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Roundup — 27 Comments

  1. Artless Dodger is good.
    Olivia others think is a whack job.
    And of course Zelensky wants the money and weapons flowing and I wouldn’t
    doubt not overly wanting the war to end is my bet. War ends, money stops.

  2. Zelensky and Ukraine are not to blame for doing whatever they can to further Ukraine’s survival against Russia. Biden and his handlers are very much to blame for how they are using Zelensky and Ukraine, especially when they have been instituting censorship here to prevent “foreign influence in elections”, which has been largely imaginary on the pro-Trump side.

  3. Well if it wasnt for biden or his handler there would have been no invasion

    Effendi karaki took the short straw (yes the python sketch suggests itself

    Um olivia who used a pic from house of cards kate o mara to suggest how far she would go for a story (nudge nudge)

  4. The Republicans frequently step on rakes when they foolishly nominate gimmick candidates like Robinson (no prize for guessing what the gimmick was in nominating him). They never learn.

  5. I voted against Robinson in the NC primary, because I thought he’d get creamed in the general election, and it looked like that would happen even before this latest pornography charge. We have a sad record here of nominating Rs for governor who can’t win. I think Stein, the Democrat, will be just as bad as Cooper, and I shudder to think what would happen if another virus came along. Cooper did a lot of damage with the last one, and now his health “expert” runs the CDC.

  6. The Ukraine War is to Neocons as Abortion is to Democrats. Both are wedge issues, and really a distraction to the larger issues of national sovereignty and economic stability here.

    The country needs new leadership to get us out of the morass created by the Democrats. Government spending is unsustainable, the debt continues to worsen and even with all of the stimulus spending, the Fed lowered interest rates by an unprecedented 50 bp and signaled another 50 bp by the end of the year. Extra stimulus spending and rate cuts are usually reserved to battle a recession. We are playing with fire.

    The economy is not healthy.

    With Kamala Harris, we are going to get even higher government spending, more largess going to favored constituencies and more debt. Harris is promising new unprecedented taxes on the hyper-wealthy that is going to result unintended consequences.

    What is happening in Ukraine is tragic– but the issues here need our attention.

  7. Vance seems to be as astute as Tucker when it comes to Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is a major disappointment. Red meat (waves) to the isolationists I suppose.

    But then the FJB/Harris junta have been only willing to help Ukraine enough to keep fighting but not with enough to set Russia back to it’s actual borders.

    Ukraine is damned to have to reley on FJB/Harris for so much ordnance.

  8. They stole that elecfion last time. How did cooper win the first time .

    So the shooter had six cell phones wonder who was on his contact list

  9. And Brain E shows how one can agree with Karmi and Shirehome (and neo) on Ukraine, but not agree with Karmi on Trump.

    Isolationists versus the dread Neocons.

    Walk and chew gum.

  10. Well if it wasnt for biden or his handler there would have been no invasion

    Um . . . no. If it weren’t for PUTIN, there would have been no invasion.

    I’m angry with Zelensky for what he said re Trump and Vance. Even so I support, and hope the U.S. continues to support (but not take part in), Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression.

  11. My comment from the Open thread:

    Zelensky made specific negative comments about Trump and Vance in addition to “asking for weapons.” If he had focused on the second and not on political statements about the US presidential election he would not be getting this criticism.

    We should remember that it was Biden whose first reaction to the Russian invasion was to offer Zelensky a ride out of the country. Further, he has, for the 2.5 years of the war, given Ukraine just enough ammo and rules of engagement to enable Ukraine to survive, mostly, but not to win. Now, with the drones, Ukraine is able to bypass US restrictions and hit Russian airfields, ammo storage, and logistical routes not just in Ukraine but in Russia. Ukraine is doing an end around Biden.

    Biden tried the same stunt with Israel. He wanted them to fight but not to win. They ignored him, and they ignored him with respect to Hezbollah as well. And as Ukraine has done, they’ve used innovative technology to make significant moves against their enemies.

  12. Democrats and the deep (blue) state are throwing an insane amount of money towards Kammies pursuit of POTUS. Some of it from big internet corps famous for election interference in the 2020 “election”. Yet, she’s still resorting to slurs, smears, and obvious lies (to me). All that price control talk is absent, same with the excessive profits and unrealized gains taxes from her “plan”. I wonder what the team Kammie internal polling is saying.

  13. If there hadn’t been the illegal overthrow of Yanukovych in 2014, elected by Eastern Ukrainians, there would not have been an illegal invasion. No overthrow, no independence declaration of the Donbas and Crimea and no basis for Russia to invade Ukraine.

