Home » Open thread 9/18/2024


Open thread 9/18/2024 — 51 Comments

  1. we have spent so much on these green energy geegaws, that we can’t refill our strategic reserves at the current low prices,

    I would consider this a dereliction of duty, impeachable offense, yes in the 80s we and the Saudis flooded the market to collapse the price of Russian crude, but this only has made our adversaries stronger,

  2. Are We Headed for an Energy Revolution?

    First, the history of the world’s energy consumption can be defined in three words: more, more, more. Which … kind of makes sense. After all, pretty much everything that defines modern life involves a lot of energy.

    Between 1950 and 2022, for example, the population of the U.S. a little more than doubled. But in that same time period, our electricity use got 14 times larger.

  3. from last nights thread


    I think heard about this from one of the few reputable historians about Iran, the one who wrote Nest of Spies, Amir Taheri, unlike the legend by Bani Sadr partisans, of course if you need to excuse the incoming regime, Lenin, Mao Fidel, Ortega Mugabe you need to blacken the preceding one, Romanov Chiang, Batista, Somoza, Smith, et al

  4. I really hadn’t followed knofler since the early 90, so I didn’t know of his further collaborations,

    so another hoax, re the springfield bomb threats, phoned in from over seas bites the dust, will the press bother to correct the record, as with the intercept editor and the punk kid from israel who did similar things in 2017

  5. @Kate:Who’s making money off the Haitian immigrant influx to Springfield, OH? The mayor, among others.

    I’m glad to see this at Instapundit. A lot of what we are told is ideology-driven is actually finance-driven. Start looking for things like that and you find it everywhere. Whatever ass-hatted thing the Party of Government is up to, somebody connected is making money from it.

    If only there were a profession for people who could spend their days digging into things like this, asking questions about it, and writing about it for the public. Perhaps they could update daily, like a journal.

  6. It would be hard to overstate the influence the Everly Brothers had on later groups e.g. The Bee Gees, The Beatles, CS&N, Simon & Garfunkel, etc. And they all readily acknowledged it. When Don passed a few years ago, Paul Simon wrote a heartfelt note about them and how he & Garfunkel practiced weeks on end to be like them. He referred to their harmonies as “pristine” and he talked about how they were a bridge from country and pop to rock&roll. Everybody liked them and they liked everybody except each other, and it could get ugly. I always found that curious.

  7. My first introduction to Mark Knopfler was hearing the soundtrack to “Local Hero”. It is an excellent soundtrack to a very good movie. Worth a watch and a listen.

  8. JNS, “More Hezbollah comms devices explode across Lebanon, killing nine“: https://www.jns.org/more-explosions-rock-beirut-southern-lebanon/

    These are not pagers, but other comms system components!

    More communications devices used by Hezbollah terrorists exploded on Wednesday afternoon across the group’s main stronghold in Beirut and in Southern Lebanon, Reuters reported, citing a security source.

    According to Lebanon’s Health Ministry, at least nine terror operatives were killed in the latest series of device explosions. In addition, more than 300 Hezbollah operatives were said to have sustained wounds.

    At least one of the blasts took place in the vicinity of a funeral for terrorists killed on Tuesday, when thousands of Hezbollah pagers detonated all over the country, according to eyewitness reports.

    The Hezbollah devices that exploded late Wednesday afternoon are hand-held walkie-talkies, a Lebanese security source told Reuters.

    Axios cited sources familiar with the matter as saying that the radios, which were booby-trapped in advance by Israeli intelligence, were part of the terror group’s emergency communications systems that were supposed to be used during a conflict with the Israel Defense Forces.

    Hezb operatives are going to be mighty jumpy after this week, if they’re still alive, that is.

  9. Replacement it is

    toddstarnes @toddstarnes 17h
    JUST IN: The feds dumped Haitian migrants in tiny Sylacauga, Alabama. Local leaders were not told in advance. This small Southern town does not have the resources to care for the migrants. Sylacauga is a deep red town in a deep red county. The Democrats are dumping illegals into small towns to cause chaos. They want to destabilize the nation.

