Home » No, forcing Joe out isn’t actually thwarting the will of the Democratic voters …


No, forcing Joe out isn’t actually thwarting the will of the Democratic voters … — 57 Comments

  1. It will be interesting to see how Kamala Harris polls among black women who are likely voters. My friend, a female POC, has remarked that black women don’t like black women who marry white men. That doesn’t mean they would vote for Trump, but it might be that they won’t vote for Harris either.

  2. The Dem convention will be a Riot, maybe in more than one sense of the word. Factions and Infighting will be SOP.

  3. I agree with Neo that “the vast vast majority of Democrat voters will vote for her with no hesitation whatsoever. She will be the new anti-Trump candidate and that will be enough. On the other hand, if she’s replaced, the same will be true of whomever becomes the eventual nominee.”

    There’s been a lot of drama over the last week, and possibly more to come, but it hasn’t changed the basic electoral college math. Everybody, not just us but all the highly-placed muckamucks, can go and look at 270towin and see what’s there: there’s only three states the Dems need that aren’t called yet.

    The states the Dems already have* are not flipping to Trump. The three they need to keep from 2020** are not called yet, but are run by blue governments and heavily fortified. I’ve seen no evidence to indicate that the fortifications put in place for 2020 have been torn down, and plenty to indicate they’ve been reinforced.

    If so the Dems have 270 now and know it, and thus what they are really fighting each other over is who gets to be President, not who gets to run against Trump. They would never be able to come out and say publicly that the fix is in, but if it is in, they know perfectly well what machine they built in the those three states and what it will deliver.

    *WA, OR, CA, HI, CO, NM, IL, MN, VA, DC, MD, DE, NJ, CT, RI, MA, VT, NE, ME: 226 (-1 from ME but +1 from NE)
    **WI, PA, MI: 44

  4. Kamala is truly a living obscenity, as are the millions of voters who will vote for her simply because she is a (D), plus those who do not or will not recognize that Trump has been PERSECUTED for 8 years by Democrats.
    America is drowning in lies, stupid lies, and statistics.

  5. She will be the new anti-Trump candidate and that will be enough.

    Harris is much more than that. She is also the chance for DEMs to bust thru the ceiling and get a woman elected President. She is also a strong representation for the Pro-abortion voters. She is gonna be hard to beat.

    Also, rumors about a Hillary for President with Kamala as her VP are out there.

    I read that Obama may have commissioned this Amandi poll, but didn’t save the link. Came out 9 July if I recall correctly.

    Harris beat Trump by 1. Clinton beat Trump by 2. Clinton/Harris beat Trump by 3.

    Do DEMs still get to keep donations with Harris as VP? Probably, but dunno. That Clinton/Harris ticket could be the path for DEMs to control the Presidency for the next 12-16 years.

    With Trump’s selection of JD ‘I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another’ Vance as his VP – I may not even vote for a President this time. Unless they actually come out with a strong statement on supporting Ukraine I’m not really caring ‘what happens to THEM one way or another’ at this point. If I get wind that they plan on helping Russia up from the mat, then I will probably vote against the Trump/Vance ticket.

    Oh, that above linked poll also showed a Harris/Shapiro ticket beating Trump by 2…

  6. Yet pushing him out shows the lack of “democracy” in the Democrat Party. It doesn’t matter if most Democrats are fine with this lack of democracy.

    Joe was not really democratically selected in 2020, nor in 2024, nor was the decision for him to drop out driven by a democratic process. For that matter, Clinton didn’t beat Bernie in 2016 via a democratic process.

    And Democrats want to deny the democratic process to all voters, using lawfare or any other means to stop Trump.

  7. Karmi, national polls mean nothing. The President isn’t elected by popular vote.

  8. I read that Obama may have commissioned this Amandi poll, but didn’t save the link. Came out 9 July if I recall correctly.

    Harris beat Trump by 1. Clinton beat Trump by 2. Clinton/Harris beat Trump by 3.

