Home » Open thread 9/23/2024


Open thread 9/23/2024 — 20 Comments

  1. I’m glad I don’t over think things, I would be a basket case. Instead, it’s kind of Ah Sh–, now what.

  2. I’m glad I don’t over think things,… — shirehome

    Ha! One of my bigger fears over the last couple of years is that I might become frozen in indecision and thereby doing little or nothing. So one of my current principles (since I know my usual MO is to over think) is to under think things. There may have been a few things at this point that I regret doing or saying, but not much, and no damaging consequences yet.

  3. Inaction is also a choice, and also has consequences. Deliberately choosing inaction is wise, in many cases, but drifting into inaction as a habit is very unwise, and so is assuming that the consequences of inaction do not need to be thought through every bit as carefully as the consequences of action.

  4. @Richard F Cook:If this is true we deserve exactly what we get.

    It’s not based on much. He contradicts himself, he says he only looks at the same 13 things every time and then a lot of the reasons he gives are about things only true in this one election (Trump’s felony convictions, how Harris “won” the nomination). It’s being amplified only because he’s predicting Harris to win. If he wasn’t, it would be a hit piece or there’d be no coverage.

    I too predict Harris to win because of who will be counting the ballots in MI, PA, and WI and in what way they will be counting them. Another reason to amplify Lichtman’s prediction is explain the Fortification in advance with something else. They’ve already deployed the “votes will take a long time to count” narrative.

  5. “We’re not seeking to destabilize the region.”



    And one can judge this by means of the pacific activation of the terrorist proxy armies pacifically deployed surrounding and focused on pacifically assaulting the warlike Israeli fiend complex.


  6. Evil Trump questioning Kamala race? Watching a January 2024 repeat of game show “Split Second.” Question is “who is first South Asian vice president?”.

    Guess who? Apparently, Kamala identified as South Asian in January, but more electable if she is Black today.

  7. Overthinking: I’ve lived with a perfectionist for over 40 years. My wife takes forever to decide how to do something, and then it literally has to be perfect. Needless to say we don’t work well together on projects. I’m a “looks good enough” and if I can’t see it nobody else will either. She spots the tiniest imperfection and it has to be fixed.

    Then, I tend to think of many paths in any situation, and try to find the worst case scenarios, thus being a pessimist in general. My perfectionist wife, however, assumes all will work out fine, and is much more of an optimist. Go figure LOL.

  8. 2016 I had been for Cruz or Rubio, but the pressure for Trump, and his eventual selection as the Republican presidential candidate won me over.

    Trump’s loss in 2020 shocked me. Guess I had been caught up in the ‘TrumpMania’ and/or what I now call the REP’s version of TDS.

    2020-2024 gave me time to recover from the shock of Trump losing in 2020, and to reflect on his earlier 4-years in Office. At one point in 2024—I noticed a bookmark to The New Neo blog. Don’t know when I bookmarked it!? Possibly saw neo make a comment on another blog – liked it, so clicked the avatar and added the bookmark, which I have often done elsewhere.

    Posted about this story yesterday: Trump: Will Not Run Again If He Loses in November, ‘That Will Be It’ – said “That’s a relief…” since I had been wondering if he would run in 2028.

    This morning I see this: Trump tells supporters ‘you’ll never see me again’ if he loses to Biden – Sep 20, 2020 (I used Epic browser to get past the Business Insider paywall):

    “If I lose to him, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again,” Trump told the attendees at the rally. “You’ll never see me again.”

    Trump made similar remarks in 2016 when he rivaled Hillary Clinton for the presidency.

    “I don’t think I’m going to lose, but if I do, I don’t think you’re ever going to see me again, folks,” Trump said at a Maryland rally in April 2016. “I think I’ll go to Turnberry and play golf or something.”

    So, am now back to wondering if Trump will run in 2028 if he loses this year. Someone at Power Line suggested that a Harris win in 2024 might be the best thing for the GOP in 2028 – meaning she will have things so screwed up that DEMs could lose it all in 2028. Can’t recall what the post said about Trump, but he needs to be done this time—win or lose, IMHO.

    Am relaxed about this Presidential Election, since I will not vote for either candidate, and am now hoping the GOP gains a solid majority in the Senate. Guess the GOP has already blown control of the House, but I can still hope for the best there also.

  9. I attribute some anxiety to having played a lot of chess. Always have to wonder “what if I move here, and he moves there?”

    Take it 3,4, 5 moves out, and that what-happens–if attitude intrudes on everyday life.

    When learning kitchen remodeling, was standing with power saw in hand contemplating what steps to take to modify cabinet to accept larger double oven.
    Boss comes in, asks what am I doing? Takes the saw and makes a slice and says, “Now finish it”. A good lesson, sometimes, just do it.

  10. That’s thoughtful of the DOJ to publicize that someone is offering money for Trump’s head.

  11. Inaction is also a choice, and also has consequences. Deliberately choosing inaction is wise, in many cases,

    There is an old saying about Intensive Care Units. “Don’t just do something; stand there !”

    Another, contrary, saying is “Nobody should be allowed to die without a trial of steroids.”

    Both are satirical.

  12. Karmi wrote: “Am relaxed about this Presidential Election, since I will not vote for either candidate, and am now hoping the GOP gains a solid majority in the Senate.”

    Karmi, I have trouble squaring this approach with the known power of the modern presidency. Look just at illegal immigration since 2021. That is fully controlled (or not) by the administration in power. Are you comfortable with the possible scenario in 2028 if this administration stays in power? Another 10+ million illegal entrants, completely unvetted, flooding in from the 3rd world looking for, and demanding (and receiving from a Harris administration) public assistance?

    Immigration is just one aspect of government that is run through executive authority. The list is too long to bring up in a simple comment, but you are, I’m certain, aware of that nearly inexhaustible list.

    We as a nation are approaching a tipping point. Not voting IS voting, and not voting for the Republican alternative, no matter what you personally think of him, is a vote for all of the damage of the past 3+ years to expand to a honestly frightening level.

  13. I had a Battalion Commander that used to say ” Perfection is the enemy of good enough. ” I think the context was when waiting on Operations Orders being written by the Staff Officers. He used to say something along the lines of it does no good if the orders are not written until after the operation starts.
    Of course, the other saying in the military was ” The plan only survives until first contact with the enemy.”
    Of course you want to “Always gain and maintain the initiative.” Make the enemy react to you, not the other way around.

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