Home » Open thread 9/21/2024


Open thread 9/21/2024 — 9 Comments

  1. Yes, they are No Good. But Very Very Good.
    Having a cup of instant coffee, waiting for it to warm up a bit before going outside to do some work. Same ole, same ole, in the news.

  2. Evidently you’re drinking instant coffee voluntarily SHIREHOME? Mind if I ask the brand? I’m always on the hunt, for my hiking trips, but have yet to find anything I really like.

  3. fake but accurate


    yes no one seems to have learned the lesson of pablo escobar, when the combined Colombian
    and American special forces, dispatched him, it caused more chaos, the chestnut at the heart of sicario, is that Del Toro’s character is trying to bring this kind of order to Mexico, working with Josh Brolin’s character, there’s too much money in the enterprise, for the blood price to be taken out of the picture, banks like HSBC and Deutsche Bank part of the overworld that enables the underworld,

  4. Mike, I make a pot of Coffee on Sundays, and have a cup a day until it is gone, usually last cup on Wed. Then, it is instant coffee. Not sure, it could be Folgers or WM, most likely WM. And, I am not saying I like it, but it is caffeine in the mornings.

  5. With regard to instant coffee for camping trips: Buy Peet’s coffee and fine grind it, use a paper filter and you will have a great cuppa without the pain of drinking instant coffee. Grind it up in advance and keep in the refrigerator. In the morning heat your water put the paper filter and coffee in your cup, add water, let water pass through filter. It will probably only take about an extra 3 minutes to get a really fine cup of coffee!

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