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The new anti-Trump Resistance … — 33 Comments

  1. The Democrats and their friends never tire of lying about everything.

    The only question is whether the voters will notice.
    “Biden” and “his” media/infotech goons are spinning hard trying to ensure they don’t.

    Example number ~+1:
    “Biden’s Italian Strike;
    “The ongoing U.S. policy of slow-walking munitions deliveries to Israel isn’t about Rafah”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Key grafs:

    …President Biden and his team are asking us to believe that when they arbitrarily place an arms shipment bound for Israel “under review,” they are following routine procedures rather than denying weapons to Israel. Europeans call the tactic of slowing or stopping work by meticulously adhering to rules and regulations an “Italian strike.”…

    …The beauty of the Italian strike is that it offers its leaders plausible deniability. Some military sales to Israel have proceeded without delay; some have slowed but not stopped; still others have been halted altogether. Transactions that were once stopped have started again. Biden and his team point to the restarting of stalled initiatives as proof of noninterference by the White House. Each new instance of stoppage that comes to light they attribute to this or that regulation. As Netanyahu and his defenders complain, the administration depicts them as delusional.

    This gaslighting has successfully hidden the true nature of Biden’s policy from the public eye. To be sure, some press outlets, such as Politico, have poked holes in the administration’s cover story, but they have failed to recognize the Italian strike for what it is: namely, a coherent policy hiding behind the appearance of incoherence. Even while treating some of the details of the cover story with skepticism, the press has almost uniformly accepted the general framing of the administration, which presents the disagreements between Washington and Jerusalem as a fight over the Rafah campaign and how best to prevent civilian deaths….

    As the planned demolition of both the USA and Israel proceeds apace…

  2. TWANLOC. Those Who Are No Longer My Countrymen. Richard Fernandez called it years ago, but I don’t think even he imagined how wide and deep the schism would get. These people running around with their hair on fire about Trump being a tyrant are well and truly deranged. Apparently they forget that Trump was already president for four years and did nothing of the sort of thing they prognosticate he will do should he get another four years. They imagine themselves the saviors of “our democracy,” by which they mean the preservation of their positions of power and privilege. Sadly, they are also powerful and well-funded.

  3. I can’t imagine Trump getting elected without the Republicans also winning both houses of Congress. Trump needs to have each and every political appointee ready to go on Inauguration Day. Put the Senate into recess and appoint everyone of the approximately 1,200 political appointees and get the Democrats out of the building by 5PM on Inauguration Day.

    Then start pushing hard against the career “civil servants.” The Constitution gives the President “executive power,” which must include the power to hire and fire. The “deep state” needs to be dismantled and Trump needs to put them on the defensive on the first day of his second term. Defund departments. Move cabinet departments out of the Washington area. Look for warriors to head the armed services rather than politicians in uniform who believe that diversity and climate change–not winning wars–is their job.

    Fool Trump once, shame on you. Fool him twice, shame on Trump. There is zero chance that the federal bureaucracy will implement his agenda. Get rid of them and hire people who will. The Democrats will whine and sue. Too bad. Fight them as aggressively as you need to.

  4. Related:
    The weaponization of the DHS appears to be complete…

    “Biden DHS docs suggested Trump supporters, military and religious people are likely violent terror threats;
    “Internal documents show that the board suggested ‘most of the Domestic Terrorism threat’ in the U.S. comes from Trump supporters”—

    + Bonus:
    “Israel Intent On Launching An Incursion Into Lebanon, Blinken Warns”—

    Gosh, why might “Israel [Be] Intent On Launching An Incursion Into Lebanon”…?

    (No doubt for the very same reason that Israel caused widespread starvation amongst Gazan citizens…?)

    Another possible answer:
    “How an all-out Israel war could rope in the US and other countries”—

  5. Of course there are Communists planning to do everything they can to disrupt a Trump presidency. A better reporter would dig into what the Socialist Republicans are gonna do to mess with Trump.

  6. If anyone needs to be reminded why Biden must be defeated in November, here’s a two-minute video from X by James Woods that lists 25 things Biden and company have done.

    The anti-Trumpers fear him because they expect him to be as vicious as they are. Projection is their forte. We must be unwavering in our support for Trump, and the good he will do, as they have been for all the evil they have done.

