Home » Open thread 9/20/2024


Open thread 9/20/2024 — 19 Comments

  1. One might wish to consider adding DJT’s purported inability to tell a joke to the rather impressive litany of “reasons” why he should be denigrated, slandered, canceled and/or even assassinated…
    …but what are the chances that Trump is actually joking figuratively but not literally…?

  2. So just seeing a couple of reports now about an incident at a Trump rally last week. Apparently, about 20-30 people seated behind and near Trump shortly after the rally all ended up in the ER for severe burn like symptoms. One theory is chemical attack but that would not have been so focused. Best guess seems to be an IR laser. Click bait? Real attempt at intimidation? In this bizarre climate, who knows?


    Declining birth rate threatens future U.S. economic growth.

    In the simplest terms, if you have lower population growth then you will have fewer people producing goods and services. That will result in slower economic growth. But it is not the only impact. A shrinking workforce will also mean there are fewer people paying taxes.

    [and not enough people for economy of scale, and certainly not enough to even try to pay off 37 trillion… easily swamped by third worlders with higher births and more violent behaviors… not to mention, how easy it would be for a country with 30 million extra men to take over a country that has a collapsed military who will draft women and cause the final moment in the extermination of the target… whether intentional or not, replacement birth is a key to understanding what animals are on the endangered list… then, who would protect the Jews in the world? oh well… it was a nice ride while it lasted. do note that no one can argye income disparity any more, as front loading the population with poor makes the concept null and void… ]

    the total amount of debt that a baby born in 2007 assumes was $30,500. That figure almost doubled to more than $59,000 just 13 years later.

    Just 3,591,328 babies were born, which indicates that the birth rate has now fallen below the replacement level needed for one generation to replace itself. This was not supposed to happen.

    [boo hoo, i warned of this over 15 years ago… glad people did something… but i also warned that when things happen outside our perceptual time frame, they are invisable to us… ie. if you cant see your driving off a cliff, there is no reason to stop driving off a cliff… too bad the breaks cant stop or change that fast! so its a done deal… over… kaput… not a freaking thing you can do.. you cant even pay the women who hate being women to have babies… doesnt work… and the imports are not equavalent to the prior residences in many ways]

    tomorrow i turn 60
    I was born the last few months of the boomer just before the next Gen
    that means, that in the next 10 years how many boomers are going bye bye?
    today a good friend of 30 years is dying…

    The year 2020 hit a record low in the fertility rate at 1.6, the sixth straight year with a decline in the number of births. The facts are that ever since the financial crisis of 2008, births have been declining.

    [actually they be declining since feminism dominated…. its a social bomb… more powerful than a nuclear bomb! and easier to detonate without any repurcussions… you only have to write articles, and voila… women will betray and debase themselves over their own people every time!!! see history]

    Teenage births have also plummeted. The number of births has dropped in half from 10 years ago in this age group. Why? The Pew Research Center cites a greater awareness and use of effective contraceptives, as well as an increase in the number of teenagers who report never having had sex.

    [ha.. no… they are so against being married and being wihth a man… you can here them comment in passing in public… if y ou hear them at all… they no longer see any guys below the top 10% as even worth looking at… oh. and they all think they are going to h ave the 666… 6 feet… 6 figs… 6 pack.. my wife got that… but she is not from the US… the US 304s are not even worth lunch… too dangerous too]


  4. There is this interesting story all over the financial news this morning.
    In a deal struck between Microsoft and Constellation Energy, a nuclear reactor at 3-Mile Island that was shut down in 2019, will be restarted, and all (?) of its energy output will be provided to a Microsoft data center nearby. About 860MW, IIRC.

    Nuclear energy has been a pet idea and project of Bill Gates for decades. He is keen and invested in some newer and more exotic versions of it. Of course, he doesn’t have any direct control over Microsoft operations these days, though indirectly, who knows?

