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Speeches at the Republican Convention — 17 Comments

  1. The more I see reactions to the same event I’m convinced our borders contain two different countries.

  2. RFC, the Trump administration never stopped illegal immigration but it did a great deal to stop and inflict pain on legal immigration. He cut off legal pathways to citizenship as well as funding to Central American countries. He tightened sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua which led hundreds of thousands to flee and arrive at the southern border. To complicate the problem more, he cut off assistance programs that were in place for such situations.

    Trump also implemented Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), forcing asylum seekers (not illegals but people knocking on our door and asking to enter) to wait in Mexico for their US immigration hearings, leaving around 70k people stuck for months only to be kidnapped, raped, and abused by gangs.

    This was simply another spectacular policy failure to be inherited by the Biden administration.

    On a final note, we had before us legislation that would have given Biden the legal authorization to close the border from asylum seeker which would have ultimately stopped the leakage of those illegally entering through that loophole language. It contained a wish list of Republican agenda that many conceded they’d never see again and they were on board with it. But Trump said no, that the continued flow would be politically advantageous for him and to continue the flow to let him fix it when re-elected.

    The GOP legislators obediently complied.

  3. Thanks for the link, Neo. I read it and do understand what he is saying. I am almost 78, White, College Degrees (History, BA and MA), Veteran. My wife and I are secure financially now (for now), but we worked for what we have. My wife taught school for 30 yrs. Both our Parents were born in the 1910’s and 20’s. Both our Fathers fought in WWII and our Moms did War Work. We are Conservative. Solidly Middle Class.
    What is going in in the US right now has us disgusted and yes afraid.
    For Trump to succeed if he is elected again, he has to clean the Augean Stables.
    I disagree with Vance on the Ukraine.
    And RJW, you really are a piece of work.

  4. I agree:RJW is a true “piece of work”. Others would call him un-American. “We had before us”, he says, a Piece of Biden legislation ( defeated in the Congress) that would have allowed 5,000 illegals entry PER DAY unvetted, unimmunized, carrying bacteria, viruses, parasites such as intestinal worms. Totals 1.25 million illegals every year, forever.FOREVER.
    He happily does not mention these trivial but important details. He is a true, lying Democrat. Congratulations!

  5. So according to RJW to reduce illegal immigration we need to schmooze with the most anti-American commie regimes in the hemisphere. Not that he has a hidden agenda or anything.

    Ok, not fair. It’s not really that well hidden.

  6. @RJW

    RFC, the Trump administration never stopped illegal immigration

    Of course. That would be utopian. But he DID massively cut it down, as we can see by the decrease in illegal immigration.

    but it did a great deal to stop and inflict pain on legal immigration.

    Mostly those that are easily exploitable and typically co-morbid with illegal immigrations, such as green card abuse. I also note that legal immigration was already stopped up and painful well before Trump, and that was partially by design given the left.

    He cut off legal pathways to citizenship

    Again, largely those easily abused by illegals, especially since he KNEW from decades of rope a dope “amnesty deals” that this would be used to justify and sanction mass illegal immigration. Like it or not, both need to be pushed to a minimum while the U.S. recovers so it can have the faintest chance of assimilating those already here.

    as well as funding to Central American countries.

    And how is that a bad thing, pray tell? To the extent he did that is.

    He tightened sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua which led hundreds of thousands to flee and arrive at the southern border.

    Up to this point you have been willfully credulous and deranged partisan. But this is disgusting and downright evil.

    Has it ever occurred to you and useful idiots like yourselves that hundreds of thousands of people have been fleeing from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua for decades because they are totalitarian Neo-Communist Regimes that persecute and oppress their people while endangering others? And that under the old Castro’s the Cuban Dictatorship tried to start a God Damned NUCLEAR WORLD WAR by effectively conning their Soviet masters?

    OF COURSE he should have tightened sanctions on them, so they should have fewer resources to use against us, their neighbors, or their own people!

    To complicate the problem more, he cut off assistance programs that were in place for such situations.

    And you wonder why? Go on. Guess.

    Trump also implemented Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), forcing asylum seekers (not illegals but people knocking on our door and asking to enter) to wait in Mexico for their US immigration hearings, leaving around 70k people stuck for months only to be kidnapped, raped, and abused by gangs.

