Home » Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon


Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon — 8 Comments

  1. Bob Gates pretty much took care of Biden’s reputation as a foreign policy expert. “Wrong on every decision.”

  2. gallchobhair:

    I don’t get the impression he was in hiding. But the decision has to be made to kill him before it can be done. There are probably many such terrorists who could have been taken out but were not, because it would have been considered an escalation. That’s my guess, anyway.

  3. He was hiding in damascus, or some place like that where mugniyeh had been hit in 2008 supposedly syrian intelligence gave him up then. However why did it take 40 years to hunt him down
    Imagine if we waited till 2041 to take out bin laden

  4. Looks like Israel is serious now about its security, taking on Mama’s, and now striking big blows against Hezbolla. Good for them, and many more successes.

  5. “it’s probably more difficult to deter Islamic terrorists – who strongly believe they’ll go immediately to paradise – with fear of death than it is to deter those who don’t have that belief system. neo

    That belief system declares that Allah in the ‘sacred’ Qur’an has proclaimed that a Muslim, who at the time of their death is in an ‘unclean’ state cannot enter ‘paradise’. Any contact with any part of a pig instantly renders a Muslim unclean. Bullets fired from a gun that has been cleaned with gun oil that contains a percentage of clarified pig fat fulfils the means to render wounded and slain jihadists unclean.

    Remove the incentive by using their own beliefs against them.

    There is precedent. In the Philippines during the Spanish/American war, rendering fanatical jihadists unclean through being buried with dead pigs proved highly effective.

    The brutal reality Israel faces is illustrated by the fact that if Israel managed to kill every current member of Hamas and Hezbollah, if Iran’s entire leadership was killed… Islam would simply regroup and raise up another crop of new young ‘martyrs’.

    Proven by the fact that Israel is being attacked by the grandsons and great grandsons of the Muslims who attacked Israel in 1948.

    In the past 75 years, the only time Israel won a truly decisive offensive victory was in the 1967 Six-Day war. In every other conflict Israel has fought defensively. The fall of Constantinople after centuries of Muslim attacks demonstrates the ultimate outcome when consistently fighting defensively.

    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

  6. Too bad we have an administration on the other side and thats being charitable

    In 73 they were caught off guard despite some info from the likes of angleton perhaps the only pro israeli operative in the company they stumbled into lebanon in 82 similar with hamas in 09 and 2014 and 2021

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