  14. The sad trombone plays the ever resonant counterfactual notes.

    A weak reed. Clutching at straws again.

  15. Brian E:

    It’s been explained here many many times how and why Yanukovych left.. Turtler in particular has gone on at great length about it in many comments. I’m not going to spend hours and hours to find them all, but here’s one.

  16. Typical Republicans. Just assume the charges against Mark Robinson are true. I’m not buying it. But Lowry types will run for the hills, as usual.

  17. I don’t assume the charges against Robinson are true. He denies them. Besides, he himself says he is, and appears to be, a changed man since those days. Stein is going to be a bad governor and we’re probably stuck.

  18. Shooter left his latent print on the tape he attached the scope to (this is woody allen territory)

  19. Neo, there is nothing in the Ukraine constitution that allows removing a President for dereliction of duty. That would be a cause for impeachment.

    Turtler can put lipstick on a pig, but what the Rada did was not constitutional. Even he lamented the limitations the constitution had placed on the options.

    All the illegal acts Turtler accuses Yanukovych of committing are all acts that would be evidence in an impeachment.

    After the agreement was brokered by several EU countries, the rioters rejected the deal and said they were coming after Yanukovych if he didn’t resign. There is no reason to believe they weren’t serious, since some of the police/rioters had been killed by this group.

    It wasn’t the pro-Yanukovych crowd that was threatening the Rada and Yanukovych. There was time to go through the process of impeaching Yanukovych on an expedited basis. The vote that was held to remove Yanukovych would not have been sufficient to impeach him.

    What the Rada did became legal only because the Western powers deemed it legal.

  20. The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking. Russian intelligence intercepted and leaked to the international media a Nuland telephone call in which she and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt discussed in detail their preferences for specific personnel in a post-Yanukovych government. The U.S?favored candidates included Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man who became prime minister once Yanukovych was ousted from power. During the telephone call, Nuland stated enthusiastically that “Yats is the guy” who would do the best job.

    Nuland and Pyatt were engaged in such planning at a time when Yanukovych was still Ukraine’s lawful president. It was startling to have diplomatic representatives of a foreign country—and a country that routinely touts the need to respect democratic processes and the sovereignty of other nations—to be scheming about removing an elected government and replacing it with officials meriting U.S. approval.

    America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

    There is an older couple in my church that emigrated to the US from eastern Ukraine 30 years ago or so. They blame the CIA for Yanukovych’s ouster. On the surface it appears all it took was the State Department.

  21. If there hadn’t been the illegal overthrow of Yanukovych in 2014, elected by Eastern Ukrainians, there would not have been an illegal invasion. No overthrow, no independence declaration of the Donbas and Crimea and no basis for Russia to invade Ukraine.
    He wasn’t illegally overthrown. He skipped town when he discovered no one was going to shed blood to protect him. His own party abandoned him. Each of his three successors has been put in place via constitutional processes. Putin’s invasion in 2014 was his exercise in power politics, as was his invasion in 2022. You shouldn’t be making any excuses for it.

  22. Some sage advice from Foreign Policy in 2019. Granted it’s only an opinion piece:

    …Ukrainians would do well to consider that Russia’s occupation of the territory has actually been a godsend for their country.

    The Donbass has consistently supported Ukraine’s most retrograde, anti-reformist, anti-European, pro-Russian, and pro-Soviet political forces. It was the Donbass that made Viktor Yanukovych, whose political career was dedicated to bringing Ukraine back into Russia’s orbit, president in 2010. It was out of the Donbass that came his corrupt Party of Regions. And it was the Donbass that opposed popular pro-democracy uprisings in 2004 and 2014.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s occupation of the eastern Donbass in the summer of 2014 effectively disenfranchised its voters. That was bad for the voters, but it enabled pro-democratic forces in unoccupied Ukraine to win the presidency and control of the country’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, in 2014. Most of the reforms that have been adopted in the past five years—along with …Ukraine’s steady march toward Europe—would have been impossible had the Donbass remained a part of Ukraine.

    If the eastern Donbass is brought back into Ukraine’s fold, many of these changes could be reversed or stalled, and whatever hopes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has for pursuing more reform would be dashed. By the same token, Putin would be emboldened by Ukraine’s appetite for self-destruction to make even greater encroachments on its sovereignty.

    It’s Time for Ukraine to Let the Donbass Go

  23. Australia is currently run by a coward intimidated by communists.
    No shocker in that abstention.

  24. Brian E

    Step away from the keyboard and put down the trombone. Nothing done to Yanukovich justifies or explains Putin’s war on Ukraine.

    That dog don’t hunt.

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