    Sounds fake. All the polls I’ve seen have shown Kamala doing worse than Joe until recently. And Kamala was one of the worst 2020 Dem candidates and people just don’t like her. People don’t like Clinton either. And why would Kamala play 2nd to Clinton?

  9. Somebody anybody? Please tell me where Niketas above is wrong . The Dems will be sure to take WI, PA, and MI to get their 270. As he notes they have only strengthened their mail in ballot harvesting, etal. In those blue run states. Depressing but sadly true.

  10. Two days after we hear WA may be in play, the WA AG (Aspiring Governor) announces he is not going to enforce state law on proof of residency to register to vote. Sounds like a rear guard action to me.

  11. The NY Post is claiming that “top Dems” forced Joe to resign by threatening the 25th amendment. This may explain the Twitter only announcement and the following deafening silence from Biden himself, with no telivised appearence or interview or press conference that one might expect from such an historic event. Biden himself and his inner circle are likely enraged and bitter at the moment, and it’s doubtful that Biden could mask such feelings and dissemble on camera

  12. This is the law in Michigan:

    ballot harvesting — using political operatives to collect and return ballots from multiple voters — remains illegal in Michigan. Existing law generally makes it a felony crime punishable by up to five years in prison.

    Michigan law permits a household member or a family member (defined by law), or an election official if those options are not available, to return a voter’s absentee ballot.

    There is a catch in the system. Local governments will have to maintain at least one absentee ballot drop box for every 15,000 voters.

    So ballot harvesting can occur, but it is illegal.

    Michigan also requires signature verification.

    Trump was leading Biden by 7% in Michigan recently with 9% undecided. Given the events, including Biden’s electric car mandate which will decimate the auto industry in Michigan, Trump certainly can win Michigan.

    Since the PA Supreme Court decided matching signatures was an impediment to voting– making fraud easier to commit, I’m skeptical of Trump taking Pennsylvania.

    As to Wisconsin, it will still be close, but still possible.

  13. My friend, a female POC, has remarked that black women don’t like black women who marry white men.

    Similarly, black women don’t like black men who marry white women.

  14. @Brian E:So ballot harvesting can occur, but it is illegal.

    Michigan also requires signature verification.

    Pretty easy for blue-precinct officials in charge of signature verification to let all the iffy signatures slide. And once the ballots harvested illegally are in the count with the others, they cannot be pulled back out. And even if they could, no court will order it done. No court is going to force any of these states to follow their own rules or listen to any arguments afterward that they didn’t and therefore the election was invalid…

    MI in 2020 went for Biden by 154K votes on 71% turnout. That extra 29% is there to be tapped for whoever the Dems have, and there’s several million potential votes in there.

  15. I think the notion that the first woman PotUS will be an even bigger failure and measure of incompetence than the first black PotUS — largely because they are Dems selected only for race and gender, rather than ability, is an amusing irony.

  16. Re: Michigan

    Former President Trump holds a 7-point lead over President Biden in Michigan, according to a new poll published by the Detroit Free Press on Sunday, a sizable margin that underlines Democratic concerns about Biden’s candidacy.

    Trump has 49 percent support in the state to Biden’s 42 percent, according to the poll, with 9 percent of voters undecided. With third-party candidates included, Trump leads Biden 43 percent support to 36, with independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. taking 8 percent.


    I’ve heard a few commentators mention this poll as one of the last straws forcing Biden out.

  17. Niketas, there are not an unlimited number of available ballots to forge. Detroit (Wayne County) was the largest margin for Biden 68%-30%, with a 324,000 differential for Biden. Lansing (Oakland County), Biden by 50,000 votes. Most of the state went solidly for Trump. Signature verification malfeasance can only occur in Democrat controlled counties.

    71% of voters turned out in 2020– 500,000 more votes than cast in the 2008 election of Obama. That is likely the ceiling for malfeasance.

    The Trump campaign/Michigan Republicans will be better equipped to prevent the events of 2020 from taking place.

    Events will overtake Democrat shenanigans.

    Given what happened in 2020, at some point the courts are going to intervene and require an honest accounting of the votes– if for no other reason than to drive a stake through the heart of the illegal ballot/election integrity argument.

