Home » Open thread 8/26/24


Open thread 8/26/24 — 19 Comments

  1. I use to walk 5 miles uphill in 5 ft of snow to and from school.

    So much of what they did would now be classified as “hate speech” in the UK. What a shame.

  2. Until this morning I’d never heard of the messaging app called Telegram which evidently has 950 million users worldwide who are mostly in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The CEO of the company, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France this weekend oestensibly because they didn’t “moderate” (censor) their content to the EU’s liking so he’s being charged with “fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorism promotion and cyber-bullying “. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski left Europe on yesterday, claiming that France has also “threatened” Rumble. In response to all this, Elon Musk tweeted “It is vital to the support of free speech that you forward X posts to people you know, especially in censorship-heavy countries”.

  3. Julie Kelly:

    The story by Steve Baker and substantiated by Kyle Seraphin about the alleged pipe bomber has been dramatically revised.

    IMO it should be retracted in full. And I believe more edits will be required as Baker attempts to salvage this piece.


    Darren Beattie had earlier cautioned that the Baker story had got too far out over its skis: https://x.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1828087364897399263?t=VREnv8agFEaiFcVa4asATg&s=19

  4. I would be surprised if either Harris or Biden had any role at all in making administration decisions. I would be very interested to know who, exactly, did.

  5. tcrosse said: I would be surprised if either Harris or Biden had any role at all in making administration decisions.

    I think they did. For one thing, I still believe that the disasterous pullout from Afganistan 3 years ago today was completely on Biden. It’s just such a Biden maneuver. It’s that special combination of towering arrogance, willful ignorance (refusing to listen to anyone who argued it was a bad idea), outright stupidity, and utter incompetence that Biden has demonstrated throughout his entire political career. It just has his fingerprints all over it.

  6. Narrative vs loins

    A glimpse of the future from the DNC:

    Interviewer “Who are the cuties at the DNC?

    Woman “Talk to anyone in DC who works in Democratic politics, it’s hard to find a cute Democrat.”

    Interviewer “Republican guys are hotter?”

    Woman “Yeah but they’re evil. So I don’t know.”

    Ah yes, nature will eventually win.

  7. This is, IMHO, the funniest thing these guys ever did. And I really enjoy much they gave the world in terms of comedy.

  8. In a normal political year we would still be discussing the almost successful assassination attempt on Trump — no thanks to the Secret Service — and the ensuing questions of failed law enforcement. It ought to be like Watergate in the early 70s.

    Yet the story has died out. Partly due to the insane events since — the disastrous Biden debate performance, the ensuing palace coup removing Biden as a candidate then the ascension and coronation of Kamala Harris.

    It’s been six weeks since Trump’s near-death experience. The questions of how the Secret Service dropped the ball on Trump’s security still hang fire. We recently learned that some unnamed SS agents have been removed from duty temporarily, but that’s all.

    Six weeks later, I’m sure the SS and Deep State will be happy to run out the clock. And who knows, maybe some lone nut will succeed before Election Day.

    Today Fox News did a segment, which raises the questions for which we still have no answers:

    ‘”EXTREMELY SLOPPY’: Former FBI agent warns ‘this is a wakeup call’”

  9. @ David Foster > “Energy Wrongthink: Now a Hate Crime?”

    I can’t say that I enjoyed your essay (although I do enjoy your writing), but I did appreciate it. Many of the comments added significantly to the discussion.

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