  7. Trump made it very clear that he would not support a federal law restricting abortion on the All In podcast.

    He said he delivered on what conservatives had asked for– returning the issue to the states. His personal position are the exceptions of rape, incest and physical life of the mother– but he made it clear it was up to the states to decide what restrictions they wanted on abortion.

    In conversation with President Trump


  8. “TWANLOC” was the invention of one “Subotai,” a regular contributor to Wretchard’s blog, The Belmont Club. Wretchard was, is, the blog name of Richard Fernandez. I was also a regular contributor to Belmont Club, when Subotai coined the term.

    Credit where credit is due.

  9. Entirely political projection. Entirely.

    Remember ‘Ackler’s Law’ (I didn’t create it but I’ll take the credit. ;-):

    Whenever progressives accuse the right in general (and Trump in particular) of something nefarious it is because:

    1. The left has done it or is doing it
    2. The left is planning to do it
    3. The left wishes it had thought of it first.

    What we see here is what we on the right should be most concerned about. As I’ve said, barring a major October surprise or a switcheroo, I think Trump is likely to win, and win beyond the margin of fraud. But that’s just the beginning of the fight. I expect massive lawfare to attempt to prevent his election results from being certified and from Congress certifying the electoral college votes. I also expect protests 10 times the intensity of January 6 (with no consequences, of course)

    But assuming all of the above fails and Trump is actually sworn in, I expect legal challenges and political protests to every single action he takes, 10, 20, 50 times more intense than in 2017. I expect investgstons fiftyfold more intense than Mueller’s

    Furthermore, if Democrats flip the House (a very real possibility), I expect Trump will be impeached at least 10 times in his first year (I don’t mean mean 10 counts; I mean ten separate impeachments). I expect most of his cabinet (if any are even confirmed…need a GOP Senate for that) to be impeached multiple times, and to be harassed and hounded by legal and extra legal means.

    This is the future we’re likely facing. Progressives will never allow an election to get in the way of protecting ‘our democracy’

  10. Yes, Irish Otter, I also recall that TWANLOC (Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen) was originally coined by one brilliant immigrant from China (?) who goes by the name Subotai Bahadur.

  11. If your predictions come true, Ackler, there will be no operating federal government. Without a functioning Defense Department, we will be easy pickings for those who wish us ill. Have any of these people ever thought about how they will like being at the tender mercies of the ChiComs?

    All this talk of nullification of the election is madness. Those people are TWANLOCs and such threats are akin to sedition.

    This is why republics eventually end. Power mad politicians ignore the basic laws and institutions that have held it together. Democracy is never far from failure when enough people forget how fragile it is. That’s where we are now.

  12. I don’t dispute any of your analysis, J.J. Xi and Putin are delighted by our ever increasing dysfunction; of that, I have no doubt.

  13. IrishOtter49 and Basherte1 : I have followed Wretchard for many, many years. His posts are always thought-provoking. Do either of you remember Walt, the poet?

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  15. Basherte 1:
    Subotoi is the American-born son of a Chinese-immigrant father (south China, if memory serves) and a Caucasian mother. He had a long career in law enforcement (I seem to recall he was with the Colorado State Police). He turns up now and again in the comments sections of various other conservative blogs. E.g., I’ve seen his posts at Instapundit and Powerline. And, yes, he is brilliant.

    Cap’n Rusty:
    I remember Walt and his poetry in his Belmont Club posts with great fondness. Any news on his condition and whereabouts? I seem to recall that he had very serious health issues.

    BTW: At Belmont Club I posted as “Roughcoat.” I remember you — good to hear from you again!

  16. Re: Subotai

    As a fan of “Wretchard” (Richard Fernandez) I have read my share of Subotai. Apparently his nom de web alludes to:

    Subutai was a Mongol general and the primary military strategist of Genghis Khan and Ögedei Khan. Subutai ultimately directed more than 20 campaigns, during which he conquered or overran more territory than any other commander in history as part of the expansion of the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous empire in human history. He often gained victory by means of sophisticated strategies and routinely coordinated movements of armies that operated hundreds of kilometers apart from each other…. Subutai is regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history, the single greatest in Mongolian history…


  17. They are more concerned with keeping their power than with Trump coming after them. There aren’t any indications that Trump has a persecuting personality. He called the biased media names, but he was on the phone all the time with Maggie Haberman and Bob Woodward. What he does if he’s reelected certainly isn’t going to be worse than what was done to him after he was defeated.