  5. ArtfoolDigger

    During sixties & seventies Earth was going to be overpopulated by so ‘n so date. One of the Coconut Grove art festivals was themed over overpopulation. Maybe the eighties was also worried about overpopulation, but I can’t remember.

    Guess Mother Nature fixed that issue…?!

    If US and other countries have an underpopulation growth problem now, then Mother Nature will fix that also. I could name a lot of countries that could stand ‘Pruning‘ (including the USA), so maybe Mother Nature will use a World War in order to get the USA breeding again. If USA can’t toughen up, then maybe hordes of Muslims and/or Chinese can get the USA’s surviving women breeding again…?!

  6. Re: Microsoft / nuclear reactor


    It’s about AI and power. Microsoft has a close partnership with OpenAI. MS invested $1 bil into OpenAI early on.

    AI at that scale requires huge amounts of power and this turns out to be one of the current limiting factors in AI’s development. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that Gates, unlike many leaders, isn’t closed to nuclear power.

    My bet is that AI is going to break the back of the Green New Deal. AI will not be denied so we will have to reconsider nuclear as a power source.


  7. Steve Cortes:

    Wow. A visibly exhausted Joe Biden just held a full Cabinet meeting for the first time in 11 months and immediately turned the mic over to his wife, Jill:

    “I’d like to turn it over to Jill for any comments she has. It’s all yours, kid.”

    Who is running the country?


    Video at link. This country is in awful peril.

  8. The comment that harris made to Oprah about shoot an intruder, and then apologizing about saying it, was a set up. Trying to get the gun owning vote. Ain’t going to work.

  9. It’s getting more hilarious by the hour.

    Toi, “Hamas condemns ‘escalation of Zionist aggression’ after top Hezbollah commander assassinated

    Hamas says it condemns the “brutal” Israeli strike on Beirut earlier today in which the IDF assassinated top Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil.

    In a statement, the Gaza terror group says it “condemns the brutal and terrorist aggression launched by the Zionist enemy’s army aircraft on the southern suburb of Beirut,” and claims that the strike was “an escalation of Zionist aggression.”

  10. Hopefully the REPs are paying some attention to the Senate & House races – Trump can suck the air from around everyone else at times.

    For first time, poll shows Colin Allred beating Ted Cruz in November

    Am skipping polls this year and going with bettors bets/predictions.

    • Polymarket – Harris 51%. Trump 48%.

    • RCP Betting Odds – Harris 52.3. Trump 46.3.

    • Election Betting Odds – Harris 53.2%. Trump 45.7%. House – DEM @ 62.5%. REP @ 37.5%. Senate – REP @ 75.5%. DEM @ 24.5%.

    • PredictIt – Harris 57-cents. Trump 46-cents.

    • Oddstrader – Harris 53.49%. Trump 51.22%. (They have other site info that I don’t understand)

    Cruz barely beat Beto O’Rourke last time – BUT the DEMs + MSM threw everything they had behind him. Barely know anything about DEM opponent Colin Allred, and haven’t heard much about him or that race—other than the occasional “it’s close” stuff. Would hate to lose Cruz…

  11. sdferr at 1:33 pm

    Yeah, Hezbollah drove Israelis from their home in N. Israel, and fire daily missiles at Israel – then whine when Israel hits them back. ‘Top Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil‘ dead now…Hezbollah has no clue how they will get hit now until it’s too late.

  12. From generations ago: my grandmother told the kitten joke, except that this time it was the Democrat kittens who had their eyes open.

    re sdferr’s link on IDF attacks in Lebanon:

    I hope the increased Israeli activity against Hezbollah involves blowing up Hezbollah’s missile storage units underground.

    I wonder if Israel has the capacity to isolate Nasrallah’s “cave” under the Beirut hospital- cut off electricity and kaboom entry and exit points- without much damage to the hospital above.

    Hamas says it condemns the “brutal” Israeli strike

    Hamas condemning “brutality”? After all, Hamas is the poster child for nonviolence. 🙂

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