    Trump can win Michigan, and likely will.

  18. @Brian E:Niketas, there are not an unlimited number of available ballots to forge.

    Please don’t challenge the Dems, Brian, they may take you up on it. 🙂 But what’s missing from your argument, Brian, is turnout. Turnout was only 71% so there are millions more potential ballots out there.

    I clicked the link to click the link to click the link to the original Michigan poll. 600 likely voters, so margin of error about 4%. There is no way that poll includes the effects of ballot harvesting and other shenanigans, but let’s take at face value for the sake of argument.

    In 2020 about 2.3 million registered voters in MI didn’t vote and about 5.5 million did. If Biden was getting 42% now I’d be surprised if random Dem did worse. 42% of the 5.5 million who turned out would be 2.3 million. 49% of that 5.5 million, if we trust that poll, would go for Trump, so 2.7 million. So the Dems would need to harvest an extra 0.5 million out of the 2.3 million that wouldn’t normally vote. That does seems on the outside of probable.

    But if Harris or Dem-written-in-ballot-in-purple-crayon polls at 49%, then the Dems need only harvest an extra hundred-thousand-ish, which is certainly much more probable. Really hinges on how much better a not-Biden does, provided the polls are accurate and that the ballot shenanigans are not too extreme to invalidate the whole idea of even polling these states.

    at some point the courts are going to intervene and require an honest accounting of the votes– if for no other reason than to drive a stake through the heart of the illegal ballot/election integrity argument.

    I don’t think we can count on the courts to save us. Too many of them are blue and/or punt on “political” questions. Gaslighting and personally destroying lawyers who attempt to raise the questions has been working well for the Dems so far.

    The Trump campaign/Michigan Republicans will be better equipped to prevent the events of 2020 from taking place.

    Have you got any recent links about what they are actually doing and how well it is working?

    Events will overtake Democrat shenanigans.

    If they happen, they could, sure, but to count on them is just “smoking hopium” so to speak…

  19. Just when you think Republicans may no longer be the stupid party!

    LANSING – As he campaigns to be the next chair of the Michigan Republican Party, Matthew DePerno is promising to be more competitive against Democrats by orchestrating “the biggest (absentee) ballot harvesting program this state has ever seen.”

    But the GOP rhetoric has also raised eyebrows because actual ballot harvesting — using political operatives to collect and return ballots from multiple voters — remains illegal in Michigan. Existing law generally makes it a felony crime punishable by up to five years in prison.

    It’s why the Dems always win. They can at least keep their mouths shut.

    Still, Reps are aware of the problem.


  20. Are they thwarting the will of the Democratic party voters? Perhaps not, if the polls are to be believed. Arguably, they thwarted the will of Democratic party voters when they rigged the primaries to protect Biden from serious challengers.

    But regardless of whether pushing Biden out thwarted the will of the Democratic party voters, Democrats have certainly thwarted their own primaries. Primaries used to be advisory and (perhaps) they should be again. But in the Democratic party, they still are.

  21. Link doesnt work re 25th amendment

    Of course they are harvesting ballots the secretary of state benson and atty general dont enforce the law hence 2022

    They have openly coordinated to fortify democracy i showed you the link six months ago

  22. If it isn’t thwarting Democrat voters who voted for nothing what is it?
    Not that I haven’t predicted he wasn’t going to finish his term ( I know running out of time on that one) and predicting neither Sundowner or Harris wouldn’t be the nominations in 2024 ( one down one to go on that one).
    Nothing they do will surprise me, on my 7th large book on the Bolsheviks

  23. Fair or not, enthusiastic or not, Biden was the legitimate nominee and now, because he’s trailing Trump, the elites are replacing him, however that plays out. I don’t know how you can look at the facts and declare that it’s not thwarting the will of the Dem voters. It’s a naked power play and Biden has been squeezed out.

  24. Neither Biden nor Harris meeting Netanyahu and the Senate having trouble deciding who will preside reinforces that Michigan is in play.
    Can’t offend the Muslims.

