orange Whale sounds and will breach when he wishes. Much to Kermit’s impotent fury.

  20. But the Democrats will not be satisfied when The Great Orange Whale is singing in the celestial choir or taken the Norwegian Blue cure.

  21. Karmi, I’m guessing you’re just looking for attention.

    The most hated man in America is soon going to get 75+ million votes, most by people who share his vision for America. He built this coalition from scratch– from the idea that America was getting the short end of trade deals and created a comprehensive agenda to improve the lives of average Americans. No other politician has created such an eclectic coalition in such a short time in modern politics. He turned a moribund Republican party on its head and infused it with passion.

    He is hated by those that profit from the corrupt DC system of kickbacks/patronage/largess/insider trading/etc. He is hated by those who believe in or profit from the Climate Change grift. He is hated by those who see him as an impediment to global governance. He is hated by those who believe nations are an anachronism and people and goods should flow without restriction.

    You’re misunderstanding what leadership is. I would suggest what Trump has accomplished is tremendous leadership.

    Where Trump came up short in his first administration was understanding how venal and corrupt Washington politics is. And he failed to fully realize that while he had captured the Presidency, he hadn’t fully captured the Republican party. All successful businessmen have failed at times. The sign of a good businessman is one who gets up, tends to his wounds, learns from his failure and tries again.

    I think Trump has a much better team, working on the same agenda when he takes office in Jan. 2025. He won’t have to rely on the word of politicians that were ready to knife him in the back when the opportunity presented itself.

    Those that hate him will still hate him for what he is trying to do– change the system to make it responsive to the citizens. When President Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” the government wasn’t into every aspect of our lives– often dictating terms that are sometimes destructive to our culture and own citizens. What national populism recognizes and is saying that the government no longer represents the country. We’re more than willing to still sacrifice for our country– but not for a corrupt government.

    As to Zelensky, there is absolutely no reason to meet with him. It has nothing to do with him holding a grudge. This is nothing but a failed publicity stunt on the part of Zelensky to maintain his status in Ukraine. He has failed to convince Biden/Harris to allow the use of longer range cruise missiles on any targets deeper into Russia. Remember it requires US or UK or German military to provide/program the coordinates for these missile systems.
    Zelensky has made it clear that his 10 point peace plan doesn’t include any possibility of territorial negotiations– which means there will be no peace plan. Of course, Trump can’t force Ukraine to accept a peace deal that includes territorial concessions, but the US is also under no obligation to fund Ukraine’s slow suicide.

    Even ardent supporters of Ukraine realize the situation.

    Kyiv needs to accept that part of Ukrainian territory will temporarily be under Russian occupation even if the war comes to an end, Czech President Petr Pavel said.

    “The most probable outcome of the war will be that a part of Ukrainian territory will be under Russian occupation, temporarily,” he said in an interview with The New York Times published Monday, adding that “temporarily” could actually mean years.

    Putin will likely control part of Ukraine when war ends, Czech president says

  22. Karmi:

    Trump’s “grudge” against Zelensky is that Zelensky came to the US and basically campaigned for Kamala Harris – in Pennsylvania, yet. It’s no mystery, and IMHO – and I’ve long been a defender of Zelensky – it was a very stupid move on the latter’s part.

    And I guess I just don’t have a lick of sense. First of all, “in 24 hours” is of course typical Trumpish hyperbole. However, I think that Trump accomplished a lot in foreign policy in his first term that I didn’t think possible. Could he accomplish a lot in Ukraine? I wouldn’t say it’s impossible by any means. I certainly think he could come much closer to it than Kamala Harris.

    In addition, maybe Trump is thinking about the release of the Iranian hostages when Reagan was inaugurated. Although that action was a combination of the result of Carter’s negotiations and concessions to the Iranians, and the Iranians’ knowledge that Reagan wouldn’t be as accommodating as Carter, the reality is that it appeared to happen very suddenly and Reagan’s inauguration had something to do with it.

    When Trump first came into office, I thought every bragging thing he said was empty hot air. As time went on, I saw that some of it was, some was exaggeration but had some validity, and some was a promise he fulfilled. I hope we at least get a chance to find out if ending the Ukraine War on halfway decent terms could be something that happens during his presidency.

  23. By the way, if Trump held a grudge he would have no doubt refused to help Ukraine by giving them anti-tank weapons in his first administration which stabilized the civil war. Weapons that Obama/Biden had refused to give Ukraine.

    Ukraine actively worked to defeat Trump in the 2016 election.

    They did force Manafort to resign from Trump’s campaign shortly after he joined by using what may have been bogus/forged documents.

    Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

  24. mkent (7:17 pm) and huxley (8:31 pm),

    Trump is both a tweeter and a fighter.

    His tweets are often incredibly juvenile and ill-considered; his fighting is generally tenacious and uncompromising.

    Many/most of us are complex individuals, and that very much includes Trump.

    — — —

    (Back in 2015-2016 I did not want Trump at all, and his juvenile jabs had a great deal to do with it. At the same time, I really, really liked the fact that he fought back — against leftie politicians and fellow travelers, against the leftie media, against leftie academia, etc. At least *someone* on our side was willing to evidence a little testosterone.)

