Home » Open thread 8/19/24


Open thread 8/19/24 — 33 Comments

  1. Was just reading online that some are speculating that Kamala Cackling Harris has a drinking (or other drug) problem; thus providing one explanation of her incoherent, word salad, juvenile, moronic remarks and responses to questions.

    I have no idea if this is true or not – one can find anything and everything online – but frankly it makes no difference.

    If it is indeed shown she has an addiction problem to whatever pill or liquid or combustion by-product of a hallucinogenic , she will STILL get very near 50% of the vote.

    Maybe there are too many voters that are on some sort of hallucinogenic??

  2. Interesting, but it could have been cleaned up a bit, getting rid of the static. The last one indicated 1859, really?

    Smores on the menu in Chicago

  3. Powerlineblog tells us that the patents for 8 out of the 10 drugs whose prices the Biden administration claims to have capped will expire by the end of 2026. That means that those drugs will be available in cheaper generic forms even without the administration’s intervention. The policy may be (or may not be) good, but it didn’t deserve to be presented as “We beat pharma.” It was more of a collaboration between the administration and “Big Pharma,” as some people suspected when it was announced

  4. It’s the big convention week in Chicago and there’s already some comedy.

    The mission of the Bodies March, per their demands, reads: “We demand federal action to expand access to abortion and reproductive health care, support families, and defend the rights of trans and queer people. We demand an end to reproductive genocide, an end to U.S. arms exports to Israel, and an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Palestine so all Palestinians can live in freedom and dignity with bodily autonomy and reproductive justice.”

    An absurd and truly confused set of demands. “Reproductive genocide”? They seem fairly immune to irony. Everything is a “genocide” for the Left these days.

  5. About those new reduced Medicare drug prices….

    The information shows the list price and the new negotiated price, but, if you ever looked at an insurance claim form, Medicare always pays a negotiated amount which is much lower than the list price.

    I went to the Medicare website and called up my part D plan information. I added Embrel as a new drug and then checked the prices at the three local pharmacies. Please note, there are lots of drug plans and even in a small community, the price may be different for the preferred pharmacies.

    Embrel – list $7,106, 2024 price of $2,757 for my Medicare D plan, the “new” price is $2,355. So, instead of a 66% decrease in price, it is more of a 14% savings from what Medicare currently pays.

    It makes sense to check your plan yearly. I list the drugs I may take during the year and then check which plan and pharmacy will provide the best deal. For two generic drugs, I pay $0 for the generic version and the monthly premium is $9.90.

  6. I wonder if the Democratic convention will feature more porn performers as speakers than the Republican convention did, or fewer. I’m not sure which is better strategy, I assume the Dems have the porn performer vote locked up already. But you never know, Stormy Daniels campaigned as a Republican.

    I also wonder how the mainstream media is going to cover up the massive destruction of property that is about to happen in Chicago along with the convention.

  7. Wow. Gov. Chris Sununu ably defends Trump against Jake Tapper. Every time this happens I wonder whether Sununu will be asked back– or the other Republicans setting the record straight about Trump.

    Yes, Trump’s comparison of the Medal of Honor to the Medal of Freedom is a head scratcher– and charitably Trump was speaking off the cuff, not thinking about the implications of what he was saying– but Sununu handled it capably.

    Here’s the catch-22 of all this. Were Trump not making some of these gotcha sound bites, the liberal media wouldn’t be talking about Trump– and Trump’s policies would never get an airing by the CNN types.

    With a few exceptions (I’m looking at you Bolton), Republicans understand the seriousness of this election and are rallying around President Trump. The issues and policies have never been clearer.

    Trump represents a policy of removing government impediments to business, while Harris represents the continued effort to strangle free enterprise and move to a quite frankly fascist model (more politely coined the Whole Society model by Obama).

    ‘Asinine comments’: Trump-supporting governor reacts to Trump’s Medal of Honor statement

  8. As to those “historical voices”, who cares? and Why?
    Seems Neo spends many hours web-surfing. Leaving things undone, Neo?