  10. now it would have made sense to place them in communities that already have cultural affinity, like South Florida, where is the joy in that though,

    remember how the grandees of martha’s vineyard acted toward 50 newcomers, they had them sent back so fast, there was skidmarks sent by the van to the airport,

    we were overwhelmed in 1980 with the bulk of 125,000 immigrants and south florida had cultural affinities, but the world controllers don’t care,

  11. Security sources have now confirmed that hand-held radios were purchased by Hezbollah five months ago, at around the same time as the compromised pagers. Lebanese media has also reported that home solar energy systems have blown up in several areas of Beirut.

    That’s from Daily Mail. Sinwar is responsible for them moving from cellphones to pagers and walkie-talkie – Hezbollah needs to have a sit-down with him, if the Israelis down kill him first.

    Home Solar units also ???

  12. Miguel

    I’ve been beating on this drum for years. That this would end with violence. People don’t want to hear it. My give a f**k o meter is on zero.

  13. Sinwar reportedly uses couriers only these days, but surely Hamas, what’s left of them, have phones, pagers, or walkie talkies. Possibly from a different purchase lot, though.

  14. On the video: Wonderful! It’s musical. The lyrics can be understood.

    And Atkins does look like GWB.

  15. that doesn’t make sense, he purposely eschews electronic communication, re the journal piece, which admittedly comes from the irishmen who fell for the Gaza hospital scam, but he is still employed on the pallywood beat

  16. Re: Atkins / Knopfler

    Story I heard was that one day Mark Knopfler just showed up at Chet Atkins’ door and introduced himself. Atkins wasn’t fazed at all. They hit it off which led to an album collaboration, “Neck and Neck,” which won two Grammy Country awards, and, I presume, this live performance with the Everly Brothers.

    I love those moments when the Young Turks pay homage to the Old Veterans.

    Chet Atkins is a god and he does look like George W. Bush. Here’s a cute track from “Neck and Neck”:

    –Chet Atkins & Mark Knopfler, “Neck and neck — Yakety axe” (1990)

    I think one can tell the difference by Knopfler’s pickless fingerstyle. Otherwise, those boys are in sync.

  17. If somebody ever perfects a true wireless Quantum Entanglement Communication System , how long would it take to figure out how to intercept the signal ? Whatever the ” signal” is .

  18. Our current theories seem to prohibit the actual exchange of useable information superluminally via quantumn entanglement. The issue has to do with not being able to “know” the initial state of an entangled pair of particles without breaking the entanglement itself. In order to exchange actual information faster than light, you’d have to know or set the initial state (spin direction I think?) of at least one of the particles, but you can’t do that without breaking the very thing that allows the so called “spooky action at a distance”. At least, this is our current understanding at any rate.

  19. how long would it take to figure out how to intercept the signal

    The intended target of the signal would know it had happened.


    Interesting that the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon was also injured. That says a lot.

    Not really. His injury simply repeats what is common knowledge: Hezbollah has been Iranian-funded for decades. Of course the Iranian ambassador was privy to Hezbollah’s inner workings. The Mullahs want to know how their money is being spent. If Iran supplies the rockets that hit Israel and the money that pays for the pagers….

    A question is what tier of Hezbollah operatives were in the pager network, i.e., got injured. We certainly haven’t heard if anything happened to Nasrallah, the top dog.

  21. Steph: Local Hero is a brilliant movie I’ve watched many times. But I had no idea Knopfler wrote the soundtrack.

  22. Well reasoned free speech gains this New Hampshire man a visit by two likely G-men for exercising his rights. They refuse to identify themselves beyond a badge
    His post on X:
    “It’s weird that no one ever tries to assassinate the actual president.

    “Isn’t that the guy in charge of everything?
    4:58 AM · Sep 16, 2024

    Jeremy Kauffman posts 3m of video of his encounter here

    It’s very instructive.

  23. Chet Atkins
    Blue Angel

    I don’t play guitar, but DAAAAAMMMMN this is some amazing picking. His fingers just fly over both the strings and the frets. I cannot say for sure, but I think if you can play this well, you’ve mastered the guitar, or at least this very single song.