    Niketas, I would suggest they can’t get the voter turnout into Soviet levels– so 73-75% voter turnout is likely the ceiling.
    Introducing large numbers of illegal ballots into the system will be harder if they aren’t allowed to lock out poll watchers like they did in 2020.

    I live in a state where the Democrats perfected cheating even before mail-in ballots. With the issues of signature verification they’ve baked in a approx. 2-7% advantage in state-wide races.

    Here’s why there is a limit. Not everyone in the counting center is in on the “fortification.” That limits the total numbers since some election workers actually perform their jobs– whether it’s signature verification or counting ballots.

    Then there is the fact this isn’t 2020. By November 2024 I expect some voters to actually tire of the “existential threat to democracy” siren song– and some voters may actually see the Democrats true natures.

    Yes, it’s still a long shot that the courts will actually do their jobs and investigate irregularities– but one can hope.

  25. Yes, unfortunately, the election will be won or lost in the swing states.

    We can only hope that the RNC is really going to be effective in foiling the cheating. They certainly are aware of it and have talked about what they’re going to do. But no details about how it’s going.

    Kamala will be effective in using the politics of personal destruction against Trump. Remember how nasty she was in the Kavanaugh hearings? She’s not a great intellect, but she can be a “mean girl” when she wants to. IMO, that style will turn off some independents, but the anti-Trumpers will love it.

    Her biggest weakness is that she cannot point to any substantive accomplishments during her time as VP. Border Czar? A huge success only if you favor open borders. Most polls show 70% or more voters are against open borders. That’s good.

    What else has she done except assure us that Joe Biden was sharp as a tack? A now obvious lie. I think she’s a very weak candidate, but as Neo says, that doesn’t matter. And she’s right. 🙁

  26. Yes she lied during the kavanaugh hearing probably suborned perjury but bill barr didnt follow up

  27. Looks like PJRB should have heeded the warning of PDJT. “They are not coming after me, they are coming after you”

  28. Are Democrats such herd animals that they will allow the Democratic candidate be someone that the electorate had no say in naming?

    Do as we say Comrade, we will choose whom you vote for.

  29. Her biggest weakness is that she cannot point to any substantive accomplishments during her time as VP. Border Czar?



    However, for me the most damning thing about Harris as a viable candidate is that she has no power base.

    She checks a few boxes, but she has no grassroots following. Even Hillary and Liz Warren had real fans.

    Neither has Harris established a powerful Washington network. When Kamala Harris calls, no one jumps.

    She’s an amateur.

  30. Democrats haven’t had actual competitive primaries since Obama’s first run. They wired the 2016 race for Clinton, they wired the 2020 for Biden, both of those to stop Bernie Sanders. In this one, they manipulated the primaries to ensure Biden’s nomination.

  31. Oh, but Kamala’s powerful message to MakeHandiesGreatAgain (spit on that Thang!) — that’s her MHGA Campaign, Kamala! Hauk Tuah 2024! is going to have such a happy ending people will get tired of happy endings!

    I mean, c’mon, she’s a pro!

  32. The definition of kakistocracy, and evil in not that sequence oc events

  33. Biden was imposed on the outer party and the country by the Politburo in 2020, so it’s only fitting that they be the ones to replace him.

    Kamala Harris may not have much of a base now, but Democrats fall in line quickly and devotedly. The media coverage will give her a base by election day.

  34. “No, forcing Joe out isn’t actually thwarting the will of the Democratic voters”

    Thanks for making this point. Bloggers and commenters on conservative sites are making the opposite argument, some urging Trump to make an issue of it.

    To me, it’s a big technicality and a sideshow. How Kamala (or whoever else) became the candidate will be water under the bridge. The candidate will be who s/he is, and Trump will have to deal with her or him – and her/his history and the substantive platform points s/he espouses. Making an issue of the alleged failure to honor democracy or whatever will gain the GOP no advantage.

  35. Well, the Dems have been attacking Trump as a “threat to Democracy”, so now attacking the Dems as going against Democracy is kind of turn about is fair play isn’t it?

