Home » Ryan Routh’s Iranian connections


Ryan Routh’s Iranian connections — 18 Comments

  1. democrats keep saying he voted for trump in 2016 so he is a republican, so it was a staged act to help trump gain sympathy as he has been fallen behind in the polls lately, then how did they know he voted for trump or anyone for sure? ain’t voting anonymous? if it is based on what he said, then why do democrats only accept the part where he said he voted for trump as truth while disregard everything else like he switched to democrat and hates trump now and support ukraine? do people even possess critical thinking skills anymore?

  2. Dave:

    The Democrats who say that are not interested in the truth about Routh. They are interested in the political use they can make of any snippet of his history, so they’ll talk about that snippet and disregard the rest. They are issuing propaganda and hoping listeners will never learn the omitted parts.

  3. Seeing as Trump ran rather deliberately against the jizda that was the iran deal i cry foul now iran is allied with russia afghans are more likely in tadjikistan or other central asian country perhaps
    dubai or pakistan

  4. Hiring a loony?
    Makes sense to me.
    Nobody would think a nut job would be assigned the task of killing somebody as opposed to hiring a seasoned professional. The loony could move about and not worry about being under surveillance.

  5. neo:
    at this point i am not even mad with the democrats anymore since if i had the same advantage as they enjoy from the media i would take full advantage of it as well. Why would you not lie if lying helps you tremendously and you suffer absolutely no consequences from it. The blame should be all on their voters, and us who failed to help these lost people to see the truth… remember roy moore, the accusations were all nonsense but it worked as it discouraged enough high horse conservatives to not vote to gave the democrats an invaluable seat. At least he got 8 millions to retire out of the libels. At this point i don’t care anymore

  6. For someone with no visible wealth, Routh sure managed to do a lot of traveling. Maybe he should write a book – “See the World on $10/Day.” 🙂

    Seriously, they need to find out where his funding was coming from. My guess is either some Jihadi operative or some Democrat activist/donor. Since the FBI is running the investigation, we’ll probably never know.

    He’s lawyered up and pleading the Fifth. The Fibies will probably just charge him with the gun crimes and quietly put him away. No need to find out who was paying his bills. Wouldn’t be prudent. 🙂

  7. The claim that Routh voted for Trump in 2016 came from Routh’s Twitter before it was locked down. Specifically, dude claimed that despite voting for him in 2016, he had since become disillusioned with Trump.

    This doesn’t mean he ever actually supported Trump, just that he thought he would have more clout if he made the claim. Point is, his claims about his past self in public aren’t worth much either way.

  8. For someone with no visible wealth, Routh sure managed to do a lot of traveling.


    Routh reminds me of James Earl Ray, convicted assassin of Martin Luther King Jr. Ray was a two-bit cracker armed robber who had broken out of prison and was on the run.

    Yet somehow he managed to kill MLK then elude an international dragnet while traveling to Canada, the UK and Portugal for almost a year.

    Back in my conspiracy days that seemed a tip-off that Ray was not what he seemed and maybe his talk of a larger conspiracy was true. The MLK family still believes that.

    But lately my respect for law enforcement, particularly the FBI, has somehow declined. It certainly seems possible that a nonentity like Ray could have led them a dance.

    Then there were the FBI’s efforts to entice King to commit suicide.

    I’ve forgotten, if ever I knew, how Ray funded his post-MLK travels.

  9. If your credit card is deep enough, and you have a passport, theoretically, you can go practically anyplace.
    What happens when you get off the plane is a different issue.
    Did the Iranians know, if they did would they be ashamed to admit, they’d had something to do with this guy? If so, on what level?
    Things must have been pretty loose in Ukraine for this guy to run around making a pest of himself and getting annoying publicity.
    I guess the point is just how much of his intrigue is in his own mind. Yeah, he’s got the frequent flyer miles….but, after that, exactly what?

  10. Well there was this guy david belfield who was an african american who converted and then killed the fmr iranian prime minister in paris

  11. Kate and JJ @ around 8pm last night have hit the nail.

    How does a piece work roofer live in Hawaii (most expensive state to live in), also has a house in NC, travels to Ukraine and other places, etc???

    Follow the money. Someone was funding this guy and that is who we need to find. Of course, it will never happen. As with all things connected to the Democrats it will be buried and never see the light of day. Such is our effed up country.

  12. now this guy is at the gavrilo princip level, a screw up, even I know that Iran and Russia are allies, the Russians have conscripted Afghans to fight for them in Ukraine, because they felt betrayed by the Americans after the capitulation

    now whoever constructed this legend, is pretty sloppy, Trump was against the Iran deal from the getgo, a big rally in 2015, now despite his long criminal record he never spent a day in jail, james earl ray was kind of a petty criminal, that they broke out of jail,

    Now Hoover was admittedly hamhanded, but he saw the Highlander school, Levinson, and O’Neil two Stalinists advising King and he saw red flags, now Garrow says he was mistaken about that, but Bayard Rustin, was certainly concerned enough, after that incident he went even further to the left contracting William Pepper who has spun some of the crazier tales of the assasination that have made it into the lore in shows like NY Undercover, and books like Steve Berry’s Bishops Pawn

  13. The question Megyn Kelly brings up about Routh apparently knowing in advance where Trump would be playing golf either overlooks or ignores the fact that this guy is crazy. He would have been willing to take a chance and sit all night in the bushes so he could shoot Trump. And if he chose the wrong golf course (assuming he knew there were two where Trump might play), he’d just sit a week later at the other golf course. It all makes sense if you’re a little crazy to begin with.

  14. @F,

    Yeah, I don’t quite grok that one either. It seems like Trump made a last minute decision to golf at that course, so why had Routh been sitting out there for 12 hours? Granted, there are a lot of bushes and trees that can conceal someone, but nobody can hang around a golf course for a week without being noticed, and eventually told to move on, especially if it’s a place where a former President likes to play.

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