    This is a live version (the best I could find 🙁 There have been better quality ones) you can see his fingers moving so smoothly and readily.


    }}} My first introduction to Mark Knopfler was hearing the soundtrack to “Local Hero”. It is an excellent soundtrack to a very good movie. Worth a watch and a listen.

    Yup. Great little performance by Peter Riegert and a small but lovely one by Burt Lancaster in one of his last films. A very “quirky” film. Everything is fairly normal, but every once in a while, you go, “What?” 😀

    If you liked this, you might check out Bill Forsythe’s two earlier films, Gregory’s Girl and That Sinking Feeling. Very much in the same kind of “quirky” vein.

  24. }}} now it would have made sense to place them in communities that already have cultural affinity, like South Florida, where is the joy in that though,

    Actually, Central Florida — I know there is a significant Haitian community in the region of Apopka, an outlier of Orlando.

    I know this, because a school there, about 20y ago, got the Florida Death Penalty.

    Schools get rated each year, and getting a “F” rating is obvious bad. Getting three “F”s in a row means that parents at that school are allowed to enroll them in ANY school in the county. There was an elementary school in Apopka with a strong Haitian presence — they literally had classes that taught kids in Haitian. It got three ‘F’s in a row.

    The response of the teachers there? They started wearing T-shirts that said “F for Fantastic”. Yeah, quite the surprise that they got an “F” three times in a row, huh?

    The disgusting thing was, some of the parents were not going to take their kids to other schools, because …. they could get taught in Haitian there. SMH.

  25. }}} In order to exchange actual information faster than light,

    Theoretically, this is impossible, at least, according to Einstein’s theories. Mind you, this doesn’t mean they are correct in that, but one of the downsides to relativity is that you cannot transmit information any faster than light can carry it from A to B.

    What impact this has on the idea of FTL drives, and such, being actually workable is… “interesting.”

    This may make the idea of QE being used as a means of comms unworkable.

  26. It was kind of lost in all the news of exploding pagers, but there was an explosion in Russia on the other end of the scale last night. A Russian ammunition storage facility 300 miles from the Ukrainian border was hit by a Ukrainian drone swarm. The resulting explosion measured 2.8 on the Richter scale and had an estimated explosive power of 1.8 kilotons. An estimated 30,000 **tons** of ammunition went up in flames.

    The video is quite impressive, as is the increasing capability of Ukraine’s home-built drones. Check it out if you like big booms.

  27. *WOKE* strikes again – this time against Beard oil company Wild Willies’ ad/commercial: Panty Dropper

    ‘I think some viewers were also being a bit too woke about the campaign message,’ said president of Wild Willies Steve Capitani.

    Many TV channels pulled the ad/commercial so they went to YouTube:

    Since airing on YouTube, the campaign has racked nearly two million views with Capitani claiming it’s helped boost their sales by up to 20 percent.

    Are only Libs & Progressives *WOKE*? Nope:

    On their website One Million Moms titled the post: ‘Urge Wild Willies to cancel its vulgar commercial.’

    The post reads: ‘Wild Willies offends conservative parents in its newest commercial, “Ready to Become a Panty Dropper.”

  28. In the summer of ‘81, I was living next to the abandoned Milwaukee Road rail yard in Renton. I had just gotten cable and I was channel surfing when I can upon the strange startup called MTV. The first video I saw was Dire Straits Skateaway. I had no clue until then that rock videos even existed. I thought the lyric “she’s making movies on location” was clever since the album was Making Movies and the tour was the On Location tour.

  29. As usual karmi, you get it wrong. The parents who object are not woke. They simply wish to preserve the dignity of their daughters. Big difference to being woke. I would wager that you do not have a daughter.

  30. *WOKE* is *WOKE* no matter who is being *WOKE* – DEM, REP, Liberal, Progressive, Conservative, etc. – all wokes claim to be preserving or saving or protecting or etc. something or someone.

    Heck, Xylourgos, loooonngg before *WOKE* was *WOKE*, Republicans created ‘Wide Awakes‘…

    UPDATE: Wide Awakes

    1. To act as a political police.

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