Home » Caroline Glick on Israel’s “preemptive” strike on Hezbollah


Caroline Glick on Israel’s “preemptive” strike on Hezbollah — 14 Comments

  1. Well, if I’ve got a gun, and the guy facing me has a gun, which he’s beginning to level at me, I don’t have to wait until I see the flash of the shot before taking action to protect myself.

  2. Ahh, but Kate, in many blue states, like my old home of CT, that’s exactly what you have to do. Otherwise, you get charged with murder and the assailant goes free.

    As in Stranger Things, it’s an upside down world.

  3. Yep, I see this as a typical shootout at the Okay Corral.

    Israel is able to detect when Hezbollah is going to start firing missiles. So, they draw first to protect themselves.

    War is H*ll. Israel was attacked and they fight back. Get used to it antisemites.

  4. Does Israel have the capability to destroy Hezbollah’s underground missile depots? I hope Israel does have that capability and that Israel destroys them. But not until Trump takes office.

    If Trump gets elected, I would like for his UN Ambassador to point out very clearly that Hezbollah has not followed the terms of the 2006 ceasefire agreement.

    Caroline Glick made the point repeatedly is that there is never a negative consequence for Israel’s enemies to violate a ceasefire agreement, but woe to Israel if it should violate a ceasefire agreement.

  5. @ Kate > “I don’t have to wait until I see the flash of the shot before taking action ”

    At least one of the reports I’ve read about the Butler PA assassination attempt says that is exactly what the USSS counter-snipers did.
    Still waiting to find out what really went on out there!

  6. AesopFan:

    The current rationale, as I understand it, is that the SS were concerned Crooks might have been a local LEO covering the roof.

    Of course, if the SS had bothered to pick up the radios the local LEOS offered them, it might have been a different story.

    I can’t believe Temp Director Rowe’s story about how difficult it is for the SS to sync comms with local law enformcement.

    Fire that man!

  7. My understanding of the Israeli Air Force is that it has no heavy bombers.
    They use fighters as bombers .
    They also have attack helicopters.
    But no heavy bombers.

  8. ”My understanding of the Israeli Air Force is that it has no heavy bombers.
    They use fighters as bombers.”

    The F-15I flown by the Israeli Air Force can carry twelve 2,000 lb. bombs, which is about three times the capacity of the B-17. Unlike the bombs dropped by the B-17 — only 40% of which landed within five miles of their targets — those twelve bombs will likely all land within 30 feet of their targets.

    Israel can get the job done.

  9. *sigh*

    My cynical first reaction is that the middle echelons of the IDF pressed the higher ups – or threatened to leak damning info – to force timely action rather than a “justified” response after the attacks.

    None of the people who ignored the warning signs of the Gaza massacre has resigned or been disciplined. And they are locked in precisely the unrealistic “blue state” Left wing concept of “limited” engagement with our Muslim “partners”. They are still treating this as a tit-fo-tat tea party. For years they demonized the religious settlers now defending the country while currying favor with our enemies – and they are now more concerned with “building good will for the Day after” than actually winning a decisive victory that will restore deterrence.

    I think this initiative came from the lower ranks.

  10. yes they don’t ever learn from the exercise, I thought this problem was just with the likes of Abban Eban, who mirrored Palestinian expectations, maybe it wasn’t alway this way, under the Husseini clan, but certainly since Haj Amin took charge in the 20s, I think I mentioned some of the terrible hagiography that he has been treated to, versus the Black legend of Pope Pius, who in a difficult time did what he could, and the follow on work by Patrick Seale on Abu Nidal or Carlos, well it’s quite wretched, as I spelled out, Benny Morris is one of those whose interpretation,
    has reframed the Israel founding tale, Dan Silva seems to rest a great of his Allon series on it, specially the hit on Abu Jihad, in Tunisia

    on one hand, I understand why the top leadership doesn’t want to get back into the tarpit that is Lebanon, that took 18 years to extricate itself, and how many lives and rightly they say for what, however it is still a proxy war by the Iranian ruling councils against Israel,

  11. BenDavid:

    This guy resigned (the article is from April):

    Israel’s top military intelligence official announced his resignation on Monday over his role in the failures that led to the Hamas terror group’s October 7 onslaught.

    Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, chief of the Israel Defense Forces’s Military Intelligence Directorate, will step down from the military once a replacement is appointed, the IDF said.

    The move was coordinated with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and approved by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the military added. …

    … (Another top intelligence general who was planning to step down over the onslaught quit after being diagnosed with cancer.)

    Alongside Haliva, other top defense officials have said they bear responsibility for the deadly invasion carried out by Hamas on October 7, including the head of the Shin Bet security agency and the IDF chief of staff. None of them has announced plans to resign as of yet, though many are expected to do so once the security situation stabilizes.

    And this guy resigned in June:

    The Israeli general in charge of the Gaza Strip area announced his resignation on Sunday over his role in the failures that led to the Hamas terror group’s October 7 onslaught.

    Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, the head of the Israel Defense Force’s Gaza Division, said in a letter to his superiors that “on October 7, I failed in my life’s mission to protect the [Gaza border communities].”

  12. Whenever Israel defends itself the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC etc always refers to the Israeli defense as “escalation”.

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