Home » Two extremely important videos


Two extremely important videos — 17 Comments

  1. Urban warfare is the absolute worst kind of combat-for the attackers. The Germans learned that from the Jews in WWII.
    Good luck to the Israelis.

  2. Actually the Germans learned that from the Russians in WWII. At Stalingrad.

    Look up Rattenkrieg.

  3. it is striking we came off 20 years of warfare largely in close quarter combat, I would say the worse for wear, and yet we lecture Israel how to go about these operation, a little humility is warranted, then again look who climbed up the slippery pole, austin and milley until last year, what lessons did they learn,

  4. neo:

    I’ll take your word that it’s “the most important video I’ve ever seen on the topic of the propaganda leading to such widespread anti-Semitism today.”

    But I won’t watch a 94 minute video on anything unless I really, really feel compelled. Speeding up to 2x is torture, not an option.

    Any TLDR or TLDW?

  5. it is striking we came off 20 years of warfare largely in close quarter combat, I would say the worse for wear.

    Not largely. The first phase of the Second Gulf War (Operation Iraqi Freedom) was an old-fashion war of movement, i.e. open warfare, involving a drive on Baghdad with mechanized columns and main battle tanks. In the period of urban warfare that ensued in Baghdad U.S. forces prevailed on the tactical level but we were pretty stymied in the quest to achieve a decisive victory. In other words, we won the “little wars,” the so-called “Surge” was a tactical/operational triumph, but we failed to achieve our ultimate goal, whatever that was (nation-building? Bueller? anyone?), a not uncommon result in this era of asymmetrical warfare. The war in Afghanistan only rarely involved “FIBUA”, i.e Fighting in Built-up Areas. Combat engagements took place mostly in open country and villages.

    I agree we shouldn’t be lecturing the Israelis on how to fight the Gaza War.

  6. Vido two confirms my opinion that we’re now inn a struggle between the authoritarian governments and democratic governments. The Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Venezuelans, etc. are working with the Muslim theocracies and kingdoms to weaken and destroy the West and democracy.

    The internet has made it easier for them to spread propaganda about the “oppressive west.” Academia is helping them by miseducating our students. It’s a fifth column in our midst.

    The Israeli says that Europe is beginning to wake up to the danger from Russia and Islam. As long as the U.S. is in the grips of the battle between the progressives (Who, IMO are basically authoritarian in philosophy.) and the conservatives, we can’t get our act together to mount a robust defense o of the democratic nations. He says it’s a struggle that will last thirty years. I pray he is wrong.

    We seem to have slipped into a new Cold War. Now, it’s the authoritarians against the democides. Ukraine and Gaza are hot skirmishes in the bigger Cold War.

  7. huxley:

    For some reason I kind of like listening at 1.5 or 1.75 speed. But 2X is usually too much. I listen with a Bluetooth while cooking or exercising.

  8. I find it odd that people as unconvincing as the current press corps has so much power to convince people. Their lies and truth twisting are so blatant, yet they seem to work. Are people today so afraid of thinking for themselves, that they lap up the lies happily, like George the Cat snarfs down scrambled eggs with cheese and ham?

  9. Scott. They lap up that which confirms their existing view and makes them feel superior. Factual accuracy is not relevant.

  10. Correction to my comment:
    \Now, it’s the authoritarians against the DEMOCRACIES. Spell check and my failing eyesight strike again. 🙁

  11. The video is indeed essential. Can’t take it on in one 90-minute dose, but it needs to be sat through piece by piece, and then repeated twice more, and outlined, and essentially memorized.

    Would that the USA had enough uncorrupted news agencies and University faculties to absorb it, but they’re near-hopeless – they just want to teach the Stupid Student Short Course, which concludes with the US the villain. Rather the opposite of the above, but instant gratification or agitation is all they’re looking for.

  12. Some encouragement, a bit, anyway. Both granddaughters in “social studies” have heard of how dumb and oppressive the Quartering Acts were.
    So, maybe the US isn’t all bad. More to be heard.

    About Oct 8, in a discussion group, I observed that setting up to fight from among civilians is a war crime. Nobody’d ever heard of that.

    You’d think, since we’ve been losing guys for sixty years to restricted fire zones, no-fire zones, ROE, catastrophes like Extortion One Seven and the Abby Gate suicide bomber, our forces might get some credit for the sacrifices involved in trying to obey laws regarding the attacker in such situations.

    Nobody’d had the slightest idea.

    Having trouble with the link but you will like Douglas Murray’s speech to the Manhattan Club on the subject of October 7 and what it means in a larger sense. Youtube has it.

  13. neo:

    I don’t want to listen to any YouTube at 1.5x or 1.75x speed either. Here’s ChatGPT 4.o’s summary:


    Yussi Hollander is a serial high-tech entrepreneur and philanthropist aiding the Jewish people in Israel and the United States.

    The discussion is centered around the threats Israel faces beyond military battles, termed as a “soft war.”

    Soft War Concept:

    The goal is to delegitimize Israel in global public opinion, isolate it, and weaken its support, particularly from the U.S.

    Major players in this soft war: Iran, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, progressive agendas influenced by Palestinians, China, and Russia.

    Breakdown of Actors and Tactics:


    No inherent animosity towards Israel but aims to weaken the West.

    Utilizes platforms like TikTok to amplify anti-Israel and anti-Semitic content.
    Suppression of anti-Chinese content while promoting anti-Israel posts.


    Has a dedicated soft war unit producing web traffic and influencing media, especially in South America.

    Engages in cyber attacks and propaganda to influence public opinion against Israel.


    Supports Hamas and promotes the Muslim Brotherhood agenda.

    Funds universities and controls media outlets like CNN and Al Jazeera, pushing anti-Israel narratives.

    Influences U.S. high school curricula to include anti-Israel material.


    Similar to China, seeks to weaken the West.

    Uses platforms like Telegram for influence and disruption.
    Progressive Agendas:

    Palestinians have hijacked progressive movements in the U.S. to propagate anti-Israel sentiments.

    Critical Race Theory and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) ideologies are used to frame Israel as an oppressor.

    Challenges and Solutions:

    Israel and the Jewish community need to recognize and combat these multi-faceted threats.

    There is a need for strategic funding and organization to counteract these influences in media, education, and politics.

    Emphasizes the importance of Jewish philanthropists and allies in fighting back against these threats.

    Highlights the necessity for awareness and proactive measures within the Jewish and pro-Israel communities.


    Despite the grim outlook, Hollander remains optimistic, believing in the resilience and resourcefulness of the Jewish people.

    Urges a more organized and strategic approach to defending Israel and combating global anti-Semitism.

    This detailed summary captures the key points discussed in the interview and provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies and actors involved in the “soft war” against Israel.

    If there’s anything noteworthy here, beyond more detail about Qatar, I’m missing it. Or maybe I’m not the audience.

    “Soft war” is not a new concept.

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