  36. BREAKING NEWS — Is President Biden still alive? Or has he been physically incapacitated by something, such as a stroke? THESE GRAVE QUESTIONS arise via The Dossier who has verified a Charlie Kirk (Turning Point USA) post.

    The setting back to last Wednesday begins with Biden’s appearance at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (and where I’m posting from) before the national convention of the NAACP. Except the scheduled speaking event never happened.

    Instead, sourcing from LVPD in charge of security for Biden confirm that a major event threatening the life of President Biden occurred because, as even TV news reports confirm (see video clip), an emergency visit was to going to happen at the University Medical Center in Vegas, the only level 3 trauma facility in Southern Nevada.

    And instead of this, the Presidential entourage diverted to Harry Reid Airport, where Air Force One flew to Delaware in a record scorching under four hours time.

    There lies the tale down to the present. See the link to The Dossier and 84 comments as well as almost another hundred at Instapundit, via Sarah Hoyt (who usually takes up the slack over night, save weekends, at Instapundit).

    WHY ALL THE DIVERSIONS and apparent cloak and dagger? We’re told that Biden has Covid. That’s a convenient veil over his apparent absence, and a rationale for secrecy. But none of the activity described above is commensurate with the claim. It’s all phoney.

    FRUSTRATION breaks out in the comments against the audacity and mendacity involved here.

    The one plausible comment I scanned concerns Kamala’s role as VP. If Biden is incapacitated and unable to perform Presidential duties — then the 25th Amendment should be in effect. If Biden is dead, or close enough to it, then Kamala becomes President — and the Office of VP is open until appointments and confirmation hearings take place.

    Meanwhile, a closely divided US Senate remains without a VP to break tie votes on new Leftist Judges.

    Controlling for this precise loss of power is consistent with the Covid diversion and explains the skullduggery that’s now manifest.

    Which leads to one last salient point raised in comments. People are now left to believe whatever they want because the Obamunist faction puppet masters in charge are so untrustworthy. And now people Need To Be fed up with these Oligarchs villainy and condemn and defenestrate the entire cabal.

    SEE The Dossier substack at this LINK

    WOW. JUST w-o-w.

  37. A few more interesting observations at Not the Bee — I’m sure they are being discussed by the big-name corporate conservative pundits, but I like the brevity & breadth of NTB’s posts.
    And the snark.


    Conclusion of several different “myth busters” – it was impossible to fake the shot.


    In this report on cell phone location (presumably from publicly-sourced advertising data, which should terrify you), the Heritage Foundation claims one device that regularly visited the Crooks home was tracked to DC near an FBI office:

    Also strange was the fact that a device linked to the Crooks home had visited Butler twice in the week or so before the shooting (an hour and twenty minute drive).

    Leaving aside the question of whether or not any of the cell phones tracked are genuinely reflective of collusion with Crooks to kill Trump, the fact that a private organization can buy this type of data is almost as scary as knowing the government can access it any time they want — and they do.

  38. “[T]he same will be true of whomever becomes the eventual nominee.” Of “whoever becomes,” not “whomever.”

  39. Should Harris become our next “elected” president, I suspect the following things will occur. First, anticipating a weak or nonexistent American response, hostilities will commence between the Iranian proxy forces in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Israel. In an effort to squelch the conflict, the Harris government will, as anticipated by Iran deny or severely curtail military aid to Israel. Once Israel understands it has been unequivocally abandoned by its only significant ally, and further understanding that this means its eventual destruction as a national entity, it will resort to nuclear means to defend itself. By then, Iran may also have a deliverable nuclear arsenal, so a mutual exchange is not out of the question. Sensing existential threats to their own countries, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others may become involved, resulting in intervention from Russia, eventually leading to a generalized conflagration in that area of the world. Now, go get your Bible and read Ezeckiel, 36 through 39 and prepare accordingly.

  40. neo – A follow up to my prior point – “democracy” by public opinion polls? Don’t give them any ideas.

  41. What does democracy have to do with how we nominate or elect Presidents? I’m not referring to the republic/democracy distinction of the founders, nor to the non-democratic elements in the Constitution. I mean those elements which purport to be democratic, but which are, at best, “managed”. (Like everything else in our system today.)