  9. well they are the record of what we were, and what we can be again, Gladstone, the Liberal giant, Edison the great innovator of power generation, (some accounts of how the boy inventor became the great magnate don’t paint him in the best light vis a vis Tesla or Westinghouse Twain the great racconteur of the 19th Century,

    Twain was some what of a cynic as he reached the latter part of his life, an agnostic, an anti Imperialist, if such things have any meaning, was the Phillipines endeavour a good deal, worthy minds might differ,

    Bolton is on the payroll of Pinchuk the preferred oligarch of the moment, along with Akhmatov,

  10. Miguel @1114:

    Take on Me

    I’m not impressed at all. When you have a woman covering for man and she still can’t hit that high note that Morten Harket hit amazingly, and in his prime admittedly. I also thought the percussion was weak and the trumpet grating.

    If you want an impressive cover band, try either Hindley Street Country Club, or Lexington Lab band; both mentioned here previously. Also, honorable mention goes to Foxes and Fossils.

  11. East Texas.
    Walked into a McDonald’s and there were about a half dozen teenage boys standing near the cash register. They were saying ” You go ahead , sir”. I asked if they had already ordered and they said yes.
    They still say ” sir” and ” ma’am” around here.

    People still open doors for other people at public buildings.

    Across the races.

    Same district that produced representative Loui Ghomert for Congress and Matt Schafer in the Texas Legislature.
    Next to the Louisiana congressional district that produced the current Speaker of the House.

    This is also the area that had a conservative Catholic Bishop that the current Pope fired.

  12. Re: Kamala Harris possibly being a drunk: I suppose Kamala could be the sort of person who is intimidated by in interviews and public speaking in general and thus uses alcohol for liquid courage.

    Or of course she could just be a garden variety midwit who has ascended to the highest echelons of power through a combination of shameless opportunism (like her affair with Willy Brown for example), checking the right DEI boxes, raw ambition, and plan old dumb luck. She was evidently smart enough to at least pass the California Bar exam, but I have no idea how difficult that really is.

  13. This morning while driving to the Hospital, I listened to some of Varney on FOX. All their talk was for and about big investors and how good things are looking. Unemployment no. and Inflation no. not too bad, doesn’t look like a recession is coming. They just do not understand that the people in the streets (er, not the rioters) fell real pain, and things are not rosey.

  14. Ciceroblog – Thoughts and rants from a retired, grumpy as f, oncolgist.

    Things best left undone.

  15. and silly me, I thought a cover from a pretty girl, would be a nice change of pace from the slouching beast crawling from Chicago, I shant make that mistake,
    back to the Gotterdamerung,

  16. Concerning Cicero’s comment: Speaking with the sensibility of a working and published historian, I must conclude that Cicero is a dolt.

  17. Shirehome, I listen to Varney often. They highlight the high cost of everything and the employment numbers regularly. You just caught them doing an investment segment, which is after all their business.

  18. Strangely, in the early part of his career Pat Boone covered black R&B songs:

    –Pat Boone, “Tutti-Frutti” (1956)

    It’s not bad really. Of course, when it comes to raw energy, Boone can’t really compete with Little Richard. The only white guy who can do that IMO is Paul McCartney.

  19. Thanks for posting about the Pat Boone song, Kate. I listened to it and it sounded pretty good.
    The message of the song is that we need to pray to God, that He would help us reverse our national deterioration, and honor the Constitution again. I agree with that message.


  20. Re: California bar exam.

    In 1973 the entire class of applicants sitting for the state bar exam failed to pass the ethics section of the exam. That is to say, every hippie who had just passed through any law school in CA was unable to comprehend ethics. I don’t know how bad it got after that but I suspect there was not much improvement either in the rigor of the state bar exam, or in the quality of education the students were receiving. Just sayin…

  21. Sorry Neo. That was more than fifty years ago. It was reported to me by law students working in their profession in some capacity. I am not sure that it made the local newspaper. It would take a serious legal librarian in California to find that story–not sure you could find one willing to report it. It got swept under the rug pretty quickly. Given the CA relaxed approach to the law, and ethics, it seems likely that the “rigor” of that section of the exam was probably relaxed after that event!

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