    Are Free Speech for People and RootsAction really “civil rights groups?” I don’t see that either group has had anything to do with “civil rights” as they are usually understood. It looks to me like they are just activist groups trying to tilt the political landscape in their direction and not being overly scrupulous about the methods they use.

  18. Abraxas (7:51 pm) said:

    “There aren’t any indications that Trump has a persecuting personality.”

    Are you serious? A yuuuge aspect of Trump’s personality features mocking and bullying. If that combination isn’t persecuting, it’s a very close relative.

    (Problem is, at this late date, it’s gotten to where that’s what may be needed.)

  19. If that combination isn’t persecuting, it’s a very close relative.
    You mean John Oliver is a persecutor? Good to know.

  20. In re Trump persecuting the Left and Democrats —
    Persecuting is related to prosecuting, both of which the Democrats are bigly doing to Trump.
    However, one can persecute without prosecuting (if lacking the institutional power, and prosecute without persecuting (as the ideal of Justice demands).

    I have no problem with the Trump administration prosecuting every Leftist and Democrat in America who violated a current law, statute, or Executive Order (especially the ones the Left enacted to Get Conservatives).

    Persecution, which is generally vindictive and IMO unethical (and forbidden in Christian theology), is unnecessary if that is done effectively, because there will be very few Democrat activists still out of jail.

  21. One major problem for a Trump 2nd administration is that the angry left is funded by billionaire trust fund types like the WalMart heiress and Disney heiress. They may be beyond reach for retaliation. There are a lot of 501c3s that need to be defunded.

  22. Are you serious? A yuuuge aspect of Trump’s personality features mocking and bullying. If that combination isn’t persecuting, it’s a very close relative.

    By persecuting, I meant what Trump has been facing with the 4 indictments and the 90 or so counts. Maybe what I should have said is that he doesn’t have a vindictive personality. Trump likes to needle the media. He calls them names, but he can’t stop looking at the their papers and watching their TV programs and talking to selected reporters who don’t like him at all. Trump doesn’t want to put the media in jail. That’s not important to him and it would spoil his fun. He doesn’t live to lock up or audit everybody who doesn’t like him.

    Maybe what’s happened to Trump in the last few years has changed him, and maybe his second administration will behave differently than his first, but in his first term he didn’t show any desire to persecute his opponents in the way that Democrat prosecutors and attornies general have persecuted him.

  23. The Democrats and their friends never tire of lying about everything.

    They never tire because they have an entire complex devoted to assuring the lies and morality.

    You’ll never get tired as long as you are convinced you’re a good person on the side of truth.

  24. I think Trump is likely to win, and win beyond the margin of fraud.

    You have no idea how much I wish you are right. My biggest concern is that there is no “margin of fraud.” At least, not any more.

    Because what next? Say someone (maybe even both sides) cheat so blatantly, something like an area has 200% voter turnout, what then? What’s going to happen next?

    It really looks like the Left has picked up the signal that the answer is “nothing” – there will be no punishment nor pushback so they’re going to cheat because they don’t think anything will happen to them so why not try and get what they want?

  25. “What’s going to happen next?”
    Merely that Decent Joe’s gonna hafta set another record.
    – – – – – – – – –
    Meanwhile, watch out!!
    Democratic Party transparency at 12:00!
    “New White House official deletes thousands of tweets amid backlash: ‘Cover his tracks?’
    “‘…#ISupportGaza #FreePalestine,’ Tyler Cherry wrote in one post”—

    I’ll take a Sam Brinton ‘n raise ye’…

  26. He does seem to be like Sam, but there’s no record of his stealing luggage, so that’s something…

  27. Nate Winchester:

    My opinion is that, for the most part, voting fraud can’t be proven in court once it happens. It can only be prevented in the first place, and once a state has relaxed the rules enough, it can’t be prevented.

  28. @neo
    I quite agree with you.

    Mollie Hemingway has been covering the states that have made some effort at security, but of course many states have not.

    And that’s going to be another big question. What happens when the states are almost running on two entirety different systems and come to two different results?

    I have a lot of trepidation about Nov.

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