Home » Open thread 9/24/2024


Open thread 9/24/2024 — 25 Comments

  1. Amazing how the various elements were combined to produce Night Fever. I am assuming the electronic tools (sound board?) in the studio allowed / helped them to put the song together.

    Then again folks like Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, Bach, et. al., had to do everything in their head and figure out how all the instruments in an orchestra (I don’t know how many there are, but it sure looks like a lot) would sound.

    And if that isn’t hard enough, opera composers like Verdi and Puccini et. al. had to figure out all the instrument parts too, plus the voice parts.

    Some people just have other-worldly talents.

    I wonder if brain scans can detect how a genius brain functions vs. a “normal” brain?

    I believe that brain scans of liberal progressives all show either no activity or just a blank image (I.e., an empty space within the skull).

  2. music had soul then, before synthesizers and autotune

    they forgot that python sketch about not being seen, maybe it doesn’t translate in Arabic, humor is not their strong suit, among official channels

    yes these are the people who murdered 300 marines, who killed at least two rows of embassy staff, who killed in buenos aires who murdered hariri, so no my sympathy meter is at zero, now under the obama administration, they deliberately undermined a sting operation operation cassandra, that involved Venezuelan sun cartel the ukrainian state arms company, and Hezbollah, in order to curry favor with Iran so the sympathy meter is about at zero,

  3. I found his “analysis” rather vapid. All he is doing is using standard isolation software and playing each part and just smiling and exclaiming on how good it is. So?? I’d much rather see Rick Beato, who uses similar software, actually tell WHY each instrument contributes to the whole and how it all fits together. Beato is miles above this guy in terms of actual musical knowledge and ability to actually analyze a song.

  4. Israel Update, “Game Changer”, Mike and Gadi discuss the (exhilarating) news of the last week: https://youtu.be/e9CMOiE3EBE

    The hanging question: “Is this war winnable?”

    Hanging because the answer has to be “maybe, maybe not”. Yet, that there has been an abrupt turn in the relative strength as between Israel and Iran in the favor of Israel is clear today. But can Israel make a similar turn over against their American foes Obama-Biden? Unclear.

  5. Well, one can certainly hope….

    (Though I suppose it could always be a case of “Tell us what we wanna know…or face the consequences…”)

    File under: “Fly with us to Pennsylvania or face the consequences”…?

  6. “not everyone is as talented as beato, not by a country mile,”

    Which is why I criticized this guy. A lot of people set up youtube channels and bill themselves as “reactors”, or “analyzers” just to get the monetization when they really have no talent doing such. I don’t blame them for trying to cash in, but I’ll support the real ones, while pointing out the frauds.

  7. “Is this war winnable?”

    Depends on how one defines “win”.
    The hope would be to set them back for a bit (One year? Two? Five? Ten?) since they’ll re-arm as soon as they can, i.e., IF they can.

    The ONLY way to actually win this thing would be to mash the mullahs, but that’s probably not possible given the mullahs’ allies and supporters in DC, Europe, Istanbul, Moscow and Beijing…
    Nonetheless, the fantasies and pipedreams ARE impressive:
    “Crown Prince of Iran: ‘The West’s best army is the Iranian people – but we need help'”—
    “The Iran-Israel Cyrus Accords could be next if the world helps us”—

  8. When will whatever passes for Lebanon’s government become tired of all the problems Hezbollah is causing for them and begin the “eviction” proceeding? It is the civilians of Lebanon who are absorbing the collateral damage.

    I realize that the citizens are not a high priority for these Muzzi-dominated governments, so my expectations along this line are pretty low.

  9. there’s a lebanese milionaire on his private yacht, najib mikati who front the Iranian proxy army, that is Hezbollah Mikati is nominally an independent, but he follows order from Damascus and Tehran not in that order,

    that we fund his toy soldiers, the
    Lebanese Armed Forces, with a Christian at the head, also token, a few compromised ministers, but we saw how quickly they enabled for the gaza hospital fraud

  10. I’m with John on this (JohnTyler on September 24, 2024 at 10:12 am)

    Listen to some Beethoven piano sonatas, especially his later ones, very complex, which he composed and he himself played before audiences; the piano was a fairly new instrument then.