    I realize you’re a credulous, terminally ignorant, biased moron who was probably born yesterday, but I was not. Indeed I did volunteer work on the border. And Guess What? ASYLUM CLAIMS ARE A COMMON TROJAN HORSE FOR ILLEGALS, *ESPECIALLY* if they are allowed into the U.S. before they are adjudicated as they will be given a date to show up for, and many if not most simply never do, going on the lam.

    Moreover, by definition legitimate asylum seekers are to seek asylum in the first safe country they come across, and more than 99% of those claiming to be doing so on the Mexican Border have no legitimate claim to say it was their first safe harbor.

    The U.S. is under no obligation to be a dupe for everyone in the world showing up able to be trained to mouth “Asylum”. Which by the way we KNOW groups like La Raza and the Cartels and the Mexican Government have been training people to do in here like the Turks have been doing in Europe. And indeed, allowing this flagrant abuse to continue is Enabling the cartels and the abuse of those people.

    The way to solve it barring some kind of Golden Square reborn is to Stop. the. incentive. By stopping the coyotes and stopping the profit or benefit for illegals.

    Which is something you are not addressing.

    This was simply another spectacular policy failure to be inherited by the Biden administration.

    You seem to not understand what makes a policy a failure or a success. Trump was not perfect but his approach vastly cut down on illegal immigration and stopped the easy and shameless abuse of fake asylum claims by making it so that any MS-13 or IS goon or coyote could get into US soil by simply saying “asylum.” As a result, fewer people on both sides of the border were murdered, assaulted, kidnapped, robbed, and raped.

    It sucks to be the relatively innocent planter or young woman (probably raped by coyotes) who pays up but then gets stopped at the border at the last step by those policies. But that’s also the point: IT IS SUPPOSED TO FUCKING SUCK TO TRY AND ILLEGALLY ENTER THE US AND EXPLOIT AMERICAN GENEROSITY ON FALSE PRETEXTS , because the people doing that are harming legal immigrants and Americans, and because making their actions suck and not pay off Will Encourage Illegals Not To Do It. And as a result clamp down on the power of the coyotes and other criminal elements making bank for this.

    The President takes an oath to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. They do NOT take an oath to serve, protect, and defend any foreign national showing up on the U.S.’s borders able to mouth the word “asylum”, even if they be Omar Al-Bashir himself.

    That you do not understand this and claim it is a “failed policy” speaks to your lack of judgement and fundamentally misplaced priorities.

    On a final note, we had before us legislation that would have given Biden the legal authorization to close the border from asylum seeker which would have ultimately stopped the leakage of those illegally entering through that loophole language. It contained a wish list of Republican agenda that many conceded they’d never see again and they were on board with it. But Trump said no, that the continued flow would be politically advantageous for him and to continue the flow to let him fix it when re-elected.

    This is what we call absolute bullshit. The President is Commander in Chief. He has always had authorization to close the border. Period, full stop. Trump said no to yet another bullshit, rope a dope omnibus “compromise” that would wind up granting wide reaching amnesty without actually sealing the border.

    But coming from a scumsucker who thinks funding communist dictatorships that oppress their own people and sponsor terrorism against us would end up in them causing Fewer refugees, it is about par for the course for you.

  7. RJW seems to be Democrat trying to pretend otherwise. We are wise to that, lefty.

  8. Remain in Mexico probably convinced a lot of people not to make the trek up here, thus saving them from the gangs, cartels and coyotes. It’s also not like many migrants weren’t being “kidnapped, raped, and abused by gangs” on their way here even without the Remain in Mexico policy.

  9. “the Trump administration never stopped illegal immigration but it did a great deal to stop and inflict pain on legal immigration.”-RJW

    It’s true he never stopped illegal immigration, since that is impossible. He did significantly reduce the numbers.

