Home » Open thread 7/13/24


Open thread 7/13/24 — 17 Comments

  1. But my husband’s complaint is that he doesn’t have enough hair on his head any more.

  2. On the topics of interest lately, Alex Berenson and Matt Taibbi are making great observations.

    Berenson is blowing the whistle on a lot of events that have been flying under the radar for years (IOW well known to conservative pundits & readers, but mostly unrevealed to the left because of media & politics).

    Here he addresses the most serious question about Biden’s condition: “Let’s (try to) put politics aside and ask the most basic question: Is Joe Biden fit to be President? Since his disastrous debate two weeks ago, the evidence against him has only mounted, as the truth about the cordon that hides Biden from the world leaks out.”

    The weekly podcast transcript by Taibbi & Kirn is always long and entertaining, but this one is very important in respect to the Democrat leadership’s plans for selecting their nominee — it’s a blend of Hollywood and Orwell. Read on down through their discussion of the Sherwood Anderson short story “Senility” for the somewhat obvious relevance.


    The full article is for subscribers, but (once again) I recommend paying for access. Matt is delving deep into the Democrats’ dystopia, from the viewpoint of a former supporter who actually has classic liberal principles and a passion for honest reporting, rather than a socialist power-complex.

  3. Kate that’s what I thought watching the video.
    I do often wonder how body parts got that way through evolution

  4. Maher: Biden Won’t Be the Nominee, Harris and Newsom Have Policy Problems on Border, Homelessness

    Maher began by saying, “The issue with President Biden isn’t if, it’s who, who will replace him, because he is not going to be the Democrats’ candidate for president in 2024. … Above any matters of politics or what’s right or wrong, the one thing I know for sure about America is this: It’s run by mean girls, mean girls in the press and in politics and in life, and when they smell blood in the water, the lust to finish off a vulnerable person will never be denied. Biden is toast.”

    #MeToo was just a warning not long ago, but it is in full force now. Read not long ago about a group of really rich progressive women (headed by one really mean ‘n really rich woman) who are organized to put a woman in the Presidential Office of the USA.

    Maher then turned to potential replacements for Biden and stated that Harris “will get all of Biden’s campaign money, and on the Democrats’ best issue, abortion, she’s a walking reminder to women that Republicans are coming for the abortion pill. … She is Plan B. And, as a former prosecutor, Kamala was putting criminals in jail back before liberals decided that was a bad thing, and now that CVS is locking the shaving cream behind plexiglass, Democrats are coming around to her again.”

    Always a step ahead of GOPers….

  5. I have a full beard and have had since I got out of the Navy in 1970. I did have a mustache when I met my future and wonderful Wife. I had also left behind my HS very short hair style. Well, if that is what attracted my Wife, I have been very lucky.
    As some of you know, I have mentioned that my Wife has Cancer, getting the 6th and hopefully last treatment this coming Fri. She was loosing her hair, so she had me shave her head. A person looks way different without their hair, if you are accustom to seeing them with hair.

  6. I was just boasting today to a friend that 2024 seems like 1968 but so far no one has been shot…

    This is something I worry about, especially since the Dems are in disarray and Trump could be looking at a landslide.

  7. I have been saying for months that the leftists’ hate talk might cause an attempt to kill Trump.

  8. Close, close call, then.

    A big loser here is John McWhorter, a black linguist and columnist, who has said by his own account that he has often expressed out loud his wish that someone kill Trump and said that a week or so ago on Glenn Loury’s podcast.

    John McWhorter, the prominent academic, author and New York Times columnist, wants everyone to know that he’s sorry that he recently suggested it would be a good thing if someone were to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

    Except he’s not, really. But at least he owns it.

    “I have taken a great deal of heat for saying, for implying, that I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump,” McWhorter said on the new episode of “The Glenn Show” with Brown University economics professor Glenn Loury. “That is exactly what I was implying. It was irresponsible of me to say that in a public space. I really shouldn’t have said it here.”

    But then McWhorter acknowledges that it wasn’t a one-off. “I have said it often,” he admitted. (The podcast can be found here; the conversation on Trump starts at 4:04, and McWhorter’s non-apology apology begins at 17:49.)

    This was all too much for Loury.

    “Do you realize the hell that will be unleashed on the country if people continue to talk like that? This is not something that you just casually throw around – killing politicians who you don’t like …” Loury said. “Do you think it ends there? Do you think that if somebody were to do something along the lines that you’re suggesting, that would be the end of it?”


    I have read McWhorter off and on for years. Interesting fellow. Not totally woke, but deep down still on that side.

    My cafe friend I just mentioned told me that McWhorter is autistic and likely has problems with self-censoring. However, I can’t back that up.

    Good for Glenn Loury.

    Damn you, John McWhorter.

  9. Post “our democracy” Open Thread: Russian war on Ukraine

    Russian Equipment Losses & Reserves (2024) – The Changing Russian Force in Ukraine – Perun


    00:00:00 — Opening Words
    00:01:19 — What Am I Talking About?
    00:03:35 — Losses
    00:13:49 — Does Quality Matter?
    00:17:59 — Storage
    00:37:45 — Production
    00:42:30 — Production & Reactivations
    00:53:46 — Trend And The Evolving Force
    00:57:30 — The Path Forward
    01:03:07 — Channel Update

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