  42. AesopFan on July 23, 2024 at 3:29 am said:
    @ Karmi > “Oh, that above linked poll also showed a Harris/Shapiro ticket beating Trump by 2”


    Because of the pro-Hamas factions.
    But — (per the Tweet at NTB)

    Wuhan Blitz Primary Swan
    Wait until CNN finds out Kamala Harris is married to a Jewish guy
    I’ve seen that; I don’t buy it. While the sort of anti-Semitism we’ve seen on campuses is real, I’ve yet to see its supposed electoral power, except maybe in limited locations. Isn’t Adam Schiff Jewish? Doesn’t seem to be hurting him in the bluest of states. Bernie remains a big deal within the Democrat Party. So does Schumer.

  43. Grandpagrumble on July 22, 2024 at 5:41 pm said:
    Somebody anybody? Please tell me where Niketas above is wrong . The Dems will be sure to take WI, PA, and MI to get their 270. As he notes they have only strengthened their mail in ballot harvesting, etal. In those blue run states. Depressing but sadly true.

    It is true. Trump never had a chance. The only reason they are trying to take him out of the race is that it would have been a lot more convenient to win an election against Haley where the winner would be announced on election night, that would have required minimal to no “fortification”, and that wouldn’t provide fodder to “election deniers”.

    The Democrats cannot lose. In Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee they will count as many bags of mail-in ballots filled out for the Democrat candidate for as long as it takes to overcome any initial deficit. And there will be no observers present with any power to stop them, lest cries of “racism” ring out. And when they declare the winner a week later, many here will be saying, “So close! If we only vote a little harder next time we can overcome that final spread of a couple thousand votes”.

  44. Not just anyone qualifies to be a Democrat these days. There’s a standard of irrational senselessness they have to meet.

    “The candidate we voted for had to drop out to save democracy.”

    Not everyone can unthinkingly accept their “save democracy” contradictions. If you can, you might make the cut.

  45. openlat – Has it occurred to you that you are the same thing you accuse Democrats of being? By your thinking, Trump cannot lose. He can only be cheated.

    Is Democrat cheating a thing? You bet. But Trump remains who Trump has always been – a loose cannon whose approval rating is about 10 points underwater:


    Trump can win. I hope Trump will win. But if he loses, it will not be proof of fraud. It will, more than likely, mean that he alienated too many voters and that Republicans were fools to nominate him again after he had done so.

  46. we have seen what they did in 2020, the way they bankrupted or tried to jail anyone who challenge their bogus scheme, too many to name, what they did to 400 men and women, who peacefully protested, what they did to boyland and babbitt, and tried to do at least two others, while others fell for bald faced lies,

    and omg 538 is not a thing, nothing legitimate anyways,

    but ‘once more in to the breach’ and ‘cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war’

  47. Just as we can exactly verify what’s in our financial accounts, so we should be able to verify something much simpler: who and what we voted for. Until that simple technology is implemented, Democrats will have both motive and opportunity.

  48. When Nate Silver left 538 he took his models with him. What Disney is doing with 538 is anybody’s guess, but they’re not doing what Silver did, and whatever credibility 538 had was due to Silver.

  49. My friend, a female POC, has remarked that black women don’t like black women who marry white men.

    Similarly, black women don’t like black men who marry white women.

    I clipped these from two comments above. The OJ trial was moved from Santa Monica to take advantage of this sentiment.

    When I still lived in CA I had a black dental hygienist who was one of the black Jews rescued from Ethiopia by the Israelis. She is married to a white Jewish man and they visit Israel every year to see her family. She and I had a few conversations about race. She grew up in Israel and came over here to college. I have found that modern black immigrants, even those descended from slaves in the Caribbean, have no hangups about race like American blacks have.

    She has told me of getting “hate stares” from black women when she is out with her husband. They live in Irvine, a wealthy suburb so the hate starers are probably just as prosperous.

    Maybe emphasizing her Indian heritage would help.

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