    As to legal immigration, here are the numbers of Legal Permanent Residents (LPR) by year.
    2009 1.13 million
    2010 1.04 million
    2011 1.06 million
    2012 1.06 million
    2013 .990 million
    2014 1.02 million
    2015 1.05 million
    2016 1.18 million
    2017 1.13 million
    2018 1.01 million
    2019 1.03 million
    2020 .707 million (COVID restrictions)
    2021 .704 million
    2022 1.09 million

    This policy encourages immigration from countries around the world– which is positive for our country and economy. These people immigrating legally are more deserving of a place in our country than those illegally skirting our laws, and the concentration of particular regions which leads to problems with assimilation.


  10. If we want to make headway contra illegal immigration, we need to radically expand federal jail and prison capacity. We need a dedicated federal police force that does nothing but chase down immigration violators and we need a fifty foot high wall topped with razor wire and manned by armed guards at the southern border.
    The appropriate response to someone apprehended entering the country outside of designated entry points or with bogus documentation is to jail them immediately and not let them out until their case is processed. If the arresting officer is in error, they can be indemnified upon release. Given current income levels, $180 for each day of erroneous detention should cover it. You can have a magistrate on hand to cut the check on departure. As for those who have entered unlawfully, they’re due a public defender, a short hearing, and a jail sentence. Once they’ve completed their sentence, you deport them and put them in a database of people debarred from for any reason for a term of years.
    This procedure should also apply to anyone apprehended by police who is reasonably suspected of being an illegal alien. The process would be more elongated as an investigation would have to determine how long they had been in the country unlawfully and this in turn would regulate the length of their incarceration.
    In re persons applying for asylum in the United States, they and their dependents should be jailed immediately and not permitted at large until their case is processed. The applicant should have to explain why he was applying in the United States in lieu of applying some place proximate to his country of origin. Failure to provide a satisfactory answer should mean deportation to a country adjacent to his home country.
    NB, refugees are properly cared for in camps proximate to their country of origin, with a view to their eventual repatriation. Only under peculiar circumstances should they be resettled elsewhere and in those circumstances the proper destination is a country similar to their home country. There should not have been one Syrian or Libyan refugee entering Europe.
    Temporary residency status is properly limited to accredited employees of foreign governments and their dependents, authentic refugees and their dependents, and students, teachers, and their dependents. That’s it.
    Those entering as sojourners might be on transit visas, tourist visas, visas for bereavement and family business, visas for touring performers and lecturers, and visas for emergency service personnel. Only those admitted under the last two dispensations are properly cleared to work in this country for the limited time they are present.
    The stock of temporary residents present in the country at any one time should not exceed about 1.5 million. The primary way of regulating the number would be through the issuance of educational visas. Such visas should be distributed via tri-quarterly multiple price auctions. Any school which wishes to admit an eligible foreigner or hire them for a term-limited teaching position (and provide a berth for his dependents) would have to purchase visas at auction or time on a secondary market. Posit visas purchased on a primary market would have a term of seven years and that if the subject left the country early the remaining time would be tossed onto a secondary exchange. The number of visas put up for auction on the primary market every four months would be a function of the total population of temporary residents in the country and the quantum of time in the secondary market. All recipients of an educational visas over the age of 14 should have first passed a proficiency test in English, written and oral.
    The number of settler’s visas issued each year should not exceed about 400,000. Anyone wishing to be placed in the queue for one should have to pass a physical, a cursory background check, and a written and oral examination in English. If you get married while you’re in the queue, your position is adjusted rearward halfway between your current spot and the end; for each child you have, your position is proportionately adjusted. When you’re near the head of the queue, every family member has to submit to a background check and a delay may be imposed if one member of the family has committed a known offense. That aside, you’re clear to enter when every family member over 14 has passed the English proficiency test if they have not done so in the previous four years.
    For any immigrant, the terms and conditions for access to common provision are properly regulated by the work credit compiled by you and / or your head of household if you are a dependent.
    Preventive detention should be the order of the day for any alien accused of an offense more severe than a petty misdemeanor. They can be indemnified if the case is not pursued, or if they are acquitted, or if their eventual sentence exceeds their time in detention. Parole should not be granted to aliens. Rather, they should serve a clipped sentence and then deported for a term of years upon their release. The duration of the term would be contingent on the severity of their supposed offenses, anywhere from a four month time out for a submisdemeanor violation to a lifetime ban for a severe felony.
    Anyone born in the United States should inherit the civil status of their mother unless they are of legitimate birth and their father has a preferred status, in which case they inherit his. Illegal aliens beget illegal aliens, sojourners sojourners, temporary residents, temporary residents, settlers settlers. Only citizens beget citizens.
    In order to be eligible for naturalization, there should be periods in your life when all of the following were true simultaneously: you were a palpable resident of the United States, you were in the country lawfully, you did not have a formal domicile abroad; you were not incarcerated on probation, or parole; and you were not under an order of civil commitment or adult guardianship. These periods should account for the majority of your natural life before you are eligible to take an examination testing your English proficiency and your civic and historical knowledge. The penultimate step should be signing statements in the presence of a notary renouncing your citizenship in each country for which you have a cognizable claim to citizenship, one statement for each country. The last step should be taking an oath of allegiance. NB, seeking the citizenship of a foreign country should be tantamount to forfeiting your American citizenship.
    With some qualification, we would benefit if the bulk of what falls under the heading of anti-discrimination law were repealed. In re immigrants, they should be learning to navigate the social life of their adopted country without calling in the law. Freedom of contract and association should be the order of the day.
    And under no circumstances should anyone not a citizen be permitted to cast a ballot, serve on a jury, hold a law license, or hold a public sector position which would permit them to make arrests or issue citations.
    Our political order is so dysfunctional that actually doing the sensible things is an eschatological idea.

