Home » The defamation lawsuit against Raffensperger of Georgia


The defamation lawsuit against Raffensperger of Georgia — 14 Comments

  1. Or Raffensperger is just a Democrat and always has been but chose to run as a Republican because it is Georgia.

  2. Doesn’t seem to be any room for the “oops, I missed that part” defense.

  3. The secretary of state is an extremely powerful position and the Democrats through donors like Soros have had an SOS project to elect more Democrats . Here’s a list of states with SOS elections in 2024. Except for Oregon and Washington, the Republicans have a chance in all the other states. i’m going to donate money to the campaigns of Republicans. Particularly concerning to me is that North Carolina has a democrat Secretary of State.


  4. At any point in the last four years he could have apologized but he doesnt really care about this country

  5. Bob Wilson, fortunately in North Carolina the Secretary of State has nothing to do with elections. This is all handled by the State Board of Elections. The NC GOP is currently pushing two lawsuits on the Dem-controlled BOE on cleaning the voter rolls. But even the Dem-controlled BOE can’t cheat too heavily with the tight elections systems we have. Paper ballots and photo ID are required statewide, even for mailed absentee voters.

  6. Thanks for the heads up, Kate. You need to get a republican governor. The Texas Republican governor, Greg Abbott, has done a major league cleaning of the voter rolls. The Left is not pleased.

  7. “… this is another example of GOP infighting, …”

    But, is it really? Raffensperger labels himself a “Republican” but is he, really, and exactly what is a “Republican”?

    Democrats are easy to identify – more, bigger government with more authority and power is the foundational creed around which they unify. That may not be the Mission Statement posted on the wall at DNC HQ, but it’s the philosophy followed, or at least accepted, in part or in whole, by most Democrats whether or not they deny it or obfuscate about it.

    But what, really are “Republicans” for? Sure, at the national 4-year convention they have a theme (of sorts), but day in, day out, they seem largely unidentifiable as to philosophy, mission and unification of effort.

    Which, according to many, is the “hive mind” defect of Democrats and the glory of “independence” among Republicans.

    So what is Raffensperger? He has an “R” after his name, gets recognition, support and money from the Republican mothership as well as some of each from state organizations, but at the core, what is he, actually? What bedrock principles does he unwaveringly commit to, positions, both political and moral, that he consistently devotes himself to upholding without compromise? What affront would drive him to condemnation and resignation rather than accommodation?

    (That much the same may be said of nearly everyone with an “R” after their name currently is, I’m sure, merely a coincidence.)

  8. Bob Wilson, we do need a Republican governor in NC. Sadly, it looks like four more years of a Republican legislature and a Dem governor. Mark Robinson has too many past statements they’re nailing him with. I thought this would happen, and voted for someone else in the primary. Sigh.

  9. He is, miguel. But there are past videos and Facebook posts they’re nailing him with, and there’s some kind of scandal (real or not, I don’t know) with a charity his wife runs. The Democrat, Josh Stein, has outraised Robinson by a huge amount, and he’s using it on TV ads. Robinson’s fundraising was anemic, perhaps because the big donors didn’t think he could win.

  10. @miguel: There’s a lot of Democrat Christians, especially in North Carolina. I don’t know that being a publicly affirming Christian is a particularly compelling qualification there.

    Where I live, in the Pacific Northwest, we have lots of churches. You can spot them a mile away from their huge rainbow flags.

  11. hes a real one, but the Old Gods have their adherents, Dems seem to be ignorant not only about faith, but Science, in myriad ways,
    the Research triangle is where they perfected gain of function, a euphemism for the biological warfare exercise we saw four years ago, as we saw from the correspondence with Fauci,

    So Warnock to use a recent example is the worst sort of scalawag, a thief a Marxist,
    a supporter of Hamas and Castro, well who ever runs the plantation over there,

  12. Robinson is an active member of a black Baptist church and appears to be sincere in his faith. He opposes the transgender agenda and is hardline on abortion; he and his wife had one when they were young and deeply regret it. He has indicated a willingness to sign an even more restrictive abortion law instead of the 12-week limit (with a few exceptions) which passed this legislative session and was enacted over Cooper’s veto. Democrats are using that, among other things.

    Josh Stein would be another Cooper if there’s another epidemic and would shut down the state in the blink of an eye.

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