Home » Cheatle quits, having outlasted her usefulness to the Democrats


Cheatle quits, having outlasted her usefulness to the Democrats — 16 Comments

  1. As I said in the other thread, I don’t believe much will change in the near term. Trump told Fox News that “big improvements have been made over the last week”. What that actually means, I have no idea. It could be merely window dressing, just putting more agents on Trump to make it look like they’re addressing shortcommings but in reality these newly assigned agents are really still just as clueless as ever.

    I hear they’re finally giving RFK Jr. some coverage now, for what it’s worth.

  2. Live by DEI die by DEI. Her goal was to have 30% of the S.S. female. God forbid you just hire based on competence.

  3. Cheatle’s immediate successor, Russell Rowe, is a long-standing Deep Stater, who will impede investigation by the Representatives OF THE PEOPLE. His loyalty is to the Deep State, not to us average Joes and Janes. Cut taxes? Holy cow, that might imperil the funding of Deep State jobs. Slash the DOD’s funding? Sure, who needs that anyway?

  4. To give the USSS a bit of slack; there is a type of command which pays no price for its commands.
    As in, shows up, sees a deficiency, commands the deficiency be addressed and departs, not having broken a sweat.
    It’s the last part which is the key.
    Most organizations with multiple and differing obligations will find, institutionally and over time, that certain things they’re supposed to do have had no pay off. They have prevented nothing, and, indeed, nothing needing this preventing has appeared in as far back as anybody can recall.
    But the doing of them requires time, resources, attention, organizing of other obligations to get by without the resources directed to the doubtful process.
    Things would be so much easier and…it’s meaningless anyway.
    The person in charge of deciding has to deal with the factors in the preceding paragraph and so decides…..

    To today. How long since somebody’s gone after a SS protectee with a rifle? (Sixty years.) How many outdoor events have been covered by the SS? How many rifle-appropriate sight lines have been covered? Might be a pretty huge number. How many known but not covered? Also a large number. How many protectees shot or even shot at?

    So what’s the big deal?

    This is where we should have the command which doesn’t pay a price.

    As I say, this is a bit of slack. More charitable than I usually am ,and basically a hypothetical.

  5. Looks like the committee to investigate the shooting is a stacked deck. Anti Trumpers all the way. So yes, we will know the truth about what happen, never.

  6. Having Cheatle go but leaving Mayorkas in place is truly half a loaf, or maybe not even half. Mayorkas is the reason Cheatle was as bad as she was. Time for him to go too. But I won’t hold my breath.

  7. “Cheatle”–A last name straight from the imagination of Charles Dickens.

  8. Why do we have to wait for a person to resign, even if they display obvious poor job performance? Do people not get fired anymore?

  9. Not sure how replacing Cheatle with the guy who “was responsible for the direct oversight of the agency’s daily investigative and protective operations. Mr. Rowe also guided the agency’s policies and was responsible for introducing state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the agency’s protective countermeasures.” changes anything.


  10. Having Cheatle go but leaving Mayorkas in place is truly half a loaf, or maybe not even half.


    Well-spotted. Mayorkas next!

    He’s a heavier lift, admittedly, but he is dirty:

    DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is facing scrutiny for allegedly trying to prevent Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle from testifying, as revealed by House Speaker Mike Johnson. This development has raised concerns about transparency and accountability within the Department of Homeland Security. The attempt to block Cheatle’s testimony has sparked controversy and calls for further investigation into the matter. Stay updated on this unfolding situation as it continues to unfold.


  11. AOC was giving her grief. Pointing out that AR-15 are common, and the perimeter did not extend to their range.

  12. Mary Catelli:

    I thought AOC also scored a major point that it was unacceptable for Cheatle and the SS to spend two months putting together a report on the assassination attempt.

    Too late to be useful for reforms to protect the SS’s principals during the remainder of this campaign.


    More resignations and firings are in order.

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