  11. Almost all illegal immigrants coming into the USA do so via Mexico.
    Mexico, in collaboration with NGOs, is aiding and abetting this invasion of illegals.

    To greatly reduce this invasion of illegals, severe economic sanctions must be imposed on Mexico as well as totally sealing the border.
    If Mexico realizes that it will suffer economically and financially, they will cooperate with the USA.
    Further, the NGOs involved in aiding the invasion of illegals must be prosecuted , which should include prosecuting those individuals who are the leaders/officers of these NGOs as well as any organization providing funding to these NGOs.

    Any illegal caught in the USA must be immediately returned to their homeland whether or not their home nation will accept them. If their home nation refuses to accept them, drop them off anyway using any and all force required.
    The US taxpayer should not bear the financial burden of incarcerating illegals.

    Lastly, I do not understand why Mayorkas cannot be indicted for violating federal immigration laws. Frankly, he, and those who assisted him, also should be indicted for accessory to murder for all those US citizens murdered by illegals.
    I guess this would include Biden and those who “conspired” with him to violate US immigration laws.

  12. Re: RNC – Trump’s account of assassination attempt

    I don’t watch political speeches but I felt compelled to watch this one. It was worth it.

    –“Trump on Assassination Attempt: ‘I’m Not Supposed to Be Here Tonight’” (10:49)

    Until now I never understood Trump’s personal appeal. Nor the love his followers have for him. But I understand better now and I realize I’m a part of this too.

  13. Re: Apparently a real 2024 Trump ad

    It’s 40 seconds of lovely pencil animation, showing Trump moving, speaking, hugging and even dancing.


    The words seem to be from a 2017 commencement speech he gave at Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell):

    Treat the word “impossible” as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label. Being an outsider is fine, embrace the label, because it’s the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.

    The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing forward. And always have the courage to be yourself.


    It shows a gentler side of Trump which might surprise voters at all open to the possibility.

  14. @Turtler agree sooo much. Bottom line for me on immigration: unfortunates live in sh*t hole countries – their job is to find a way out. Our job is to decide who we let in. Our choice. Don’t see any of our citizens going across shark infested water on rafts to live in the communist cesspool named Cuba.

  15. RJW seems to be Democrat trying to pretend otherwise. We are wise to that, lefty.
    Althouse Chuck must have found some place to go when he flounced off, but RJW seems too issue-oriented to be Chuck. Remains to be seen if Bauxite will appreciate the help or be cheesed some interloper is working his corner.

  16. Never thought I’d see the day…but Turtler’s been out-Turtlered.

    In any event , kudos to you both for the effort, the time spent…and the dedication…indeed, alas, “a piece of work”…

  17. Art Deco – FANTASTIC set of ideas in reference to illegal immigration. The first one you mentioned (increasing prison/jail capacity) is my favorite. As an aside, increasing capacity needs to be done in general as well.

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