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Cori Bush defeated — 6 Comments

  1. “All they did was radicalize me”

    Interesting choice of words. In modern parlance the term “radicalize” is often used when talking about a person becoming a violent terrorist. As in a misanthrope being “radicalized” into committing terrism by a nefarious group. Not that I expect a portly middle aged lady to machine gun a synagogue or whatever.

  2. So she wants things to go ‘kinetic’, does she? Don’t think she would enjoy things much when that kicks off.

  3. Ok. We have politicians that are devout enemies of this country. Supported by voters who are devout enemies of this country. This has been Communism’s and Islams plan since forever. People who do not want to see will not. People who do not want to hear will not. While the average American does not knows the issues and much less cares, they proceed with their plan.

  4. You look at the work history of the Squad and you realize that most of this crew has no business being in Congress. This dame was obnoxious enough and stupid enough to persuade a critical mass of her constituents to stop tolerating her.
    On Ilhan Omar, recall that she represents a white-majority district and that one of her primary opponents over the years was a black lawyer with an orderly family life who presented himself as a common-and-garden Democrat; I think he won about 40% of the vote. Democratic voters are motivated by the joys of vandalism.

  5. In some cases, like Bush and Bowman, and from 2022 Nina Turner in Ohio, there was a significant Jewish population in their districts. This isn’t a case of “filthy Zionist money” but simply that at the primary election level these ghouls cannot convince Jewish voters to volunteer for their own murder.

    Also, what up with dropping “are” after “they”. Did the grammar change when I wasn’t looking?

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