  25. Alinsky + Orwell = September 2024.

    The Right has been pushing back against “dictator” and similar strong rhetoric. However, if the Right can gain more power and begin a serious restoration of the Republic, such strong language could be accurately used about the Obama/Biden/Harris Regime and Deep State. Further, if the legal & political systems are not too corrupt, legitimate legal action must be taken against the many malefactors, leading to their imprisonment, or execution (if legal). I think some could be legitimately indicted for Sedition or Treason.

  26. ”I like this man. He fights!”

    No, he doesn’t. He tweets. There’s a difference. A big difference.

    Uh, he’s a (former) president, not a (former) general. Also, if he could, Suleimani would disagree with your statement.

  27. Is Biden trying to get Comrade Kamala defeated? If we have an oligarchy and if Joe was muscled aside, friction at the tip of the team is predicted and thus the new normal.

    Breitbart news reports on he case, Wednesday:cPresident Joe Biden said Wednesday that he delegated “everything” as commander-in-chief to Vice President Kamala Harris, including foreign policy and domestic policy.

    The acknowledgment is significant because it contradicts Harris’s talking points. Harris has tried multiple times to distance herself from the Biden-Harris record….

    While campaigning for Harris on ‘The View’ on Wednesday, Biden appeared to blame Harris for the administration’s failure to reduce inflation, secure the southern border, and responsibly withdraw from Afghanistan.

    “As Vice President, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy,” he said.

    Biden’s statement exacerbated Harris’s conundrum: She cannot campaign on policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security without undermining the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, but she must tout the administration’s policies to validate her record and candidacy.

    As USMC Private Gomer Pyle famously said: “Well, Surprise Surprise, Surprise!!”

  28. neo:

    Trump’s “grudge” against Zelensky is that Zelensky came to the US and basically campaigned for Kamala Harris – in Pennsylvania, yet.

    No, neo, Trump’s Grudge against Zelensky & Ukraine dates back to Trump asking for political opponent Joe Biden’s head, and their rejection of such a ridiculous request.

    Asking a foreign Govt to help you convict a political opponent is just one example of what a lowlife Trump is.

    Zelensky’s statement that Trump “doesn’t really know how to stop the war” – without perhaps giving Putin a *HUGE* win, is what set off Trump’s childish behavior.

    First of all, “in 24 hours” is of course typical Trumpish hyperbole.

    Baloney! Trump’s Cult of Personality (AKA TDS) may be willing to make excuses for his terrible behavior and horrid actions, but many others are tired of him.

  29. 🙂 Yeah, The Babylon Bee may be the only saving grace for Trump’s recent spoiled child behavior towards Zelensky.

    Heard yesterday – *BIG* Govt Republicans are pushing to have the Federal Govt follow the pregnancies of women!? That wasn’t from The Babylon Bee tho…

  30. If Biden really was corrupt and throwing his weight around with Ukraine, shouldn’t voters have known about it?

    What was number 13 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals?

    “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    It’s easier to make Trump a frozen, personalized, polarized target, than it would be to do the same for Biden or Harris, because of the feeling (or knowledge) that Biden isn’t running the country and Harris wouldn’t be running it either. It’s government by committee.

    I don’t much like Biden, but if he weren’t around, somebody else would be playing his role. In contrast, the Democrats and the left have convinced themselves that Trump is the enemy and someone who has to be gotten rid of. They’re able to believe all manner of things about him that aren’t true and able to believe that he is the one, unique threat to “Our Democracy.”

    Also, there’s something cathartic about Trump. If you’re angry and frustrated about the state of the nation, you can go to one of his rallies. He lets off steam. You let off steam. You’ve calmed down. He’s calmed down. Does the left have any way to release their tensions? Apart from Toobining at Zoom meetings and apart from fantasies of political assassination, I mean.

  31. I like the cloning spuds mckenzie, and the muscle car mandate (it’s in the fine print) they purposely did not include a link to the project which has it’s benefits and I suppose some drawbacks then they cooked up some dezinforma, with a boosted algorithm on non X platforms, and bob’s your uncle,

    Again an honest justice minister was investigating corrupt activities this was the reason why biden forced his resignation, a year later the largest camp collapsed to the tune of 6 billion dollars,
    no one really seemed interesting in investigation,

    easy peasy, not long after kolomoisky returned from exile, after he had
    communicated his demands to poroshenko,

  32. “No, neo, Trump’s Grudge against Zelensky & Ukraine dates back to Trump asking for political opponent Joe Biden’s head, and their rejection of such a ridiculous request. – Karmi

    And you know this how?

    Zelensky’s visit was nothing more than a political stunt. He had nothing new to offer on how to resolve the war. Why should President Trump disrupt his campaign to listen to the same rhetoric from Zelensky during his recent telephone call from Kiev?

    Badmouthing the next President and Vice-President of the United States would seem to me to be diplomatic suicide. Zelensky’s political fortunes in Ukraine might be at risk, as this visit reeks of desperation.

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