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The marriage of the left and the jihadis — 15 Comments

  1. (To paraphrase what he said)
    – They’re both illiberal, they both prioritize group identities over individual rights.
    – They’re both revolutionary, they want to overthrow Western societies and our ways of life.
    – They’re both suspicious if not hostile to objective scientific evidence and knowledge that undermines their core claims.
    – They both use blasphemy codes to shut down dissenters (you’re either a racist or you’re islamophobic).
    – They’re both religious movements. The woke left is a new religion.

    I pretty much agree with all that. Of course, they also have some pretty extreme differences regarding things like the rights of women and LGBQ+ persons. But I think many members of the Radical Left are able the avoid the cognitive dissonances that arise from these severe incongruities by remaining willfully ignorant. That is, they choose to believe in a fiction akin to the trope of the “Noble Savage” with regards to Islamic extremists and ignore any evidence that contradicts the fiction.

  2. its striking how Doran didn’t get tenure at Princeton as a protege of Bernard Lewis,
    the people who blather on the BBC or France 24 or wherever don’t have a clue, or worse don’t care, not to mention the telescreeens over here, ABC CBS NBC perhaps the worst

    much like the Scylla and Charybis of the early century, the nazis and the bolsheviks both were enemies of the West, the former like Mosley, the Cagoule
    were largely despised for reasons, but the Soviet proxies in Germany in France et al, not to mention the United States, well for reasons, there were a few that spoke out against the latter the late Gareth Jones, Eric Blair Muggeridge Conquest, but after that the pickings were few and far between Bertrand Russell wanted to nuke the USSR till they got the bomb and he became the worst peacenik, with his traveling sideshow during the Vietnam war, same with Sartre
    and co, who passed on their category error to Foucault and co

    with anti Islamist intellectuals there is Ayan Hirsi, who isn’t considered authentic
    enough, by some people, Majid Naawaz, Ed Hussein, i’m sure i’m missiing next was a former Egyptian islamist, the following a Pakistani based member of HizbuTahir, there is Yousef, the son of a Hamas high official, do they have as much influence as say the youngest of the Tamimi suicide clan, it doesn’t seem so,when Pankraj Mishra and William Dalrymple, quote each other, in some journal or another, among theuncredentialled, who are self taught there is an instinctual understanding of right and wrong, but in Academia in Media, well it’s nuance to the point of absurdity,oh probably Douglas Murray who is who Andrew Sullivan should have been,
    I haven’t been to the Atlantic twitter hive in a while, my taste for absurdity has been tempered same with the Economistamong those who should be iconoclast like Richard Dawkins he has more contempt toward Christians, considering the circumstances same with the late Christopher Hitchens pretending to show some backbone are the likes of Bill Maher, the sherpa for the clueless you can’t be with the equivalent of the daily mail (as an aside in Layer Cake) meaning the New York Post

  3. The cultural Left apparently believes the old adage that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yet they would do well to remember what Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the current president of Turkey, said when he was mayor of Istanbul: “Democracy is like a tram. You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.”

    Once Islamists gain an unassailable majority, they will split from the Left and institute laws that are the antithesis of what the Left desires. This was seen in the small town in Michigan where the majority-Muslim town council banned the Pride flag. It is also seen in Europe where many Islamic leaders are openly talking about the changes that will arise when they are in control. Like Dr. Frankenstein realizing that he has lost control of his monster, the Left is in for a rude awakening.

  4. So in the cold war there were at least five key soviet agents in the early part of it cairncross at bletchley park was the 5th
    There were others in the atomic program in vsrious stages like melita norwoo
    Then there was political figures who were indifferent at best like harold wilson then actual soviet knaves like benn and foot (the ur text of the fourth protocol)

  5. Well put, Nonapod. I’m sending your comment to all my correspondents. With proper attribution of course.

  6. Goodwin points what many on the right have long known. That the Left’s radical cultural woke Marxists and radical Islamists are both revolutionary and they both are committed to the overthrow of Western societies and our very way of life. That the left is shielding Islamists from the right’s reaction.

    So upon what basis can either group be said to be deserving of citizenship? The radical left has long worked to inculcate a death wish into Western societies. The unspoken meme is that only through economic, cultural, national and racial suicide can Western nations ‘atone’ for their ‘ancestral’ sins. Civilization and barbarism cannot coexist in the same society. For far too long we’ve refused to call it treason and in that refusal we have watched it steadily prosper. Mandatory revocation of their citizenship and forced deportation is a proportionate consequence for their treason.

  7. I had the same thought, that it’s like communism and Naziism attacking (classical) liberal Western culture from opposite sides. Though wokists and islamists may have more differences than communists and Nazis, especially after Stalin yoked nationalism to communism, “socialism in one country”.

  8. @ Yukon > “Once Islamists gain an unassailable majority, they will split from the Left and institute laws that are the antithesis of what the Left desires.”

    The Left, especially women, are well-described in this fable, with Muslims being the wolves in this case.
    (Based on the bulk of recent news stories, I think we can finally drop the fiction that Islamists are radically different from the majority of Muslims, allowing for some small minority of contrarian co-religionists aka heretics.)


    You can also run it with Leftists being the wolves and well-meaning but naïve conservatives being the lambs.

    That’s one of the things I like about Aesop’s observations regarding human nature: as long as he uses animals in his parables, the connections to people are somewhat flexible.

  9. Looks more like a totally OPEN marriage…

    …with the libidinous, sneaky “Biden” smack in the middle of the gruesome frolic—Iran-China-Russia-NK…Dangerous pervs with repulsive curves…

    (No, that CAN’T be right…can it?….)

    Anyway, Free Love!(TM) (Though “he”ll no doubt find a way to tax it… Truth is, “he” already has….)

    One serious problem is all the jealousy that will ensue. But the tabloids will sure have fun…well, while dodging in-coming “letters to the editor”…

    (Probably have to change “Arms Control and Non-Proliferation” treaties to “Non-Envy” pacts.)

    File under: Political Polyamory…wants a cracker.

  10. This perfectly explains why the so-called “Biden” administration does what it does. While it supports, encourages, finances and seeks to advance the radical sexual pervert agenda, e.g., “Rachel” Levine, Buttigieg, KJP, Ben Labolt, Ned Price, Shawn Kelly… ad nauseam, one also sees the advancement of the radical islamist agenda, most prominently in the catering to the mullahs in Iran, but also elsewhere domestically, in the coddling of islamist demonstrators since October 7, now demonstrating the same treatment received by the bomb-throwers on the far left. They all receive the same kind of pandering to and coddling given to the BLM and Antifa rioters, whose behavior is overlooked, if not outright praised. Truly, the people making up the “Biden” administration are the essence of the “coalition of the fringes” that dominates the democrat party apparatus, ever since it was taken over by the leftist cabal in which Obama was and is the latest personification. This coalition is united by one thing and one thing only, viz., the overthrow and replacement of traditional American values and the subjugation of the people who espouse them. Of course, if the enemy of their enemy is defeated, they have only themselves to fight and wouldn’t that be a jolly right melee? Moslems have an adage describing the phenomenon: Me and my brother against my cousin; me and my cousin against the world. “Queers for Palestine” might find themselves on the “cutting edge” of islamist revanchism should their preferred scenario play out, if you get my drift.

  11. What arises now is do the big money guys cut these people loose or do they see more to gain by playing the ideological game. I think they are split on what to do.

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