    Think of Mozart composing and playing at age 6.

    It was in their brains and digits! There was then, obviously, no recording, no dubbing, no fixing.

    Who gives a flip how “complex” a pop group of today is? With all the electronic manipulation of sounds?

    BTW, Bluegrass is a true American musical form, born in the 1950s. Often quite complex. Bill Monroe on the mandolin!

  11. When will whatever passes for Lebanon’s government become tired of all the problems Hezbollah is causing for them and begin the “eviction” proceeding? It is the civilians of Lebanon who are absorbing the collateral damage.

    Jordan did it but that was a while ago. Also, balls are an endangered organ lately.

  12. In the present context Bibi’s claimed aim (win) may serve as one’s proxy definition: “return the people of the north (willingly) to their homes in safety”.

    Just hearing that out is easy, no? Achieving it maybe not.

    Could be the northern residents — knowing how simple Hezb rearmament (and hence their endangerment) is — won’t see fit to return without further measures undertaken to satisfy their necessary conditions, annnnd “splat!”, there goes the “victory” parade.

    On to Teheran! Ah, but wait! Now it’s “On to Washington! ”

    hmmmmm . . . that looks like a stumbling block.

  13. ” . . . whatever passes for Lebanon’s government . . .”

    Is a tissue thin charade. Better, let’s get beyond such tomfoolery.

  14. actually every government from the Levant to the SubContinent has been found wanting, and most every government in Western Europe with the exception of maybe Holland,

  15. Helene…and I still haven’t finished cleaning up after that last one. Well, sometimes it pays to procrastinate. 🙂 Laundry day moved to now. Grocery day moved to tomorrow.

  16. At this moment the Hurricane Center is showing Helene landfall as a major hurricane maybe around Appalachicola. Karmi, you’ll be on the east side of it (the bad side). You are right to prepare!

  17. Kate – last one came in around Steinhatchee and Apalachicola is a little west of there…sawed, cleared, and burned one old dead tree that fell over the other day—maybe in anticipation of Helene 😉

  18. Re- Bee Gees analysis. I’m not sure where he found the broken out descrete tracks (which often refered to as “stems” in the audio production world). I’m aware that there is software that can take an audio file of a complete song and isolate each element and convert it to descrete stems with often with mixed results. For example, it’s relatively easy to isolate a vocal track, since vocals usually occupy a specific and distinct space in the sound field. It’s more difficult to isolate other elements like different ambient and textural sounds since they’re often mixed and blended together in such a way that it’s a bit more difficult to isolate.

    But in this case, I wonder if he found the actual tracks that someone had digitized and uploaded at some point. I say that since I can hear some instruments bleeding into the drum track. This of course occurs during recording when drums are played in the same room as other instruments and the individual mics on the drums pick up some of the sound from them. Since musicians often like to see each other when playing and recording together, they will often opt for recording the drums together in the same room with everything else rather than putting a drum kit in an iso-room and everyone just wears headphones while tracking.

  19. Whoa….
    (How does one say that in French?)
    …as we find some deft prestidigitation on the Seine…(Macron-management?)

    “France Forms Center-Right Government as Macron Blocks Left-Wing Leadership;
    “The 39-member Cabinet was notably dominated by politicians from the center and right.”—

    Wonder what form the We-Wuz-Robbed backlash might take….

  20. “…Lebanon’s government…”

    One might well sympathize; but Lebanon’s “government” just happens to be—in real time, if slightly sub-rosa—Hezb’ullah, or at least under its thumb.
    (As is the Lebanese Army…such that arming that Army, as “Biden” has so ostentatiously been doing—under the guise of “helping to stabilize Lebanon”—means, in real terms, arming Hezb’ullah.)

    My oh my, that “Biden” guy sure has lots of tricks up “his” sleeve….

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